The following informations reveal your OS, browser, browser version as well as your timezone and preferred language. Moreover, we show the proportion of users sharing the same elements.
HTTP headers attributes | ||
Attribute | Similarity ratio All time | Value |
User agent | <0.01% | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/86.0.4240.0 Safari/537.36 |
Accept | 14.18% | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 |
Content encoding | 79.17% | gzip, deflate, br |
Content language | 0.01% | ja-JP |
Upgrade Insecure Requests | 62.20% | 1 |
Cache control | 1.11% | no-cache |
Javascript attributes | ||
Attribute | Similarity ratio All time | Value |
User agent | <0.01% | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/86.0.4240.0 Safari/537.36 |
Platform | 10.94% | Linux x86_64 |
Cookies enabled | 75.00% | yes |
Timezone | 20.33% | 0 |
Content language | 5.18% | en-US |
Canvas | <0.01% | |
List of fonts (JS) | <0.01% | Arial, Arimo, Courier, Courier New, Droid Sans Fallback and 44 others |
Use of Adblock | 60.88% | no |
Do Not Track | 48.90% | NC |
Navigator properties | <0.01% | 53 properties in navigator object |
BuildID | 24.51% | Not supported |
Product | 46.84% | Gecko |
Product sub | 27.07% | 20030107 |
Vendor | 22.13% | Google Inc. |
Vendor sub | 41.06% | No value |
Hardware concurrency | 10.37% | 2 |
Java enabled | 46.34% | false |
Device memory | 3.60% | 4 |
List of plugins | 32.68% | none |
Screen width | 0.54% | 800 |
Screen height | 0.93% | 600 |
Screen depth | 69.05% | 24 |
Screen available top | 47.15% | 0 |
Screen available Left | 50.05% | 0 |
Screen available Height | 0.56% | 600 |
Screen available width | 0.33% | 800 |
Screen left | 20.47% | No value |
Screen top | 20.47% | No value |
Permissions | 7.81% | Timeout |
WebGL Vendor | 25.54% | Google Inc. |
WebGL Renderer | 5.06% | Google SwiftShader |
WebGL Data | 4.31% | |
WebGL Parameters | 1.92% | 27 different extensions 25 different general parameters analyzed 36 different shaders precisions analyzed |
Use of local storage | 74.04% | yes |
Use of session storage | 74.19% | yes |
Use of IndexedDB | 46.28% | yes |
Audio formats | 0.42% | audio/flac : probably audio/mpeg : probably audio/ogg; codecs="flac" : probably audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis" : probably audio/ogg; codecs="opus" : probably audio/wav; codecs="1" : probably audio/webm; codecs="vorbis" : probably audio/webm; codecs="opus" : probably |
Audio context | 9.11% | channelCount : 2 channelCountMode : explicit channelInterpretation : speakers maxChannelCount : 2 numberOfInputs : 1 numberOfOutputs : 0 sampleRate : 44100 state : suspended |
Frequency analyser | 22.98% | channelCount : 2 channelCountMode : max channelInterpretation : speakers fftSize : 2048 frequencyBinCount : 1024 maxDecibels : -30 minDecibels : -100 numberOfInputs : 1 numberOfOutputs : 1 smoothingTimeConstant : 0.8 |
Audio data | 25.40% | Not supported |
Video formats | 47.00% | video/mp4; codecs="flac" : probably video/ogg; codecs="theora" : probably video/ogg; codecs="opus" : probably video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus" : probably video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis" : probably |
Media devices | 7.39% | |
Accelerometer | 7.28% | No value |
Gyroscope | 7.28% | No value |
Proximity sensor | 7.28% | No value |
Keyboard layout | 5.01% | Other |
Battery | 15.11% | charging chargingTime : 0 dischargingTime level : 1 |
Connection | 0.09% | downlink : 9 downlinkMax : undefined effectiveType : 4g rtt : 0 type : undefined |
key | 46.80% | cookie |
Location bar | 45.41% | Visible |
Menu bar | 45.43% | Visible |
Personal bar | 45.41% | Visible |
Status bar | 45.41% | Visible |
Tool bar | 45.41% | Visible |
Result state | 40.88% | No value |
List of fonts (Flash) | 66.90% | Flash not detected |
Screen resolution (Flash) | 67.65% | Flash not detected |
Language (Flash) | 67.65% | Flash not detected |
Platform (Flash) | 67.65% | Flash not detected |