Brandon Katrena's Blog

1.   “And Maybe some More Very Interesting Information and News from Around those Worlds and Globes—”.


3.   “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

4.   He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands


6.   Show shared copies

7.   4

8.   .

9.   Brandon Katrena

10. 34 minutes ago

11. What happens if you default on your credit card?

12. What happens if you default on your credit card?

13. What happens if you default on your credit card?


15. Show shared copies

16. 3

17. .

18. Brandon Katrena

19. 43 minutes ago

20. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Lyrics


22. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Lyrics


24. Show shared copies

25. 4

26. .

27. Brandon Katrena

28. 50 minutes ago


30. Show shared copies

31. 3

32. .

33. Brandon Katrena

34. 56 minutes ago

35. Yahoo Entertainment

36. Yahoo Entertainment


38. Show shared copies

39. 3

40. .

41. Brandon Katrena

42. one hour ago

43. Are Catholics Allowed to be Masons?


45. Are Catholics Allowed to be Masons?


47. Show shared copies

48. 4

49. .

50. Brandon Katrena

51. one hour ago

52. Should Catholics join the Odd Fellows?

53. Should Catholics join the Odd Fellows?

54. Should Catholics join the Odd Fellows?


56. Show shared copies

57. 2

58. .

59. Brandon Katrena

60. one hour ago

61. Anti-Germans (political current - Wikipedia


63. Anti-Germans (political current - Wikipedia


65. Show shared copies

66. 4

67. .

68. Brandon Katrena

69. today at 6:23 pm

70. Political objections to the Baháʼí Faith - Wikipedia

71. Political objections to the Baháʼí Faith - Wikipedia


73. Show shared copies

74. 4

75. .

76. Brandon Katrena

77. today at 6:21 pm


79. Show shared copies

80. 3

81. .

82. Brandon Katrena

83. today at 6:18 pm

84. Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia

85. Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia

86. Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia



89. “And Maybe some More Very Interesting Information and News from Around those Worlds and Globes—”.


91. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

92. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands


94. Show shared copies

95. 4

96. .

97. Brandon Katrena

98. 34 minutes ago

99. What happens if you default on your credit card?

100. What happens if you default on your credit card?

101. What happens if you default on your credit card?


103. Show shared copies

104. 3

105. .

106. Brandon Katrena

107. 43 minutes ago

108. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Lyrics


110. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Lyrics


112. Show shared copies

113. 4

114. .

115. Brandon Katrena

116. 50 minutes ago


118. Show shared copies

119. 3

120. .

121. Brandon Katrena

122. 56 minutes ago

123. Yahoo Entertainment

124. Yahoo Entertainment


126. Show shared copies

127. 3

128. .

129. Brandon Katrena

130. one hour ago

131. Are Catholics Allowed to be Masons?


133. Are Catholics Allowed to be Masons?


135. Show shared copies

136. 4

137. .

138. Brandon Katrena

139. one hour ago

140. Should Catholics join the Odd Fellows?

141. Should Catholics join the Odd Fellows?

142. Should Catholics join the Odd Fellows?


144. Show shared copies

145. 2

146. .

147. Brandon Katrena

148. one hour ago

149. Anti-Germans (political current - Wikipedia


151. Anti-Germans (political current - Wikipedia


153. Show shared copies

154. 4

155. .

156. Brandon Katrena

157. today at 6:23 pm

158. Political objections to the Baháʼí Faith - Wikipedia

159. Political objections to the Baháʼí Faith - Wikipedia


161. Show shared copies

162. 4

163. .

164. Brandon Katrena

165. today at 6:21 pm


167. Show shared copies

168. 3

169. .

170. Brandon Katrena

171. today at 6:18 pm

172. Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia

173. Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia

174. Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia


“And those Chalices and Wizards”.

“Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena (B.R.K.)”.

“And in some of My Literature, and in some of My Writings, that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Abbreviating, and Summarizing, and Paraphrased, and Abbreviated, and Summarized, “And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature, and from some of My Writings——————— “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part— People’s Will to Survive led Them ‘to so-called Create’ Men, and Individuals, and Persons whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines. And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them ‘to so-called Create’ Men, and Individuals, and Persons whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Cures. And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them ‘to so-called Create’ Men, and Individuals, and Persons whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines and/or Cures. And, for example, these Medicines and these Cures are Very Needed for Our Very Long Duration Survival. Many Viruses for Very Long Duration also Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also for Very Long Duration Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are also Very Helped Kept in Check(and at Bay) by, for example, The Antibodies(T.A.) and/or The Plasma(T.P.) Created by those so-called Those Wizards(T.W.), and/or those so-called Those Chalices(T.C.), and/or those so-called Those Lynchpins(T.L.). And Father God(F.G.) Very often Works in Very Mysterious Ways(V.M.W.). And ———yes— Father God(F.G.) Very often works in Very Mysterious Ways(V.M.W.). And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance. And, Very Long Duration Unfortunately, Very Likely within about One, or Two, or Three, or Four, or Five, or Six Days and/or Evenings from that Happening and/or Occurring to that so-called Wizard, and to that so-called Chalice, and to that so-called Lynchpin. And, Very Long Duration Unfortunately, Very Likely within about 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 Days and/or Evenings from that Happening and/or Occurring to that so-called Wizard, and to that so-called Chalice, and to that so-called Lynchpin.  And, Very Long Duration(V.L.D.) Unfortunately(Unf.), Very Likely(V.L.) within about One, or Two, or Three, or Four, or Five, or Six Days(Da.) and/or Evenings(Eve.) from that Happening(Hap.) and/or Occurring(Occ.) to that so-called Wizard(Wiz.), and to that so-called Chalice(Chal.), and to that so-called Lynchpin(Lyn.). And, Very Long Duration(V.L.D.) Unfortunately(Unf.), Very Likely(V.L.) within about 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 Days(Da.) and/or Evenings(Eve.) from that Happening(Hap.) and/or Occurring(Occ.) to that so-called Wizard(Wiz.), and to that so-called Chalice(Chal.), and to that so-called Lynchpin(Lyn.). And that is Just Reality(Real.). And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance(ins.). And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe Not about then. And Maybe about then. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’. And Many Very Vital and Very Lifesaving Resources and Many Very Vital and Very Lifesaving Energies. And that 1.) about a Third, or about 30 Percent to about 31 Percent. And that 2.) about Half, or about 60 Percent to about 70 Percent to about 80 Percent to about 90 Percent to about 100 Percent. And that 3.) And Very Priceless. And Extremely Priceless. And Very Lifesaving. And Extremely Lifesaving. And Very Valuable. And Extremely Valuable.” “And that is Just Reality(Real.). And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance(ins.). And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe Not about then. And Maybe about then. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’. About that so-called Subject (ATS). About those so-called Subjects (ATS). Not about that so-called Subject (NATS). Not about those so-called Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). About then. Approximately then. Not approximately then. Not about then. For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’. And for example. And Maybe for example. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance. And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe Not about then. And Maybe about then. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’.”

“And those Lynchpins and Wizards”.

“Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena (B.R.K.)”.

“And in some of My Literature, and in some of My Writings, that Man, and that Person, and that Individual said, Paraphrasing, and Abbreviating, and Summarizing, and Paraphrased, and Abbreviated, and Summarized, “And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature, and from some of My Writings——————— “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part— People’s Will to Survive led Them ‘to so-called Create’ Men, and Individuals, and Persons whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines. And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them ‘to so-called Create’ Men, and Individuals, and Persons whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Cures. And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them ‘to so-called Create’ Men, and Individuals, and Persons whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines and/or Cures. And, for example, these Medicines and these Cures are Very Needed for Our Very Long Duration Survival. Many Viruses for Very Long Duration also Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also for Very Long Duration Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are also Very Helped Kept in Check(and at Bay) by, for example, The Antibodies(T.A.) and/or The Plasma(T.P.) Created by those so-called Those Wizards(T.W.), and/or those so-called Those Chalices(T.C.), and/or those so-called Those Lynchpins(T.L.). And Father God(F.G.) Very often Works in Very Mysterious Ways(V.M.W.). And ———yes— Father God(F.G.) Very often works in Very Mysterious Ways(V.M.W.). And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance. And, Very Long Duration Unfortunately, Very Likely within about One, or Two, or Three, or Four, or Five, or Six Days and/or Evenings from that Happening and/or Occurring to that so-called Wizard, and to that so-called Chalice, and to that so-called Lynchpin. And, Very Long Duration Unfortunately, Very Likely within about 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 Days and/or Evenings from that Happening and/or Occurring to that so-called Wizard, and to that so-called Chalice, and to that so-called Lynchpin.  And, Very Long Duration(V.L.D.) Unfortunately(Unf.), Very Likely(V.L.) within about One, or Two, or Three, or Four, or Five, or Six Days(Da.) and/or Evenings(Eve.) from that Happening(Hap.) and/or Occurring(Occ.) to that so-called Wizard(Wiz.), and to that so-called Chalice(Chal.), and to that so-called Lynchpin(Lyn.). And, Very Long Duration(V.L.D.) Unfortunately(Unf.), Very Likely(V.L.) within about 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 Days(Da.) and/or Evenings(Eve.) from that Happening(Hap.) and/or Occurring(Occ.) to that so-called Wizard(Wiz.), and to that so-called Chalice(Chal.), and to that so-called Lynchpin(Lyn.). And that is Just Reality(Real.). And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance(ins.). And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe Not about then. And Maybe about then. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’. And Many Very Vital and Very Lifesaving Resources and Many Very Vital and Very Lifesaving Energies. And that 1.) about a Third, or about 30 Percent to about 31 Percent. And that 2.) about Half, or about 60 Percent to about 70 Percent to about 80 Percent to about 90 Percent to about 100 Percent. And that 3.) And Very Priceless. And Extremely Priceless. And Very Lifesaving. And Extremely Lifesaving. And Very Valuable. And Extremely Valuable.” “And that is Just Reality(Real.). And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance(ins.). And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe Not about then. And Maybe about then. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’. About that so-called Subject (ATS). About those so-called Subjects (ATS). Not about that so-called Subject (NATS). Not about those so-called Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). About then. Approximately then. Not approximately then. Not about then. For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’. And for example. And Maybe for example. And for example. For example. And for instance. For instance. And Maybe Not about. And Maybe about. And Maybe Not about then. And Maybe about then. And Maybe approximately then. And Maybe Not approximately then. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for example. And Perhaps, ‘So-called’.”