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Left wing Racism Myers-Briggs Personality Type - Racism

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- Copyright TheLogicjunkie


While most people are much more than familiar with the concept of conservative racism, most people are not at all aware that there's something which should finally be outed as "liberal racism". It hasn't been properly labeled yet because, unlike conservative racism, which has typically been open and in-your-face, liberal racism is much more demure, encrypted, passive-aggressive and sly. Liberal racism is the "good cop" (clandestine) form of racism that works in conjunction with conservative "bad cop" (overt) racism, to most effectively accomplish the overall endgame goal of race-based moral and, consequently, socioeconomic stratification. The functional core of liberal racism can be summarized in the following statement: "We must encourage all races to behave according to their tritest and most grotesquely cartoonish stereotypes, and then pretend to 'respect' those differences. And that means pretending that those races we wish to devolve 'just can't help' not owning up to what are objectively reasonably civilized standards, by never holding them accountable." In other words, the liberal racist agenda is to pretend like there are races which are "innately more primitive", that they "just can't help it" when certain of them behave savagely, and that the "more evolved" races must be "compassionate" and "honor" the "cultural" differences. Liberal racism is the catty Southern belle of racisms. It's the racism that says "God, what an ugly dress,. But it looks good on you, dear" with a cold, plastic smile. This is why you aren't having more open indictments of things like this knockout "game" by the "progressive" media: because the crypto-racist rationale of the fop-dandy liberal elite is "If we start holding these ethnicities to civilized standards, they'll all too quickly stop acting like the inferior-seeming savages we want them to be, and start rivaling us whites in what should rightfully be our racially-exclusive domain of decency and refinement." - Copyright TheLogicjunkie

Added: Apr 11, 2018 | 0 vote(s) | 0 comment(s) |

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