I offer two astrological services to my clients. They are related but slightly different.
For all my clients in the U.S. and the majority of my international clients, I offer what I call Sessions. Sessions are live, two-way conversations via telephone. Clients share their circumstances and concerns, and I bring my astrological experience and expertise through the tools of natal charts and major transits. Together, we co-create the content of the session.
For clients in Australia and Pacific Rim countries, I offer what I call Readings. Readings are non-interactive. No phone call, no conversations. Clients share their questions and concerns with me in writing via email before I do the reading, then I record my interpretion of their charts and major transits.
Sessions are interactive, and the content is shaped in part by what clients share in the conversations, while readings are more "pure" as astrological interpretations. Both sessions and readings are recorded as mp3 files, which clients then download from a private page on this site.
Individual sessions are the main work I've done throughout the past five decades ('70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, and 2010s), and I'm still passionate about the work that I do to define and illuminate for clients the meaning and evolution of their lives as revealed by astrology, with special emphasis on our changing life-journeys during the turbulent times now underway, times that will increase in intensity and perhaps chaos over the coming decades.
Because of disabilities and diminished vitality caused by the stroke I suffered in 2007, I do fewer sessions per month now than earlier in my life, but working with clients remains the most important single activity of my life, the core of my sense of purpose, especially as we enter the 2020s, where we stand at a crossroads between the past and the future.
Before emailing me to request a session or reading, please read the respective FAQ page. If you're in America, the western hemisphere, or Europe, read the Sessions FAQ page. If you live in Australia or the Pacific Rim, read the Readings FAQ page. Each page explains what prospective clients need to know, including the nature and content of each service, fees, what personal information I need, etc.
My astrological textbook, Houses of the Horoscope, was re-published in 2007 by Kevin Burk's publishing company, Serendipity Press (thanks, Kevin, for all your work in getting out the 2nd edition!).
This is the same revised and expanded 2nd Edition that I offer here in an e-book PDF version, but in a classic hard-copy version in paperback. The book is priced at $24.95 and can be ordered online from Amazon or found at brick-and-mortar bookstores that carry serious astrology textbooks.
Here's a link to the book's page on Amazon:
Houses of the Horoscope at Amazon.com
To learn more about both my books, or to order the PDF versions available on site, click here.
2021 Commentaries
10 August 2021 — Saturn in Synastry
3 August 2021 — Suicidal Vengeance
27 July 2021 — Exploitation
20 July 2021 — Humility
13 July 2021 — Justice
6 July 2021 — Fallibility
29 June 2021 — Infotainment II
22 June 2021 — Mercury Direct
15 June 2021 — Neptune and Pluto in America, 2020-2023
8 June 2021 — Bell Curves
1 June 2021 — Luddites
25 May 2021 — Fear of Replacement
18 May 2021 — Masters and Slaves
11 May 2021 — American Exceptionalism
4 May 2021 — Election Fraud
Commentaries, Newsletters, Essays, and Articles from earlier
weeks in 2021 and all previous years (as far back as 1983)
can be read online or downloaded as PDF files for free from
the Essays Archive page.
 I'm a professional astrologer with 45 years' full-time experience. I've done more than 12,000 astrological sessions, mostly with individuals, but also with couples, families, and groups.
I didn't set out to be an astrologer (far from it), and, though people understandably regard me as an authority on the subject, I'm really not obsessed with astrology itself. Yes, it's an extraordinary, elegant system in the right hands, and the information it provides is endless and often unavailable from any other source. Still, for me at least, astrology is only a means to an end, just a useful tool to explore something else, something much more important.
What I find compelling — what really interests me — is not astrology, but human beings and the incredible, almost overwhelming experience of being human.
We wake up in these bodies one day, and we don't know where we came from, how we got here, or where we're going. But here we are, as long as we breathe and our hearts beat. And while we're here, we have to figure out how our machinery works, how to live in these awkward bodies and difficult personalities, and how to connect with other, equally complex human beings along the way. It is all a bit much, and often more than any of us can handle.
Despite being members of the same species and sharing much in common, we are very different as individuals. Just beneath the ordinary, commonplace experiences of everyday life, we live alone inside ourselves. Our inner realities are custom-tailored, profoundly unique, and often unseen, much less understood, by anyone else. Most of the time, through happiness, suffering, or just normal life, we remain hidden even to ourselves.
I use astrology to explore those differences that make us unique, to probe into the heart of the puzzle, to reveal what can be revealed, and to reach out across the void to make contact, to find a way for us (and for myself as well) to feel not quite so alone.
For those of you who might be curious, I've posted my own chart and provided a little background info about myself.
Being an astrologer does not require any specific spiritual beliefs, nor does it imply any particular social or political leanings. Some astrologers lean to the right, others to the left. Some focus exclusively on the lofty realms of metaphysics; others are more pragmatic, integrating real-life concerns into their work.
For me, all three levels are relevant, and I tend to have deep feelings and strong opinions about each, as anyone who reads the newsletters and essays archived on this site will no doubt see.
One specific point worth making is that astrology doesn't speak in the language of typical human experience. Many of the ego-concerns people feel most strongly are not addressed effectively by charts. Charts are brilliant at defining individual life-purpose and the timing of significant changes in our life-journeys, but many common questions people have are simply not part of the information astrology offers. As conspicuous examples, our individual experiences surrounding health or money, for instance, have general indications in our charts, but the information is neither as specific nor as comprehensive as many people assume or would like it to be. I try to make my work with clients as practical and useful as I can, but medicine and finances are specialties that require long professional training and insight that my knowledge of astrology doesn't cover.
So, what I usually tell my clients concerning those two particular topics is this: "If you want to discuss physical health or money, please consult a doctor or a financial advisor, not an astrologer (at least not me)."
I can't claim to have achieved transcendent wisdom or even personal serenity in reconciling the contradictions, paradoxes, and ironies of what are often conflicting arenas of experience in our personal and social lives. Spirituality, culture, and politics continue to be an ongoing challenge for me. Indeed, they comprise a significant part of the struggle in my life to understand and mature.
What I lack in certainty, however, I try to make up for in reverence, the feeling of awe and respect for the often unexpected and always profound mysteries of life.
Below are the MP3s from my 1994 Celtic Fusion CD, "Beyond the Emerald Isle." The selections include Irish, English, and Scots tunes in traditional and original jigs, reels, hornpipes, and slow airs, plus a lullaby, a lament, and an English madrigal. All the instruments were synthesized, and the music was sequenced and mixed on a Mac. My own little one-man show.
Click on the title links to listen to the cuts, or download the MP3s for free.
1. Old Hag You Have Killed Me, Delaney's, Morrison's … medley of three Irish jigs
2. When the Winds Begin to Sing … permutations of an Irish melody
3. Song of the Chanter … Irish slow air
4. Saucy Sailor … English seafaring song
5. The Weavers, Kail and Pudding, Loch Roag … another medley of Irish jigs
6. The Old Woman's Lullaby … slow air from Scotland
7. Drive the Cold Winter Away … Irish melody
8. Harvest Home, The Little Beggar Girl … two English tunes, the latter by Richard Thompson
9. The April Green, Kasha in the Window … original hornpipe and reel, with an embedded jig
10. Taking Missionary Ridge … original call-and-response marches
11. Oh the Cutters … English slow air
12. Love is Worth it All … original English madrigal
13. The Cruel Brother … rave-up of a Scots lament