Volume of a cylinder step-by-step solutions ad
Volume of a cylinder? Piece of cake.
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27m32s to s
Assuming "m" is a unit | Use "m32" as instead
Assuming minutes of time for "m" | Use or instead

Input interpretation

convert 27 minutes 32 seconds to seconds


1652 seconds

Additional conversion

27.53 minutes

Comparisons as time

 ≈ 0.55 × duration of a standard college lecture ( 50 min )

 ≈ 1.4 × duration of a period in an ice hockey game ( 20 min )

Comparison as half-life

 ≈ 5.5 × half-life of uranium-241 ( ≈ 300 s )



Corresponding quantities

Distance x traveled by light in a vacuum from x = ct:
 | 307.7 million miles
 | 4.953×10^8 km (kilometers)
 | 3.3 au (astronomical units)
 | 4.953×10^11 meters

Frequency ν from ν = 1/T:
 | 6.053×10^-4 Hz (hertz)

Effective rocket exhaust speed from v_e = gI_sp:
 | 16201 m/s (meters per second)

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