Tell us your deepest secrets you'd never want anyone to know! (101)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-03 04:31 ID:INQnfp3m

Okay, so I bet each and everyone of us got some huge secret that we would never want our family to know. Something that will haunt you when you think that the might know about it, but can't ask because that would give it away.

I've got two things that I absolutely never would like my family, or not even my nearest friends to find out about me... well, not right now that is. In the future I might look back and laugh (cliché, i know) at one of the things, and the other one I'd love to be able to share with a future girlfriend-to-marry.

The first thing I've tried to keep as secret as possible, and up until know has been able to is that I two years ago got caught shoplifting, a deed that I'm hugely embarrassed about. I'm glad that the papers from the prosecutor was delivered in anonymous envelopes with no sender and that nothing had to get out over my family. Now I'm waiting for five years to go so that my criminal records will go away and I'm clean.

Shoplifting may not be that much to be embarrassed about, but if you live in a family like mine, and you later start to realize that it is against your own ideals. I still got all the papers around here somewhere and I intend to keep it a secret until all evidence of it ever happened have gone away.

Now, the other one is kinda special, since it isn't really something that I'm ashamed of, nor is it anything I've done wrong. Earlier this year I suddenly got an urge to try out anal masturbation (whoo, plot twist!) simply because I: 1. was bored, 2. wanted to try the "feeling" and 3. get to know myself.

So I bought tons of stuff and it didn't take long before I got my own arsenal of manly man-toys. I would honestly freak out if my family, friends or anyone else ever got to know about that, seriously. If someone would get a hold of my "secret box" I wouldn't know what to do, and I almost got into that situation... I think.

The thing is that a couple of months ago I came home late one evening and found my closet open, that's, by the way, where I keep the box. Problem is, I closed it when I went earlier that day... I think, I didn't know for sure, but I was almost certain that it was closed and that someone had opened it during the day when I was away. The box wasn't really that but, and it is a typical brown "anonymous" box. It did stand out quite a bit though.

However, even though I don't know for sure if anyone ever opened my closet, or if anyone ever noticed the box and looked inside it, I still have dreams of when someone from my family finds the box, or talks to me (or behind my back) about the box (and the contents, of course). In each and every dream I freak out.

Long story short, I made it impossible for anyone except for me to find the box by making myself a hidden compartment in a furniture of mine in which I store the box. The compartment is completely impossible to notice without knowing that it is there. Since then I've had no more dreams about anyone finding it, although drams where my family have already found the box still appeared some time after I hid the box in the compartment, I'm know completely free of those kinds of dreams!

So, that's my two deepest secrets that I honestly don't want anyone I know to know about me. Funny thing is though, since I'm a completely normal guy in my 20s, there could be thousands of people just like me, with shoplifting in their criminal records (although not being the criminal type) and having a thing for anal masturbation. Everyone got deep secrets, and I'd love to hear some more =D

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-03 13:34 ID:dnjO3UOW

I am secretly an alcoholic. Wife knows but most others do not. I have scaled back on the drinking since I am trying to lose weight right now but in reality, I really need booze. Life is too hard to manage without it.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-03 13:36 ID:dnjO3UOW

Number 2 here...

To add, being drunk is one of the greatest feelings in the world for me. Orgasms are better, but do not last as long. Hard to describe how awesome the feeling is, but I assure you, it is great.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-03 16:03 ID:XGlgHJnB

I probably should try getting drunk...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-04 00:46 ID:rMBmGEUZ

I shit on car window in old carparks!


Sometimes i don't

but most times i do..........


6 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-20 09:52 ID:v069vUIV

let's see:

  1. I've fapped/can fap to almost every genre of porn out there. Scat, watersports, bondage, hard gay, beast, shemales... just naming some of the harder stuff that I can name. The only thing I know so far that's a complete turnoff is guro/gore. Other than that, I can probably find something in each genre to fap to, though some are more of a turnon than others.

And I consider myself straight, maybe bi for cute traps and shemales. Also, a virgin.

It would be horrible if someone explored my bookmarks after I died.

2. I have tried anal masturbation a few times and didn't get anything out of it, also I own a Japanese fleshlight-type product I keep hidden at the bottom of a box.

3. I have tried giving myself an enema tubgirl-style twice after I got curious about it due to porn. I had to clean the whole bathtub and floor with bleach cleaner afterwards. This was on a weekend in my own personal bathroom while my flatmates were out.

4. I dressed up as an anime trap a few times. None of my family/friends know about it, and my outfit is hidden in my closet.

...sorry, almost all of my responses belongs in /sexual/.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-22 03:27 ID:Heaven

> I've fapped/can fap to almost every genre of porn out there.

You disgusting pedo.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-28 16:08 ID:Heaven

Due to my misfortune of unwittingly associating with sociopaths and having been betrayed on the most fundamental level by my own family, all my deepest darkest secrets are out in the open and completely uncontainable.

Death will be a blessing.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-01 08:28 ID:pSeFCoFq

  1. I've unwittingly trained myself to be an assassin/mercenary by playing hundreds of video games, reading military survival literature, documentaries, technical manuals, novels, camping, shooting, and attaining/maintaining a professional athlete's level of fitness... but no one will ever hire me, and I don't want to join the Army because it's fucking lousy.
  2. I'm a shameful procrastinator. I've whittled away entire months, promising myself I'd do this or that, but ending up just sitting around listening to music and surfing the internet all day.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-02 05:04 ID:AqPWoRGH

I act average despite being extremely intelligent. I would never tell anyone this, however, because once you have a reputation you are no longer equal to anyone around you.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-04 18:56 ID:XabJ2Sp1

I act average while imagining that I'm hiding my extreme intelligence, though in reality I'm just average. I would never tell anyone this, however, because if I got a reputation people would expect me to actually display my imagined intelligence.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-05 01:30 ID:homU0lET

Haha, I'm afraid to post this because the feds will come after me, but oh well.

I'm a pedophile sympathizer. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I think it's natural, and that the "damage" adult/child sex causes is culturally constructed. I feel the current stigma against pedophiles has sexiest, ageist, and racist roots, and, like all sexual taboos, is used to control people. It's part of a larger demonization of child sexuality, which is based in misinformation and false ideals that arose during the Victorian era. I would like to see pedophilia become an accepted orientation and the abolishment of age of consent laws.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-05 15:19 ID:AqPWoRGH


lol, i have smart friends and average friends. the smart ones get some actual stimulation while the average ones just get to see me drink and tell jokes all the time

14 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-11 04:50 ID:4dj67xHh


>sexiest ... roots


Also: power imbalances. 'Nuff said.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-13 06:17 ID:homU0lET


Haha, what a typo to make

Meh, I've always found power imbalances blown way out of proportion. Does it happen? Yes. Can it lead to a bad situation? Yes. Does it automatically make every adolescent/adult interaction invalid? No. Plus it assumes than any and every sexual interaction between adolescent and adult is initiated by the adult, which isn't true and ties back into that "Child are ~pure~ and have no sexual feelings!" idea.

16 Name: Ted Rea : 2011-01-18 14:19 ID:nhoqazuQ

My name is Ted Rea of Shattuck, Oklahoma. Im a 41 year old mexican and like to rape women while they are passed out.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-22 20:16 ID:Heaven

Oh Ted :\

18 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-13 02:55 ID:OLVbV2UF

I've read a ton of yaoi manga. Bad habit. I have a weak spot for vapid romance culminating in buttsecks.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-13 12:58 ID:YQpkSJJg

Thats not bad
Unless your family is homophobic

20 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-13 19:07 ID:OLVbV2UF

I'm ashamed of it because it's so lame, more than any other reason. I'm pathetic enough already without that getting out. No ambition at all.

21 Name: anonymous : 2011-03-19 05:12 ID:WoOk9o+V

>> 16 Ted Rea of Shattuck Oklahoma. He has aids.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-03 13:19 ID:FJPoizjr

My secret is that I'd never want anyone to know that I came here to say things that I'd never want anyone to know. :3

23 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-03 16:16 ID:PgliPq5g

I'm bisexual and I jack off to loads of yaoi and trap porn and most of my other fetishes I am ashamed of.
I watch anime, read manga and am really interested in Japan.
I have Aspergers.

Its not much I know but right now I cant think of anything else major. But these are things that I would never ever want anybody in real life to find out about me.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-26 19:06 ID:gz6pTmU8

I have jerked off my dog on a quite few occasions

25 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-28 15:13 ID:XhMIcfvl

I puke up my food.

26 Name: anonymous : 2011-04-29 16:51 ID:jD1du9sX

Ted Rea has a baby that was convinced by him drugging and raping a girl. He thinks he should have rights to the baby. I don't think a rapist should have any rights and should pay the victom.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-01 12:35 ID:iDdwo42/

28 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-01 17:36 ID:ACwCdBFj

I don't know how to write in cursive.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-02 01:17 ID:Heaven

(´・ω・`) followed!

30 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-02 19:14 ID:OphJ+yzN

It's spam.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-03 01:32 ID:GLMws7De

I fucked my friend Mikey's mom. Then, another friend and I three-wayed her, while mikey was in Juvenile Detention. Her pussy is bomb, but I never learned her first name. True story.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-09 01:27 ID:tE0WbOuP


>☆*Shit*☆=- ★=- ヽ(^∇^)ノ -=★ -=☆*Dick in ya mouth

This tweet has changed my life.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-10 09:59 ID:EIYg8wRl

I own several pieces of women's lingerie which I enjoy wearing around the house.

I think this is pretty common. (on the internet at least)

34 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-12 14:44 ID:dIfYSO/Q

The comedian who is the most famous in Japan

35 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-15 09:32 ID:bsS3ys/T

I can't feel pleasure.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-16 02:16 ID:CV+KZxek

I'm a meth addict.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-16 04:45 ID:1lVboNu9


38 Name: anonymous : 2011-06-27 18:50 ID:dJ/uB1k/

I know Ted Rea of Shattuck OK. He is a thief and lier in my opinion

39 Name: Anonymous : 2011-06-30 18:56 ID:GcxmawJB

I don't like women that much any more. But I don't like men either. I have no sexual or romantic feelings for either sex.
What in hell is wrong with me?

40 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-06 05:36 ID:Heaven

this isnt a secret. answer: you could never have sex with a woman but you are not attracted to men, in order to save your self-confidence you declare your self "a-sexual" to avoid confronting the truth.

41 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-09 01:36 ID:xdze7CDG

i have 2. the first is that i like to buy little girls panties and get off with them and the second is i love fucking large stuffed animals

42 Name: Archduke!EQmEmVtTi2 : 2011-07-12 09:23 ID:Heaven

I like to buy little girl animals and large stuffed panties. We're made for each other.

43 Name: FeloniousMenagerie : 2011-07-24 18:27 ID:rU9JwxqH

what is "the truth"?

44 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-26 20:49 ID:Heaven

You like to get off with little girls after you buy them panties?
GTFO, you disgusting pedo.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-28 08:17 ID:jS2/by27

I think about killing people who have crossed me, stole from me or cut me off. I day dream of tourturing pedophile, even loose behavior of it...Thats you 41.

46 Name: anonymous : 2011-08-20 16:46 ID:Ht2rd2kl

i think about just kill everyone in sight.
i also want to pretend to go crazy and be sent to a metal hospital were no one can judge you for being weird.
i think about killing myself ever time i say something that i didn't mean to say or do something stupid.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-20 16:49 ID:Ht2rd2kl

i think about just kill everyone in sight.
i also want to pretend to go crazy and be sent to a metal hospital were no one can judge you for being weird.
i think about killing myself ever time i say something that i didn't mean to say or do something stupid.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-25 18:58 ID:N2ff6Ogt

49 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-29 00:54 ID:PP9vR3j1

I'm bi-curious, and sometimes I fantasize about kissing other boys while at school.

Also, when using the bus, I like to imagine myself hitting people's faces with a bottle full of water.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-30 07:48 ID:cEdeO4s+

Sometimes I still believe in God. For a few minutes at least.


>i think about killing myself ever time i say something that i didn't mean to say or do something stupid.

So do I.

51 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-01 07:55 ID:U0t9BZsD

you softies.
I've had sex with a horse. multiple times.
sneak into my cousins house and stick her vibrator up my ass and masturbate while wearing her nighty.
stolen from friends and family....
shit, now I'm hating myself.

52 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-01 08:18 ID:AqPWoRGH

Wait. Tell us more about the horse thing.

53 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-05 08:30 ID:wR+OtYe5

I agree, I need to know more about this.

54 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-06 21:59 ID:IPmm0VUP

I can't really think of anything interesting.
I get pretty depressed sometimes, but I'm not sure that that's something I wouldn't want anybody to know.
I am a 19 year old virgin, but people probably know that.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-07 03:25 ID:IMiEe0CZ

OMG! No 2 sounds so much like me!

56 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-07 04:12 ID:VZa+b1fa

Im mad at this board. Fuck

57 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-09 23:14 ID:bMbqLsrA

I can't come during sex

I think it has something to do with performance anxiety or something like that

it has made for some very awkward situations

58 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-12 13:36 ID:uTu9IQU8

Sometimes I believe in a god, but I think he's an asshole.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-07 06:26 ID:HRu/YwVG

I have shoplifted numerous times. My two good friends now know, I have horrible remorse over it. It's an addiction. I think I'm finally prepared to stop. I have for years, up until now, never been caught, and want to stop so I can keep that way. I'm guest-imating I'm probably around $3,000 of stuff.

60 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-14 16:21 ID:3BdDfnTe

i did an abotion and i think about all the time. The sad part is that I am pregnant again and will give birth to my baby soon but Im scared of might happen because of what i did in the past

61 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-14 22:03 ID:Li5LM1CE

I suspect one of the reasons why was so abusive to my sister during childhood was because I felt sexually attracted to her and was horrified with myself.

62 Name: brad : 2012-01-22 11:04 ID:tKO7rVBs

anyone on

63 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-13 02:29 ID:aCyUNzSi

bored. txt me ;)

64 Name: JiJI : 2012-04-16 08:21 ID:orDp3Aj7

I was 19 years old that time , There was a boy who sucked my nipples two days , and we kissed a lot ( Well it might not be big deal in European country but I am from Asia , and a very prestigious family where we are not allowed to do those things before marriage ..I could never tell it to anyone and I didn't love him,i was just physically attracted to him....

65 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-16 18:11 ID:KLZrjRlT

I wish I could go out and sit someplace alone where it's quiet and there aren't people sitting and eating and stupid fat hens sqwaking about their silly bullshit while terrible fucking music plays on the speakers. Jesus, is this too much to ask.

66 Name: anonymous : 2012-05-24 02:23 ID:3bJ/cS1Y

I lie to my boyfriend to make him want me more

67 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-24 12:48 ID:+xU7J+st

I have a tiny penis.

68 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-25 03:22 ID:Heaven

I support WAFFEN SS

69 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-26 00:56 ID:AqPWoRGH

I wait for people to tell me how totally awesome I am, though I already know it.

70 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-05 04:54 ID:Vjys2Kv1

My secrets are too fucked up even to be shared on the internet.

I'm kinda satisfied I have seen things that few people get to see. It prevents me from feeling I have not really lived, even though I don't really have a life. But on the other hand it eats your soul, steals your life force. It makes life seem worthless and more valuable at the same time.

71 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-23 09:17 ID:a23DWg4M

I masturbate to my little pony porn

72 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-23 16:54 ID:dfnqXn3t


>My secrets are too fucked up even to be shared on the internet.

Do you rape children or something? Even then, I seriously can't see how this could ever be the case...

73 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-24 16:58 ID:2hixLk/b

I am a 19 year old NEET and otaku. I'm always in my room with the door closed whenever I'm drawing girly stuff. No one have found out what I do so far.

74 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-11 19:15 ID:2YJpEZAq

I couldn't wipe until I was ten. I also have trouble spelling most words without help from Google.

75 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-14 17:10 ID:FJPoizjr

I write it.

76 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-20 09:55 ID:+NyzfOrF

I believe that I'm actually a partial zombie or something.
I should be dead when I was 5 at my late granpa's house due to a freak accident.
I think I saw grandpa resurrecting me by merging my soul with someone else's. My badly sewn scar across the body and left arm still hurts like shit, man.
Best of all, my mom and dad ain't believing me.
And no, it ain't a repressed memory of sexual asssult or something. I've got his grimoire in my possesion, and it still ain't following my order.

And thats why you shouldn't play with a chainsaw, boys and girls.

77 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-20 15:25 ID:XGIzvzhD

  1. I've fapped while thinking of my sister
  2. I've fapped to guro and bestiality and liked it
  3. I've fapped to CP. Jut wanted to try it because it's a taboo. I'm not a pedo and I'd never do it again nor would I ever touch a child in real life.
  4. Even though I'm not a pedo I believe that there's nothing wrong with being a pedo as long as you don't rape children
  5. My family thinks I have many friends and a nice social life but in reality I have exactly one friend and he's probably only friends with me because he feels sorry for me and I'm not cool enough to get to know his other friends
  6. I've planned on commiting suicide many times but always pussied out

78 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-26 01:45 ID:YCiOTMIE

i read the last line of this post and jumped to the conclusion that you are an insufferable faggot. everyone else in this thread is pretty cool though except >>10 >>11 did a really good job of making fun of his pretentiousness so its a wash

my secret is im a mentally unstable sociopath with borderline personality disorder with multiple psychiatrists whom I manipulate inaffectivly for reasons i cant understand, likely all spawning from a desire for attention or need to be broken in some fundamental way when in fact im totally plain and normal. people assume im intelligent but im actually incredibly stupid and incapable. im going to die alone

79 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-30 13:49 ID:HXXEQxZ/

I am completely fascinated by NSDAP germany. I want to learn more about it.

81 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-08 23:57 ID:KfSuIQCU

For some reason 51 turned me on

82 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-31 20:52 ID:KLZrjRlT

Real women disgust me. They make me want to throw up. I beat off to 2d girls all the time, in all sorts of situations.

In fact, there's one character in particular I like. Sometimes I like to think about what it would be like if she were real. She'd probably ignore me.

Related to the first point, I'm a pornography addict.

When I masturbate, I also like to stick myself in the ass with a vibrator.

All of the above and more are reasons why my relationships have failed miserably.

I would say that I don't want anyone to know this stuff, but since I don't use social media and no longer have any friends, I don't think it matters that much.

83 Name: 4ct!3lWjo8kf8k : 2012-09-08 22:30 ID:Heaven

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite Ding-a-Ling.

84 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-08 00:49 ID:qL5cBi9q

I was molested as a child. I live in constant fear that another man will try to take advantage of me, but at the same time I do things to attract attention from them. Why do I do this to myself?

85 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-25 15:31 ID:byhNWSKX

>>84 Sounds like you need to take a break

86 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-29 16:08 ID:OSzeuzfH

I kill animals for no real meaning. Sometimes I need it, but I don't even know, the only thing is that it makes me less anxious.

I like to masturbate with anime images of rape and at the broken faces of raped victims.

I've really wanted to find professional help, but I need to work/study and I end with no time.

87 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-30 18:26 ID:a/I+kBiO

I would agree you need help with that.

88 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-15 00:50 ID:lYstdQfB

I wear briefs, which are called ' ball stranglers' at school. Also, I want to be tied up and gagged by someone, with a vibrator on my dick. I stole my tablet pc back from my parents, and look at gay porn on it. I want to start wearing boxer briefs and be tied up for a punishment.

89 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-18 19:46 ID:VF5hhnEh

I really have a huge crush on a teacher of mine, currently.

This is a lot less worse than some of these, but it's also not one of my most secret secrets I don't want anyone to know.

no balls.

n o n e

90 Name: Fiend : 2012-12-15 18:57 ID:8H0uRjc9

i should i put this?! i think mine is.. getting for interested in 2d girls that 3d girls but in a sense,, i don't despise 3d girls and infact i beat off to 2d girls sometimes too :D thats all

91 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-04 11:04 ID:ZZMeBVCV

Anal masturbation when i was an early teen
Masturbating to traps over a webcam (120% straight here, haven't jacked off to a trap for years; even didn't have a true attraction to them back then, just a really fucking weird fetish i experimented with i guess)
"SWIM" tried synthesizing propylhexedrine using hydrochloric acid and other various ingredients.. in the kitchen and laundry room at 3:00-4:00 in the morning with my parents asleep in their room. (did this because i was desperate for a stimulant buzz after binging my vyvanse prescription too much.. p.s. the buzz was complete shit and "trashy", very low quality stim, or perhaps extraction method i used..)
Masturbate a lot to my sister; no i don't live in the south and yes we are both adopted and both unrelated..
huge fetish for eating a girl out
was able to suck my own dick a few years ago, wasn't what you'd expect; same effect as trying to tickle yourself, it takes someone else to do it to you to really fucking enjoy it. i never once came doing it. doing it yourself feels no different than sucking your finger or w/e
want to kill everyone, 110% positive im a clinical psychopath due to years of depression, social anxiety, general anxiety, being on prozac, wellbutrin, and vyvanse, etc
want to kill myself as well
i get an extremely warm buzz every time some tragic event happens, like a school shooting or that Adam Lanza or Aurora theater shooting, or at suicides
ironically i do believe in hell and have thought about it in detail daily for the last 2-3 years or so; at points to where i'm so stricken with fear due to my detailed thoughts about it, i feel like throwing up. it's actually a good thing for me; it's the only reason i haven't killed a bunch of people, gotten into extremely hardcore drugs (although i see me headed there soon..), doing terrible shit, and/or killing myself
fapped to cp before
i'm not exactly a brony; the show itself really is too kiddy and stupid for me, but i like the character and personality of each pone and just the whole culture/environment/atmosphere/whateverthefuck of it
same goes for fairy-ass gay (not literally) anime stuff
every single person irl; all my friends and shit literally think i am the funniest fuck they have ever met and the happiest, not really giving a shit type of guy. literally, all the people i have worked with, all my friends in school, people in my classes, etc; but not 1, not a single soul knows any of these secrets nor even would never ever suspect any of them
i get this extremely messed up feeling in the middle of the day for a few hours, every single day for the last 4 years. no way to curb or counteract the feeling, but it's an extremely "dead" cold feeling where i start to feel the need to kill myself or others, or both
had multiple chances to get laid, or even get a girlfriend; i've literally had at least 12 confirmed crushes on me O.o and who knows how many more (yes pls dont hate me guys ._. ) but i am actually terrified to talk to girls and all my social problems bundle up and dick smack me (in my mind, im pretty sure i do an ok job at covering up my inner sperginess) whenever im associating with a girl. because of this i know for a fact i will never have sex, be in a relationship, or even live with anyone other than myself. unfortunately i will literally be the only "loner" in my family..

and my parents wonder why im always such a miserable fuck 3: tl;dr i am an extremely sad miserable fuck lmao

92 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-18 23:50 ID:Heaven

Getting too emotionally attached to people over the internet. :(

93 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-04 15:05 ID:O5h2R6Ut

I Loved A Girl A Long Time Ago And Still Love Her But I Feel Like I Am Betraying My Friend As He Loves The Same Girl And I Know About It He Told it To Me Himself And I Haven't Expressed My Love To Anyone.

94 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-12 11:52 ID:dFYce/we

My native tongue is Russian :/

95 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-04 21:21 ID:qwHaQmMJ

-I once bunked a school 'activity day' and stayed in the park (on my street nonetheless) for the whole duration of it. An hour in to my bunk I needed the toilet really bad and took a shit in the forested, less-visited part of the park. I took a dump in a public park, essentially.

-My mum would kill me if she found out that I torrent a lot. She once sat me down in a 'let's have a talk' way and told me that she would go to jail if I ever illegally downloaded something, and that we would then be homeless after she got out (presumably because she would have lost her job). I torrented Rozen Maiden today :3

96 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-05 17:49 ID:J2qb0Kzj

I have $2000000 worth of bitcoins but I am a NEET without a bank account and I'm too lazy to convert it to cash so I haven't told my parents yet.

97 Name: AMANDOO : 2014-06-05 22:08 ID:6SlAyc38

i suck my thumb

98 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-20 04:41 ID:84URfCu9

I often get aroused at POV hunting videos where they shoot small animals; rats, chipmunks, monkeys, it's all the same to me. The part where they writhe on their backs for a bit before they stop moving all-together is the most arousing thing to me. Link is an example of what I'm talking about.

99 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-20 13:58 ID:/gv9Cw4Y

Convert at least some of it

100 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-29 03:27 ID:84URfCu9

take away the cp fapping, the wanting to kill everyone(I have a naïve urge to protect people even when they don't need my help, more so than the average person), and the belief(agnostic atheist) and that's basically me. I've only had about 2 confirmed crushes though, one of an obnoxious girl whom I hated, and another of a friend that considered dating me but decided against it because they didn't think it would last to marriage. They haven't dated anyone since, so I guess they really meant it.

101 Name: Anonymous : 2021-08-06 00:44 ID:nzPquH5r

>I think I saw grandpa resurrecting me by merging my soul with someone else's.
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