Learning how to save in Sekiro is a bit different than most games. There’s not really an autosave, but I wouldn’t call saving in Sekiro a manual save either. Instead, Sekiro saves are a blend of auto and manual saves that are reminiscent of Dark Souls.
How do you save in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice?
To save in Sekiro, you need to find a Sculptor’s Idol. Think of these as working the same way bonfires do in Dark Souls. At an idol, you can unlock skills, increase your vitality and attack, and rest to refill your health, and replenish your healing gourd and resurrection charges. Additionally, your game will save upon exiting the Sculptor’s Idol menu. You can tell when a save occurs in Sekiro by an icon in the upper right corner of the screen. If the little blue flame is present, then the game is currently saving.
This is the only way to save the game. Like Dark Souls, Sekiro is brutal in its difficulty, and you don’t get niceties like autosaves after beating a boss. However, when you die, any major enemies you defeat, like mini-bosses and bosses, stay dead. Shortcuts you’ve reached stay open as well. This means that if you want to save your progress you just basically have to die.
In Sekiro, dying is a great way to trigger a save if you’re done playing for the time being. It will instantly take you back to the nearest idol, which you can access and exit to save the game. The unfortunate thing with this is that you’ll lose half your current EXP towards a Skill Point and half your money if you don’t get the benefit of the Unseen Aid perk. However, if you’re just looking to save and quit this might be worth it to you.
You only have one save slot, which means there’s no going back if the game saves. If you do something you didn’t mean to, your only recourse is to close the game and relaunch it immediately and hope your mistake wasn’t saved.