Welcome in this socionics site . i will add here socionics article for balancing against the huge missinformations about socionics spread on the internet (like the J/P switch myth or the confusion with idr labs's definitions of functions). i'm not used to use the english langage (i am french) but i choosed too made this site in english language because thanks to that my site will have a bigger influence for counterargument against the big site full of stupidity who missinform people (like personnality cafe or reddit). So, there will be probably some english errors. tell me if it impede your comprehension of the article.
Why did i decided to make this site instead of participating at those quoted sites for correcting them or to simply just participating to the site Sarkinova.net ? ( i am a member of this site my nickname there is fg.) .
i did because sarkinova all of those sites are based on horizontal votes and comment of the users. In this conditions for example a newbie who assumed the J/P switch because he did not worked enough on the subject would have the same impact on the "representative character types" of the site than a person who worked far more on the subject. even more "dangerous", the new arrivals who came in the site will be reinforced in their ignorance because they will choose what is more familiar to them (basic human process ) ). A site who expose the theory like a lesson would push the new amators/hobbyist socionists into a more humble posture that will make them more inclinated to learn rather than refuse instructions because of an overly horizontal rapport between the users .
quote your inspirations for your article. which socionist do you will choose to follow and those you choose to not follow ?
my major inspirations (socionists) would be: Vera Stratievskaya , Viktor Gulenko , Victor Talanov, Meged and Ovcharov, Filatova Ekaterina and of course the inventor of socionics A.Augusta
i will refer to them but i will make a split with some of their claiming.
for example: i will inspire myself from gulenko about type descriptions but i will not adhere to his "forms of cognition" and some other of this theories because those classifications are invalided by historical example. Example: If his theory of cognition-style was true marxists would be dialecticians (ILI, EIE, LSE or SEI) because dialectic is the core of Marxist ideology. while in fact the creator of the materialist dialectic Karl Marx Himself is generally typed ILE, Engels is ESE, Lenin SLE, Salvador Allende LSI etc...
P.M: for the same reasons i am against reinin dichotomies and will not use it for type . But i will keep the functions, the model A and the quadra values.
the site's mains sources are : sss:socioland , the russian socionics encyclopedia (Zanoza.socioland.ru) and wiki socionic . i will punctually use some site less pertinent like www.sociotype.com or the blog worldsocionics but i will try to avoid them most of time.
what kind of article did you will find in this site ?
article about the 16 socionics types, about the socionics definition of functions, typings of characters (historical or fictionnal)