SAT Wiki

Welcome to the School Asset Tracking (SAT) Wiki

The wiki will be the primary documentation source for the application School Asset Tracking (SAT).


What is SAT?

SAT is a project that will produce a system which will help schools track assets. In particular the assets will be computer hardware and will seek to cover special functions that pertain to this sort of asset, examples of this are handling return to vendor for maintenance, operating system version etc.

Initially it will focus on tracking student to laptop relationships.

The application is written C# and uses a mySQL database to store data.

History of SAT

This project has come out of the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) Digital Education Revolution (DER) program one laptop per student policy. Originally the DER program provided functionality

This function used to be covered by the DEC online application RMU however with the demise of the DER program this application has been progressively shut down since November 2014.

Want to get involved?

I have a page on that go to -> How to get involved?

Also, if you do try the software I would appreciate you add your name to this table

How do I download / run the software?

You might be interested to first read the page that describes a bit about the implementation.

You will need Microsoft .net runtime (at least 3 I guess).

You will need a mysql database, for this I find the simplest is XAMPP

Now look at the how to run page.

Alternately, if you are in a rush - just grab the software from here

Information about versions

Version Information