Eduard Habsburg@EduardHabsburgEVANGELION THRICE UPON is out. I've been asked about 50 times now I ask YOU. (And perhaps later I tell you my opinion..)ReiAsukaMisato19,793票·残り1日午後9:10 · 2021年8月14日·Twitter Web App1,440 件のリツイート511 件の引用ツイート2,006 件のいいね
otblock57@otblock57·22時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんThe official House Habsburg opinion on Evangelion girls, at long last18237
Troubadour de Monte-Santiago@Rincewind237·21時間she has a son with Kaji, you for sure know what this means23
Nakano Azusa appreciator account@NlGROTORO·21時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんWhich one is your favorite Mr. Habsburg4491
tkmizfan1@tkmizfan1·21時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんwhat did you think of the meta aspects in the last act of the movie? mainly the stage part.
i'm a living thing too, you shithead@CalvinVerteuil·21時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんcannot believe my passion for the Habsburg and my love of Evangelion just fucking merged843
Xard @ShinRanka·21時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんNot only is Misato the best girl simpliciter, she is also the most Catholic choice!524152
Dominar Travis B. Erbacher of Cascadia @stoicynic·20時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんMisato is the only correct answer.
Matthew J. Luther@Vinminen·20時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんHow is Rei not ranking higher here?メディアを再生できません。再読み込み112
Usuario tolerante @adolfcanarias·20時間返信先: @EduardHabsburgさんI can't believe these results... @mantzgebure13
: μ ϲ γ :@mantzgebure·20時間yeah引用ツイート: μ ϲ γ :@mantzgebure · 21時間返信先: @delianarkayさんI really can't believe fucking misato is winning. anti-democracy pill5