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Chinese and Malay eunuchs in Lê dynasty Vietnam

No.7428110 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Lê dynasty in Vietnam had Chinese and Malay eunuchs in it's imperial palace when Lê Thánh Tông was Emperor. Most of Veitnam's eunuchs were Chinese at that point. Over 100 Chinese young men from the Ming dynasty and an unknown number of Malay young men from the Malacca Sultanate were castrated by the Vietnamese from the 1460s to the 1490s as their ships were blown off course into Vietnam leading them to be captured.


>Chen Yi, chief steward guarding the pearl-beds of Guang-dong, memorialized: "People from Nan-hai County were blown by the wind to the country of Annam, and there they were made to serve as soldiers by the king of that country. Later they escaped and, on returning, advised that over 100 Chinese persons whose ships had been blown there, had been detained and castrated or imprisoned." The memorial was sent to the Ministry of Revenue, which requested that despatches be sent to grand coordinators, grand defenders and other officials requiring them to prohibit soldiers and civilians from going abroad as merchants or having private dealings with fan countries, and also requested that the soldiers guarding the pearl-beds be instructed to devise means to prevent such contacts. This was approved.