This seems to be working, but it'd be nice if some other people could try it out, I'm also not sure if the patch mentioned here is supported by xwis, but it's the only thing that seems to work so far.
Snagged this from the Tiberian Sun section and updated for Yuris (haven't tried ra2 yet, but it seems to be working):
1. Copy the directory Red Alert 2 (Typically found in C:\Program Files (x86)) to somewhere outside of Program Files
2. Download the graphics patch from and extract it into the directory that you just moved
3. Rename Yuri's Revenge to gamemd.exe, then run the patch to patch the game (likewise for ra2, rename to game.exe)
4. Download zip file and extract the files to the directory that you've patched the game in
5. Edit aqrit.cfg in notepad and change these two settings to 1 as in below:
NoVideoMemory = 1
forcedirectdrawemulation = 1
6. Create a shortcut to the game and move it to your desktop
7. Go to properties and in 'Target' add at the end after " add -win
example Target: "C:\Users\Roberto\Desktop\Red Alert 2\gamemd.exe" -win
note the space between gamemd.exe" and -win
8. In the same Properties Tab:
Compatibility : Win Xp Service pack 2 (Seems to be most stable)
Reduced colour mode : 16bit
Run as Administrator
9. (Optional) Edit .ini file to change the resolution
10. Play the game
Notes: I've noticed that once you've open it, you can't alt-tab out, it just seems to break Windows.
The screen will be very small until a game begins, around it will be black that will flicker back to your desktop when you move over it, do not click into that black or it'll break Windows
To exit the game, exit through the menu, not through Ctrl-Alt-Del
It seems to be working, but I haven't had the chance to play online, also after you patch the game you can name it back to Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge
Edited by Crisis, 24 August 2013 - 04:42 AM.