Things have been tough for Sean Parker as a married man. He and his wife have been the victims of an "intense public backlash" that includes the pair being "spat upon" in public, according to reports.
Parker and his wife Alexandra Lenas were recently married in a private campground that Parker paid to have transformed into a wedding set that's been described as worthy of Lord of the Rings -- but the construction was criticized by environmentalists, who accused the billionaire Parker of steamrolling flora, fauna and environmental protection rules for his nuptials.
Parker was excoriated in the press for his redwood wedding -- and now he's getting it from the public, he told the Guardian.
Instead of being happy, he and his wife are "spat upon by complete strangers, cursed at by a waiter... and told by complete strangers that we should get our divorce papers ready," he told the newspaper.
The California Coastal Commission, in a report widely disseminated on the Internet, received $2.5 million from Parker after the construction -- which included such touches as stone bridges -- was found to not have the necessary permits. Since then, however, Parker has been praised by the coastal stewards.
Any violations have been settled and Parker faces no litigation or other enforcement, the CCC reported.
Parker also lamented the false reports of a $10 million wedding and a fake castle built in the woods. None of that happened, he said.
In any event, many now believe that the Facebook billionaire and Napster co-founder did all that -- and more. And now he's receiving death threats, according to Valleywag.
"There are crazy people on Facebook typing death threats," Parker told in an interview. "There were people -- eco-terrorists -- on my own Facebook page saying, 'Let's find this guy and put him out of his misery'...Psychopaths are hunting me."
No wonder they canceled their honeymoon.
Sean Parker, Wife Face Stalking, Spitting, Threats Since Redwoods Wedding
The Internet billionaire says life has been tough since controversial wedding.
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