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Brian Griffin | Family Guy (1999) | Personality Database Profiling Types

Brian Griffin Personality type

Brian Griffin

INTP - 9w8 - sp/sx - 954 - ILI - RCUEI - LFEV - Phlegmatic-Melancholic

Added on 8/25/2015 by Kicking Lettuce

Brian Griffin is a cultured but cynical dog who is stoic and deadpan, and serves as the voice of reason to the family, ironically managing to be the most "human" of all of them. He is a less-than-adept lazy, procrastinating writer struggling to find himself, attempting essays, novels, screenplays, and newspaper articles. He has worked as a pornographic film director, as a US Soldier, and as a Police Officer. He is quite pretentious and is a self-absorbed narcissist. He is egotistical and severely egomaniacal (this may be because of his bad behavior, which he continuously blames on somebody else rather than himself). He treats his fellow family members poorly and commits various crimes. He and Stewie are the most intelligent of all of the members of the Griffin family. However, because of his ego and sometimes being as reckless as Peter, Brian is less intelligent than he makes himself at to be. He attended Brown University and studied technology and physics, but did not graduate

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Average of all functions by votes

Type by functions: INTP









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Breakdown of 375 Four Letter vote(s)

INTP   (288)


ENTP   (45)


Breakdown of 142 Enneagram vote(s)

9w8   (120)


Breakdown of 23 Instinctual Variant vote(s)

sp/sx   (21)


Breakdown of 38 Tritype vote(s)

954   (13)


963   (10)


964   (5)


953   (3)


Breakdown of 26 Socionics vote(s)

ILI   (21)


Breakdown of 12 Big 5 (SLOAN) vote(s)

RCUEI   (9)


RLUEI   (2)


RLOEN   (1)


Breakdown of 6 Attitudinal Psyche vote(s)

LFEV   (6)


Breakdown of 27 Temperaments vote(s)

Phlegmatic-Melancholic   (23)


200 Comment(s)


Esteemed Herald

Esteemed Herald

INFP 4w3


INFP - 3w4 - sp/sx - 396

Brian is a projection of seth macfarlanes personality. Brian is trying to get others to appreciate him and he wants to be a significant contributing member to society because of having Te last. He is always questioning his ethical morality, because Fi is about personal emotional need, Brian overuses it by becoming self pleasing and underuses Te by unintentionally being a jerk to others. Fi and Ne working together (NF Consume) is characterized by gathering meaning to fulfill emotional need. Brian also uses Si and Fi together (SF sleep) characterized by prioritizing personal needs and values, emotional self awareness, and conserving energy (or being lazy in Brians case). Lastly Brian uses Si and Te together (ST blast) which is characterized by telling others the known information which is what makes Brian the voice of reason (and why many people vote ISTJ). M-Sensor because he pushes on facts and control, F-Te because he pushes on his own values and self worth but flexible and easy going with others. Brian's type is MF-Fi/Ne-CS/B which is the same type as Seth Macfarlane, I think Brian was written largely based on Seths own flaws which is why you see both share alot of similar characteristics and why Seth doesn't change his voice while acting as Brian. Also Seth and Brian are 3w4 and motivated by success and validation from others, Brian can appear like an unhealthy 9 in stress. He gains humility from growth into type 6.

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Magnificent Baron

Magnificent Baron

INFP 4w5


A very pretentious INTP... He thinks he's a genius when he's just an average person among band of idiots.

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Shrewd Merchant

Shrewd Merchant

INFP 4w5


INTP - 9w8 - sp/sx - 954

He seems to value knowledge a lot, and is quite witty. He enjoys knowing more than the people surrounding him as he frequently seeks answers. He definitely has 5 in his tritype, thus, my 954 vote.

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deleted user #77445

Ordinary Peasant

deleted user #77445

Ironically the most realistic INTP in fiction is a dog. Most INTPs have superficial broad knowledge like this guy and are usually self absorbed and lazy.

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Principled Squire

Principled Squire

INFP 4w5



I feel like he has definitely 5 somewhere in his tritype. He seems to value knowledge and feels superior through knowing more than others and he kinda shows it off. He values intellectuality and he can be quite analytical. I haven't watched the show in a while but I can't really see 9 as his main type, even with an 8 wing

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Lofty Vassal

Lofty Vassal

INTP 9w8


INTP - 9w8 - sp/sx - 963 - ILI

Fxckin’ simp and hypocritical douche,,
He’s definitely an INTP but at times his personality switches between that and ISFP

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Mighty Knight

Mighty Knight

INFJ 9w1


INTP - 9w8 - 964 - RCUEI - Phlegmatic-Melancholic

I feel like he for sure has 5 in his tritype to be honest

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Transcendent Earl

Transcendent Earl

ENFP 4w3


An yes, only Ti user would get frustrated if someone pronounced a word wroung

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Cunning Herald

Cunning Herald

ESTP 8w9



Rewatching the show, his Fe inferior is SO obvious.

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Worthy Steward

Worthy Steward

INFP 6w5



Definitely has the inferior Fe problem of needing validation and just being selfish and manipulative. And to think he used to be a good character, but is no better than the likes of Peter and Lois (if not worse).

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