
5. English Magazine Project ema231. N03 - EEK34

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5. English Magazine Project ema231. N03 - EEK34

  1. 1. NEW KIDS No.37, August, 25th HOT News Do Nhat Nam – A young talent Training kids 1.Confident in kids 2.Help kids willing to learn Scienkids 2.PUZZLE Who is cute? Growing healthy kids 2.Seafood and Kids Kid’s Fashion 1. Calcium & Zinc
  2. 2. Content Kids News 03 I am Gifted and so are you 04 The voice Kids: Hoang Anh Plays Elvis Presley As A Shock Training kids 06 Confident in kids 08 Help kids willing to learn Nutrient for kids 09 Why calcium & zinc are really necessary for your baby? 13 The food enhance the resistance to children 15 Some common diseases and remedies Kids Fashion 17 Hot trends for fall-winter 2014 18 Wwho iss cute? Short story 20 Mom . . . you must be cold ! 21 Scienkids discover enjoy learn Results of photo contest "who is cute?" Week 2 (14/8 - 20/8) 1st place 2nd place 3rd place Nguyen Ngoc Bao An Giang Hai Anh Nguyen Hoang Lan Anh
  3. 3. 1. Doan Thuy Oanh 2. Mai Thi Thu Trang 3. Vu Thi Van 4. Cao Thi Phuong 5. Hoang Thi Ve
  4. 4. 30.000VND
  5. 5. News for Đo Nhat Nam – A Young Talent Đo Nhat Nam–a young talent in Vietnam. Although Nam is still small, he gets a remarkable achievement which makes many people admire, whoever they are, the young or the adult.Nam began to learn English when he was 5 years old. However; only one year after learning, he conquered the certification of Cambridge University with the highest point (15 out of 15), TOEFL iBT with 99/ 120 and recently IELTS 8.0He is known for the youngest translator and the youngest person to write autobiography in Vietnam. All people call him “Prodigy” and Nam used to work as the executive editor of the newspaper of Southeastern Asia for adolescence. In addition to intelligence, he is really emotional. Winter days in Hanoi, the mirror of his family in the bathrooon is translucent with stream, Nam always writes “I love you” in English on it so that his mother coming after always can see the sentence. Moreover; Nam spends time visiting and teaching English to children who is treated at central pediatric hospital in Hanoi and writes an autobiography “Lop 1 oi! Lop 1!”, with the aim of fund-raising for these children. Now, Nhat Nam is studying abroad in the United States. He says “i will try to learn hard in order to attend a prestigious high school after finishing grade 8 and then go to a good university”. 3 I Am Gifted, So Are You!
  6. 6. The Voice Kids: Hoang Anh Plays Elvis Presley As A Shock Hoang Anh and the kid dancer in the role of Marilyn Monroe In the liveshow 2 of the Voice Kids on 30th August in HCM city, the ruffed hair, Hoang Anh became the centre of attention with the role of Elvis Presley, the king of Rock and Roll in America. the king of Rock and Roll in America. With the song-Jailhouse rock and his impressive dance, he made the whole studio become hot and all audiences stand up, cheer and clap. “Doraemon with the ruffed hair” conquered the hearts of all people with a confident performance, a dance of breathtaking virtousity and voice of fire. This performance was also supported by a kid dancer in the role of Marilyn Monroe. Their kid version was so lovely in the role of two legends of the word that the audiences became restless. The trainer, Cam Ly paid him a compliment with two words “romantic” and “skillful”. Ho Hoai Anh said he and all people seemed to be crazy about his performance. As expected, Hoang Anh was the most favourite participant in the team of Ho Hoai Anh-Luu Huong Giang and got the ticket to go straight to the next round.Besides Hoang Anh, Huyen Tran, the orphaned girl has sung songs written by Trinh Cong Son in this team, was also the candidate to be given the second highest number of votes from viewers. Their teammates, Ha Trang and Quynh Anh were also in company with them in the next round. 4 NEWS
  7. 7. NEWS For Lam Truong’s, Linh Nhi and Thien Nham were participants to gain the largest number of votes. “ Fly through the Eastern Sea” was said to be difficult for Linh Nhi, but with a high and strong voice, she completed her part well. Apart from Linh Nhi and Thien Nham, Lam Truong decided to choose The Lan and Thanh Thao for the following round and said goodbye to Dao Gia Phuc and Danh Nam. For Cam Ly’s team, the blind girl, Ngoc Anh continued making audiences burst into tears with a song “My mother”. Although her showing was sometimes not really satisfied, her sweet and trembling voice touched many hearts watching the show. Along with her, Thien Nhan, one of candidates, got the most vote. Ngoc Anh &Thien Nhan, will go to the next round with their teammates Mai Chi Cong and Doan Minh Tai. The blind girl - Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh Tran Linh Nhi with “Fly through the Eastern Sea” The competitive night finished full of tears because of participant’s emotion no matter who they are winners or losers. 5 By Doan Thuy Oanh
  8. 8. Training kids Confidence in Children can create many habits if parents practise regularly for them. 1. Respect According to experts in education: “Stealing or telling lies have not been spoilt children, but is no respect for others people”. It is necessary to draw a distinction and respect their property and others. Parents help children to know that they should not take other people’s things if they do not have the permission. Imperative sentences like: “You should keep quiet when your sister is sleeping” But need to speak softly. 2. The simple rules of propriety. Even some adults are still difficult to say the word "sorry" or “thank you”. Parent should ask them to practise two those words in their own daily life. Tell them how it brings advantages and politeness. Parent should always say “thank you! Baby” or “I’m sorry for.” 6
  9. 9. 3. Tidiness Try to instruct them how to clean their room or put books, toys, shoes or clothes in order. You could change these lessons into a mazing game to make it easy to exercise. Give them a straw broom to sweep the floor or help mother to wash the dishes. 4. Acceptance of failure You should not accept all the children’s requirements because if they are met, children will grow up and become a selfish, dependent person and loss striving to overcome difficulties in the life. Don’t comfort them when they always cry to require doing everything they want. Let them cry until they leave off crying. It will be the first precious lesson of failure for children in their life. That is true love for them. 5. Patience to overcome difficulties. Let them play a game made by themselve naturally. You will find it interesting to observe the child playing innocent games or playing with sand, drawing pictures without understanding the content. Don’t worry when children cry or fall down. Let your child stand up and continue playing games. 7
  10. 10. 1 Creat good learning space. It is not only desk, but also surrounding scenery: quite, cool, bright. Lamp should be arranged appropriately (the reflecttion of light from above, to the left and behind’s learners). Don’t interrupt them during lesson (talk to children, or asks them to do something). 2 A suitable desk. Prepare enough devices of learning: pens, rulers, papers, books. So that children could be avoided finding them when they focus on learning.Table and chair need fitting with the height of children and avoid sitting uncomfortably 3 Appropriate time In the morning, this is the best time to keep lesson in their mind. Let them take a rest at least one hour after meal if they have class in all day. Stop studying when they feel tired and lack of concentration. Leave for 10 minutes, let them play some intellectual games and then back to study. 4 Identify learning objectives Ask them to set clear goals for each session: What sessions will they learn today? What are the goals of session? By Cao Thi Phuong 8
  11. 11. New Apollo English Junior Address: 2nd floor - Savico Megamall shopping center No.7-9 Nguyen Van Linh, Long Bien district, Hanoi 3rd center just for kids, 4 - 17 years old. Hotline: 1800-6655 www.apollo.edu.vn/tieng-anh-he Effective Best for kids
  12. 12. Growing Healthy Kids Tips: another way to help children have a good bone is that mothers should put baby expose to sunlight to synthesize D vitamin. This will support body absorb calcium and protect them from ricket. Nutrient for kids 1.Why Calcium & Zinc really necessary for your baby? Calcium The nutrient groups such as protein, lipid, mineral and vitamin should be supplied daily for children, they play an integral part in the period of development. Besides those nutrients, an indispensable substance for bady is calcium which influences on bone and teeth formation. Children in low calcium will be rickety, uneven teeth, born deformation and even tooth decay. In addition, calcium plays an important role in dromotropism. Children lacking calcium often show signs of crying at night, being easy to angry, getting movement dysfunction and losing mental concentration. Also, calcium is significant to participate in body’s immune system, therefore, children should be supplemented enough calcium from in the womb to birth and during body’s development process. 9
  13. 13. 4. Types of bone and meat: pork, beef, lamb. 5. Cereals. 3.Vegetables: amaranth, spinach, carrot, tomato, bean. 1.Milk, butter, cheese, yogurt The foods which are rich calcium: 2. Fruits: kiwi, orange, banana, strawberry 10
  14. 14. Zinc Zinc is also one of the essential substances for children’s growth, plays an important role in developinging and maintaining olfactories, protecting taste cells. Children will get anorexy and lead to be malnourished if lack of zinc. For slow- growing children, malnutrition, rickets supplemented with zinc will have a positive impact, especially, improve markedly both weight and height. Besides, mothers should add lysine into children’s ingredient to help children appetite, increase metabolism, absorb maximum nutrients. Foods : Seafood, beef, lamb, pumkin seeds, chocolate, nuts. 11
  15. 15. Nutrition facts Ages Grams Meals/day 7-12 months 20-30 ( shrimp, fish) 1 1-3 40 ( with soup) 1 >4 50-60(shrimp) 80 ( shrimp) 1-2 2.Seafood and kids. Seafood is often rich in protein and other essential nutrients: vitamins (especially B vitamins),calcium and minerals. Therefore, seafood contributes to diversing the balanced diet and help children grow. However, of all the seafood, fish is a great food for health because of including protein with high biological value. It is also rich in unsaturated fats – omega 3 which is really good for development of baby‘s nerves and vision, help them grow intellectual and especially, against heart disease. Some types of seafood can be allergic to children so mothers should feed them with refreshwater fish at first. In addition, lean fish, small bones should be choosen: salmon, mackerel, tuna. Some types of seafood should not feed your baby Some types of fish contain high levels of mercury and other pollutants. Baby should avoid eating shark, tilefish, swordfish, large mackerel and large tuna. The most important thing is mothers must choose fresh seafood to ensure the baby’s health. How much seafood is enough? Every day you can also choose 1-2 seafood meals, but depending on different ages will be different meal 12
  16. 16. The food enhance the resistance to the children Many kinds of foods bring highly valuable nutrients, which can increase the resistance to the children’s body in the season of epidemic .diseases. 1. Lean Meat Lean meat can enhance the resistance to against the diseases of the body. Firstly, the lean meat has much more protein, this is an important component to protect, maintain and enhance the health of the children. Secondly, it also contains zinc – a substance helps the white blood cellules against infection. Most protein is concentrated in lean meat. In addition, it has much hemoglobin. The body will absorb in the meat easier than vegetable. Therefore, the mother should feed pork, chicken, beef regularly, it keeps the children healthier. 13
  17. 17. 2. Eating green vegetables The mother should supplement to the daily menu for the fruits and the vegetables containing more vitamin A and vitamin C. This kind of vitamins is role to strengthen the immune system very important. Vitamin A can be found in fruits and vegetables such as: pumpkin, carrot, Especially, in the hot summer weather, the orange juice or lime juice is very suitable for children. They provide the essential vitamin to improve eyesight and heal the wound. The dietitian said that the citrus fruits (excepting citrus) have a small amount of vitamin A help to improve the health of bones, skin and teeth. Moreover, this fruits also have vitamin B, which has an important role in helping to promote digestion and absorb the nutrients. However, to avoid facing the risk of sore throat, the mother should take some warm lime for children. papaya. Mother can cook some dishes: pumpkin soup, fried pumpkin or carrot porridge. Moreover, vegetables also provide carotene protein and minerals. These components can promote growth and development of children. Eating more fruits and vegetables help the body to prevent some diseases of heart, stroke and the eyes healthier. 3. The citrus fruits The citrus fruits include orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime. All of this fruits contain a lot of vitamin C to help maintain and increase the resistance to the children. 14 By Mai Thi Thu Trang
  18. 18. Some common diseases and remedies Flu and constipation are one of common diseases in children. Some below information will help fathers and mothers care their children healthier Colds and flu in children 1. The treatment Provide plenty of water: Fathers and mothers should remind the children to drink water regularly. Water plays an important role in the metabolism of nutrients. Dilute the mucus: Doctor may advise you to supplement saline to make liquid nasal mucus. Moisten the air: Run a humidifier in your child’s room can help improve the symptoms of nasal congestion and running nose. 2. Some remedies for the flu at home Garlic: Use 10ml pounding garlic juice, children drink. Onion: onion 15 grams (including bulbs, roots and leaves) washed and crushed. 20grams perillal washed, spit into very small. Both of them put into a bowl of hot gruel for patient. 15
  19. 19. Constipation 1. The treatment Provide plenty of water: Role of water is very important to help the body work better. Provide plenty of water will help the body detoxifies better, help to retain water and prevent constipation. Children should drink boiled water, fruit juices, milk, and especially limited soft bottled drinks. Encourage children to move: Parents should encourage children to do some exercises, which are suitable for ages. This is not only helping the body healthier but also preventing constipation and obesity. Moreover, it helps digest better, the excrement passes easier Roughage supplement: This is one of the effective ways to prevent constipation. The roughage is good for both the digestive system and heart. It is found in green vegetables and fruits such as cabbage, pears, apples. 2. Some remedies for constipation Honey. Honey 25ml, 20 grams black sesame. Black sesame is pounded very small with honey and added 150ml water. Then stir and cook them in small fire. Feed your baby with the substance twice a day and keep doing 7 consecutive days. 1. Carrot. Carrot 50 grams, honey 25ml. Carrot is washed, cut into very small slices, mixed with honey and 150ml water. Then cook and use the same as honey. By Mai Thi Thu Trang 16
  20. 20. 30/82014 at 19-5 Kindergarten Thai Nguyen City Website: www.thainguyen.edu.vn/thanhnien
  21. 21. Fashion Hot trends for fall-winter 2014 When the fall is coming, you want to buy your baby new clothes, which are both stylish and fashionable? The problem is that you do not know well about fashion. Don’t be worried! Here we are pleased to introduce to you the hot trends for fall 2014. FOR GIRL 1. Animal- shaped jackets. 2. Long t-shirts and leggings 3. Dresses with flowers, trees and bright colors. Tips: combining with some hair bows and ribbons FOR BOY 1. Vest 2. Slim jackets 3. Jeans Tips: attaching with beanies or hats of hip-hop style, sneakers or loafers. These are the best choices for this autum -winter !!! 17
  22. 22. Who is cute? Concert To vote for your favorite kid, please follow the form: WAC_SBD to 110 Nguyễn Minh Anh 6 years old Vũ Phương Uyên 7 years old Lưu Minh Đức 8 years old Lê Trâm Anh 8 years old Phan Đức Trọng 7 years old Đặng Huyền Trâm 8 years old 18 01 02 03 04 05 06
  23. 23. Teacher and student “I thought it wasn’t suitable to sleep here, you can come back to your bed at home - teacher said to a student “Dear teacher, that was oke”-the student said . “I just hoped you and other friends speak softlier ” The child and his mother “Mommy, I wondered why were your hairs turned into grey”- the boys asked his mother The mother thought that is a good chance to teach her son. She said: “one of my hairs became grey because of one bad action you made” The child replied immediately: “ Now, I knew why grandmother had only grey hairs on her head” Mouthology A professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor: “Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, Physiology? The sailor said no to all his questions. Professor: What the hell do you know on earth? You will die of illiteracy. After a while the boat started sinking. The sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology? The professor said no. Sailor: “Well, sharkology & crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology & you will dieology because of your mouthology. Horse “Mommy, my teacher hadn’t ever seen a horse” the boy said to his mother after school. The mother was surprised: “why did you know?” The boy explained: “when I drew a horse in my paper, the teacher asked what it was How to draw To make students become excited about lesson, the teacher required them to draw their jobs in the future. When coming to see Linh- one student, the teacher saw nothing. She asked: “ You didn’t want to have any jod” Linh replied honestly: “I just liked to get married, but I can’t imagine how he looked like” 19 GALA sunday
  24. 24. Many years ago, there was a girl living illegally with an unemployed man in a luxury city. No soon, she became pregnant and then expelled by this man. At Christmas’s night, the young lady went to her friend’s house so as to ask for help, maybe just a few days. Unfortunately, she stumbled and fell when crossing a small bridge. The baby in the womb made her hurt, so she could not go far anymore. She tried to crawl under the bridge and then, her baby was born in that poor condition. Wearing only a thin coat, she took it off and wrapped around the tiny child. Luckily, she found a piece of hessian to wear. Because of being exhausted and cold, she died next to her baby. The following morning, there was a lady driving near the bridge. Suddenly, the vehicle was broken. She quickly stepped out of the car and crossed the bridge. The woman heard a faint cry. Looking around, she saw the baby, lying in hands of the dead young woman. He was very hungry and cold. This scene touched the lady all deeply, so she decided to bury the unlucky mother and took this baby and look after as her son. 12 years later, that boy became a student in a secondary school. Through this time, he always asked his adoptive mother to tell him about story how he was found. On Christmas’s day, it was also his 12th birthday, his adoptive mother took her son to his poor mother’ grave. When they arrived, the boy told his adoptive mother to wait him in their car and then went to his mother’s grave to pray for his poor mother. Standing in front of the grave, he bowed his head and cried his eyes out. Then, he began taking off his clothes and put them on this grave. The adoptive mother was surprised and worried about her son. She ran rapidly and told him to wear his clothes again, but he did not care. She heard him to call his mother, who he has never known: " You must have been colder than me right now, haven’t you?” Short story Mom . . . you must be cold ! By Vu Thi Van 20
  25. 25. 21  Please answer Crossword Puzzles section by using words in the following box and then send to miss.funny93@gmail.com 5.The ………. noses help dogs smell much better than humans. 6.Dogs are humans’ beloved …………… 7.Dogs are known as the best ……………. and sometimes, kid’s babysiters. 8.Dogs have sharp ……………. 1.strong dogs are trained to assist the……………. 2.scientists find that dogs are as …………….. as a three year old child. 3.Dog’s ……….. can move in different directions. 4.Dogs can skateboard and ………..
  26. 26. T e l l M e By Doan Thuy Oanh Quickly send your anwsers, the earliest and correct answer will get an amazing present from miss.funny93@gmail.com . good luck!  Catching pictures 22
  27. 27. At 8:pm, 2nd floor- Learning Language Center 28/8/2014
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