Linear Algebra for Applications - MAS201
This course no longer exists, but I have left the material here in the hope that it may be useful.
- There is a set of lecture notes
for this course. Here is another version
optimised for display on a phone.
- There are some notes on how to do linear algebra calculations in
Python, and some other notes on how to use
There is also a Maple worksheet containing all the calculations from the
lecture notes, which may interest some students. You need to download the
setup file and the
worksheet and save them in the same
folder. Then open the worksheet in Maple and follow the instructions.
- Past exams
Assessment for this course is based solely on the final exam
(not the online tests or written homework).
- If you want to reuse and adapt the course material for your own teaching
then you may do so, subject to the conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. The files
can be downloaded here. You should note that
the solutions to the problems will remain online here, so you will probably
want to write your own problems.