Staff editorial: Take bold action on academic pressure — drop AP classes and remove the weighted GPA
Students and teachers adapt to new AP testing format
June 5, 2021 —
The College Board’s AP tests for the 2020-21 school year are a combination of both in-person and online examinations. While last year’s tests were shortened to 45 minutes, this year’s tests will last the full three hours, covering all the content...Students take advantage of reopening summer programs
June 5, 2021 —
Class of 2020 alumni found political consulting firm
June 2, 2021 —
Yoga for All club provides de-stressing exercises
May 28, 2021 —
An asynchronous Wednesday reflection: When we needed them most, they vanished
June 5, 2021 —
For the past year and more, remote learning has challenged students, teachers and parents in unprecedented ways. For many students, the only thing that made online learning more bearable was the advent of asynchronous Wednesdays. On these...School has put adequate COVID-19 protocols in place
May 14, 2021 —
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Players mourn death of water polo coach
Educators eligible for shots
Parents react to 3A and 3B hybrid plans
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