PT Bogor Life Science & Technology

Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) was founded in 2003. BLST is an IPB commercial venture that was founded with the aim of managing IPB's assets


BLST conducts business based on expertise related to natural sciences and technology in the fields of production, services and consultants


To become the holding company of IPB University based on the best and foremost innovation and expertise for the advancement of the competitive and sustainable agricultural, marine and tropical biosciences industry


•Develop a science-based business

•Develop innovative products

•Provide consulting, production, human resources, expertise, and laboratory   

  services in agriculture, marine and biosciences

Our Company

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Ir. Hanan Utoro

President Director

Our Director


Dr. Doni Yusri, SP, MM

Director of Business Development


Ir. Sambas Waemata

Director of Finance, Accounting, and IT