Manufacturers of Plastic Packaging and Components
Here at CMG, we are satisfying the most diverse and challenging requirements of our clients by manufacturing the highest quality custom and stock rigid plastic packaging products and components, such as bottles, containers, closures, cups, lids, and much more. We deliver design to manufacture solutions to a wide range of industries including Food and Beverage, Healthcare, Consumer Products, and many others.
CMG Plastics At-A-Glance:
- Multi-national company manufacturing hundreds of millions of plastic parts every year.
- A broad and flexible state-of-the-art manufacturing infrastructure.
- An extensive quality management system built on the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).
- Commitment to sustainability in our material offerings and eco-friendly manufacturing facilities.
- More than 50 years of commitment to continuous improvement and providing superior customer service.
Learn more about our capabilities and product solutions and what you can expect when working with a leading supplier like CMG.
Injection Molding
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Injection StreTch-Blow Molding
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In-Mold Labeling & Decorating
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What’s up next for plastic packaging?
You may recall that in one of my posts earlier this month I asked readers if they were a “half-full glass” or “half-empty glass” type of person. Well, as it relates to one industry authority, it would appear that they tend to be the “half-full” type. At least when it...
Things are more like they are than they have ever been before.
So how are things today? Really. Well, it probably depends on whether you’re a “half-full glass” or “half-empty glass” type of person. Here at CMG Plastics, we definitely consider ourselves to be a “more-than-half-full-glass” organization. So, we remain positive and...
Why the word ‘YES’ can be your worst enemy.
Hearing that word can create peace of mind or make you cautiously nervous. The difference? It lies in the relationship and the person who says the word. Is it one of honesty and transparency? Or perhaps, something else? So, when does ‘No problem’ (today’s substitute...
CMG Plastics USA
Somerville Plant (Headquarters)
160 Meister Avenue, Suite 1
Somerville, New Jersey, 08876
CMG Plastics Canada
Brantford Plant
99 Savannah Oaks Dr, Unit 6
Brantford, Ontario
N3V 1E8, Canada