TheSeks said:Uh... I'm going through Elite right now (only achievement left for 1000gs/Platinum for me), and minus the HUD they die just as quickly as they did recruit/one below Elite.
Don't get where you're thinking they're sponges.
Can't care. If I empty an entire assault rifle clip into you from medium range, at your chest. Your shield's should've popped and you should be halfway dead. I shouldn't have to "SPRINT->BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMRELOADWARNING->MELEE->MELEE! (WIN BATTLE!)"
Halo's multiplayer is THE definition of bullet sponge gameplay.
Sure, you have means to strip shields (Plasma Pistol) but it's still goddamn annoying at the start of the match to kill people.
ultron87 said:Try throwing a grenade or feathering the AR's trigger a bit at medium range. Or using the pistol (in Reach) or the battle rifle (in 3).
Jedeye Sniv said:At least in Halo there is a fictional reason for it - energy sheilds. htey show the feedback of your shots and have a valid reason for taking so many hits. And then when they're down every enemy in the game is a one-shot head-shot kill. If you play it right Halo is not bullet-spongy at all.
Gears of War on the other hand is ridiculous. And not only are you pumping bullets into someone's cranium, but there is blood spurting out too. It breaks the immersion for me when an alien is squiting blood from his head for 10 seconds as you shoot him, so stupid.
Yeef said:I knew, coming into this topic, that Uncharted would be mentioned. It turns out that the enemies in Uncharted 1 aren't actually bullet sponges, the hit detection is just not too good.
Personally, I prefer it when enemies take a 4 or 5 hits to kill (on a non-headshot) than the call of duty method where everything goes down in one or two shots.
richiek said:I remember GoldenEye being pretty notorious in this regard.
The recoil on the guns contributes to the difficulty of killing the cannon fodder in this game, too, but it is unrealistic that they keep on truckin' through the first few shots to the chest.GameGamer said:Kane and Lynch 2 is really bothering me because of this.
TheSeks said:Uh... I'm going through Elite right now (only achievement left for 1000gs/Platinum for me), and minus the HUD they die just as quickly as they did recruit/one below Elite.
Don't get where you're thinking they're sponges.
Can't care. If I empty an entire assault rifle clip into you from medium range, at your chest. Your shield's should've popped and you should be halfway dead. I shouldn't have to "SPRINT->BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMRELOADWARNING->MELEE->MELEE! (WIN BATTLE!)"
Halo's multiplayer is THE definition of bullet sponge gameplay.
Sure, you have means to strip shields (Plasma Pistol) but it's still goddamn annoying at the start of the match to kill people.
edit: And assault->melee/melee is practically THE definition of default "double melee" deaths in Halo 3 as that's pretty much what every player does. Here's hoping Halo Reach at least gives the assault rifle a chance to kill someone without having to rush/melee beat them down after shield pop.
Neuromancer said:I know you're being sarcastic but in the real world, you generally shoot for center mass. In video games because of the bullet sponge issue, you're pretty much forced to go for headshots.
It's kind of silly, unless someone's wearing body armor you should be able to neutralize them by shooting them in the chest. I wish video games were a little more realistic in this respect, it'd be nice to use real world tactics instead of decade old video game tactics.
It also helps if the sponges in this game absorb bullets that are element based they keep doing damage!Neuromancer said:I can forgive Borderlands because of the RPG element. That and the game is so fanciful to begin with.
-viper- said:Halo 3 multiplayer really does piss me off too. It takes a WHOLE CLIP to kill someone.
Borderlands is an action rpg. You can't complain about bullet sponges in the genre. It is simply part of how the game must work in order to be what it is.bearcatjosh said:Borderlands, oh man.
Pretty much. You can take down people so fast in multiplayer they might wonder if you're actually cheating! It's all about using the right tools well.Shake Appeal said:Few non-fans seem to grasp the fundamentals of Halo (plasma weaponry against shields, bullets against unshielded flesh, for example), and I've seen friends barrel around holding down the trigger on the Assault Rifle expecting everything to die, and then complaining when they don't.
But if you understand the mechanics and the weapons, the only bullet sponges are Hunters (by design) and the Halo 2 Brutes (really annoying). In multiplayer people die super fast if you know what you're doing.
Nothing in Metroid Prime 3 is like this provided you use Hypermode on anything and everything you feel you need to kill (outside of small crawling enemies) like you're supposed to.Somnid said:The selections in this thread are terrible.
Try Metroid Prime 3 (Armored Space Pirates) and Bioshock (Late Game Splicers).
Green Mamba said:Nothing in Metroid Prime 3 is like this provided you use Hypermode on anything and everything you feel you need to kill (outside of small crawling enemies) like you're supposed to.
Shake Appeal said:Few non-fans seem to grasp the fundamentals of Halo (plasma weaponry against shields, bullets against unshielded flesh, for example), and I've seen friends barrel around holding down the trigger on the Assault Rifle expecting everything to die, and then complaining when they don't.
But if you understand the mechanics and the weapons, the only bullet sponges are Hunters (by design) and the Halo 2 Brutes (really annoying). In multiplayer people die super fast if you know what you're doing.
Stumpokapow said:Both Resistance games are sort of bad for this; it's not so much the number of bullets enemies take, it's the way that they don't react at all to being shot until they fall over dead.
Stumpokapow said:Both Resistance games are sort of bad for this; it's not so much the number of bullets enemies take, it's the way that they don't react at all to being shot until they fall over dead.
DonMigs85 said:Lost Planet 2's bigger enemies and bosses sure can take a lot of punishment
The following things will kill a shielded enemy in an instant or close to it in Halo 3: spartan laser; rocket launcher; missile pod round; single shot from a tank, gauss hog, or banshee; sniper or beam rifle round to the head; shotgun; mauler with follow-up melee; brute shot with follow-up melee; sticky grenade; sword; gravity hammer; an accurate burst of needler.-viper- said:Halo 3 multiplayer really does piss me off too. It takes a WHOLE CLIP to kill someone.
This immediately came to mind. Too be fair, it looked like the baddies in Black were wearing a ton of armor, but these guys simply would not die. Those bullets on the cover of the game is how many you need just to kill one grunt.carlosp said:Black 1 PS2. I usually needed unload my full clip to kill one single person. It was ridicules. Uncharted was nothing compared to that but headshots in Uncharted was real fun.
Ducarmel said:I forgot the name of the game but it was last gen. The enemies would get in some animation sequence if you shot them in the leg or arm and in that animation sequence they were invincible you can empty a clip in them and they would not die because of that stupid animation they are in.
I think it was Black, I'm not sure though.