AdBlock Tester (version 3.0.9)

Choose an ad blocker but don’t know where to test it? This site contains various advertising services and services for collecting analytics so that you can check the effectiveness of your blocker on them.
AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdGuard, Ghostery, uBlock Origin, AdBlocker Ultimate and others.

Using multiple ad blockers at the same time can negatively affect their work.


This is the main and most common form of advertising on sites. It’s easy to set up and don’t have to look for advertisers yourself. These services also collect data about you in order to find the right advertisement for you.

  1. Script loading:  ⚠️ test has most likely passed (file size does not match the original or takes a long time to load)
  2. Block visibility:  ⚠️ test has most likely failed
    Ad unit is not empty. Unfortunately, we can’t determine whether an ad is showing there or is it an empty block from your blocker. For an accurate final result, please specify what you see.


These services monitor your actions on the site and collect information about you. They are needed only by the owner of the site, for the user it is only unnecessary requests and the code that needs to be executed. Unfortunately, blocking them sometimes can completely break the site.

  1. Script loading:  ⚠️ test has most likely failed (file size is within the normal range, it is more likely that the file is original)
  2. Script execution:  ❌ test failed

  1. Script loading:  ⚠️ test has most likely passed (file size does not match the original or takes a long time to load)
  2. Script execution:  ⚠️ test has most likely passed (not all checks were successful)


This type of advertising is often used on large sites that sell ad space. It is most difficult to block, because it is difficult to distinguish an advertising image from a regular one. Often the rules are written for each site separately, so this check is not entirely honest. It checks only the presence of keywords in the file path or the availability of flash.

  1. File loading:  ❌ test failed
  2. Block visibility:  ⚠️ test has most likely failed
    Ad unit is not empty. Unfortunately, we can’t determine whether an ad is showing there or is it an empty block from your blocker. For an accurate final result, please specify what you see.

  1. File loading:  ❌ test failed
  2. Block visibility:  ❌ test failed

  1. File loading:  ❌ test failed
  2. Block visibility:  ❌ test failed


Unlike analytics Tools, developers use these services to find out about it in case of an error on the site. Services monitor almost all user actions so that the error message is as complete as possible. Most often, if you turn them off nothing will break.

  1. Script loading:  🏳️ unable to check (possibly due to service security settings)
  2. Script execution:  ❌ test failed

  1. Script loading:  ⚠️ test has most likely failed (file size is within the normal range, it is more likely that the file is original)
  2. Script execution:  ❌ test failed

27 points out of 100
(8 services, 16 checks)

Webite with ads, analytics trackers, metrics, error catchers. Check your blocker: AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdGuard, Ghostery, uBlock Origin, AdBlocker Ultimate…