Doom Eternal


Limp Gawd
Feb 21, 2007
Really regretting I spent the money on this game. I was expecting it to be like Doom 2016, but with better graphics, yet ended up very disappointed. It reminds me of how they strayed too far from the proven formula as they did with Rage 2. Most frustrating is all the goddamned jumping puzzles. It's jump, super jump, dash, dash, E to grab, etc. and then I still fall to my death! I guess I should have learned my lesson with Rage 2. Oh well, back to Borderlands 3. At least they know not to fix something that ain't broken!

Did you finish the game or cut it short? You missed out on a lot of great content if you left early. You can hold down dash to grab onto grabbable areas, or use whatever your grab/use button is if you're not close enough after the initial dashes. Is it really that rough?


Sep 19, 2004
I continued on with the game and it's not bad, I'm having fun, I just let my son do the extreme jumping sections because I can see where to go but my brain makes my fingers do the wrong things. My son watches me like I'm having a stroke or something. lol


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 7, 2004
The game is good, but I agree with the assessment that it isn't as good as the prior game.

They put to many forced platforming sections into the game, and there are too many scripted/cutscenes now.

The first game had very minimal scripted events / cutscenes and it worked perfectly. The platforming was very minimal as well.

They've absolutely taken a step back with this game in what seems like a way for them to broaden their market appeal.

It sucks, because when you are at the actual shooter portions of the game it has the same outstanding 'feel' that the last game delivered on and this is where the game shines. The issue is that there is just way too much down time now between action sections. It doesn't have the constant delivery like the last game had that made it so special.


Dec 12, 2008
Finished the game last night; I really enjoyed it.

Wasn't really feeling the 'limited ammo/chainsaw refill' gimmick at first, but by the later levels it came naturally enough.

Probably my favourite thing about the game was the Lore drops, didn't think I'd enjoy them as much as I did, but thought they were really interesting.

Worst thing about the game was the Marauder, not that he was incredibly difficult (the trick is the Arbalest) but besides the Arbalest, the other weapons weren't nearly as effective. So all my encounters would become, kill all semi-powerful demons, spam the arbalest when the marauder's eyes turn green, kills his stupid ghost dog, spam zombies as needed, repeat.

All the other encounters in the game had at least some variety of ways to kill demons.



Feb 15, 2002
Did you finish the game or cut it short? You missed out on a lot of great content if you left early. You can hold down dash to grab onto grabbable areas, or use whatever your grab/use button is if you're not close enough after the initial dashes. Is it really that rough?

Took a break from it. Might pick it back up tonight. Sounds like I'm not the only one hating and/or having issues with the jumping puzzles. I've always been a KB/Mouse guy for these games, but feel like maybe it would work better on a game pad. Just really resent the inclusion of these forced areas. Maybe I'm just getting old, but they really detract from the overall enjoyment of the game for me!


Jun 4, 2007
Only seen game footage on YouTube and I have absolutely no interest in the game. Doom 2016 was absolutely boring to the nth. Guess I am looking for something else


Dec 12, 2008
I didn't find the platforming sections too difficult, but was surprised by how many there were. I think my biggest complain about Doom 2016 was the repetition of its 'kill everything to proceed'-style arenas, which are still present in Eternal, but separated by the platforming sections.

I liked the speed and agility the Doom Slayer had, I remember feeling incredibly fast in the original games, and while I don't think the run speed is the same, it feels just as fast due to his increased agility. Mind you, the downside being - the Tyrant/Cyberdemon feels like an absolute pushover now. I don't think that guy killed me once, whereas in the original games, he was a monster who gibbed Seymour many times.

Wasn't a huge fan of the new Baron of Hell models. They didn't look all that different from Dread Knights and fought mostly the same. There were times I didn't even realize I was fighting a Baron until I noticed its increased size compared to a Dread Knight. What I wish they would've done, was redesign them to stand more upright, more range focused attacks (green energy balls), have the traditional 'pink-ish' skin colour, and give them a similar head model to the 'Gladiator'. Would have made them look more like the artwork for the original games and gave some distinction over an enemy that fought exactly like two other enemies.

Pain Elemental looks great and is a lot more fun to fight now than the original games. Used to hate the amount of lost souls it would spawn in the original games.

Oh, and I absolutely love the damage details now - some enemies are still bullet sponges but the amount of damage they show is great fun. The Tyrant doesn't have much flesh left on him at all by the time he's ready to be glory killed.


Fully [H]
Jan 28, 2014
I continued on with the game and it's not bad, I'm having fun, I just let my son do the extreme jumping sections because I can see where to go but my brain makes my fingers do the wrong things. My son watches me like I'm having a stroke or something. lol
Only section I had an issue was happened a little less than halfway through the game. It was a trek up the middle of a skyscraper complex and they really spaced the walls and ledges out to the absolute limit. By the time I reached the top I still doubt that I took the intended path.

I'm personally enjoying all the platforming sections. They don't feel forced at all. The level designers seem to have gotten really creative in making them, having a great understanding of the game mechanics. I'll often survey the area first to plan out my routing and will often smile or even giggle a little when I see how it's laid out.
I feel like I'm one of the few who enjoy the Marauder encounters. With the decreased reload time on the Super Shotgun you can get two shots off on him before his defenses go up without the need to switch weapons. And this is on the console version. They don't even stand a chance against me on the PC version as I spam the Super/Ballista combo with a frag tossed in just to add even more insult to injury. Keep him at medium distance and he doesn't even spawn the wolf. I was frankly disappointed after reading all the reactions from people complaining about them.


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
I'm almost done with my 2nd playthrough...this time I'm using a Guide to help me with all the expected the game is much easier the 2nd time around...once you feel comfortable with the gameplay, weapons, enemies, which weapons to use against certain enemies etc the game is not too difficult...still challenging at times but fun...I mowed through all the Slayer Gates pretty easily...only the one on Mars Core gave me trouble this time...I haven't even touched the multiplayer yet...I'm not hearing great things about it but I want to try it as a love asymmetrical multiplayer


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 7, 2004
I don't know. I really just don't see how you could review this one higher or even on par with the last game. I just re-played through the last game after beating this one and it reinforced my opinion that the last game is better.

The amount of forced cutscenes and gimmicky platforming present in this game really just turn it off to me. It doesn't have the constant seamless flow that the prior game had where it truly felt like you were fighting against an avalanche of Hell creatures. Not to mention the general flow through the world largely was coherent. It wasn't fight in level x, go back to base, fight in new level, repeat. You had a nice sense of progression traveling through the Mars facility and then Hell. Also, the Marauder enemy type in this new one really kills the 'flow'/'smoothness' of battle given how gimmicky fighting the marauder is.

Even the other things about this new game aren't executed as well like the music. The music in this game feels the creative juices just weren't there like last time. In the prior game something about the music was just more fitting/timed better.

It feels like they made changes to the formula in this new game because of no other reason than it being a new game. However, the prior game was so perfect that most changes detract IMO.

Also, I personally think most of the level design is a massive down-grade this time around. I've lost count of the number of times I get stuck in/on various objects around the level and get ganked due to it. This rarely happened in the last game.

Personally, I all I wanted from Doom Eternal was the prior game but it's saving Earth. I thought the 'Eternal' aspect was going to be some form of random/seeded level generation as well. Where you could keep playing the game with the solid mechanics of the last game, but with some rogue-like elements of the world being a bit randomized each time.

Instead, I feel like we got a game where they are trying to cater to a larger audience and the CoD kids.
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[H]F Junkie
Jun 25, 2004

I actually prefer Doom 2016 myself, and if I had to pick a favorite Doom, it would be Doom 3 still. However, while I agree with many of your points, I still feel like Doom Eternal is a very very good game. It's not exactly the followup I wanted or was expecting, but it's excellent in its own way. They are two very different games, just like many of id's previous games. (think Quake / Quake II for one) I feel like the level of quality is absolutely top notch, and that the mechanics that are there are very finely tuned. They aren't MY favorite mechanics, but I can't really fault them objectively. Only subjectively. I guess, I kind of feel about Doom Eternal how I felt about Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's an absolute MASTERPIECE, but one that I personally disagree with many of the elements of the game. :D I still absolutely enjoy both games, but I wish they were something a bit different than they are. Can't win them all I guess. :D That said, I can't really find any actual faults with Doom Eternal. It's just not MY perfect Doom.


Jul 25, 2008

I made a similar comment earlier in this thread. I've finished the game twice now, and agree with others that once you get used to the mechanics the game is "fun" and balanced well given its emphasis on "more challenging game play". Having said that, apart from the movement mechanics of Eternal (addition of Meathook & double dash), I still prefer the first game over Eternal. I mentioned that that game had "flow", and you eluded to the same thing, while this game feels stilted and boggy. I still feel that way. If we had the first game with the new dash and Meathook, it would be more along the lines of what I would want from the next sequel. I feel I must clarify however, that both games are exceptional. Doom 2016 is some of the best FPS ever made imo, and for Id to even come close to that with a sequel is still saying a lot. I'm glad they took some chances and did some experimenting. I mean I hated the Marauder, but I still respect Id for trying. Eternal is an impeccable game, but not quite as perfect as D2016, but shouldn't be discounted for taking some chances.


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Personally, I all I wanted from Doom Eternal was the prior game but it's saving Earth

I see that opinion posted from people who prefer Doom 2016 over Eternal...nothing is wrong with preferring the previous game but that stance is wanted the same game repeated again in the sequel? evolution of gameplay?...just because the last game reinvigorated the franchise the developers shouldn't take any chances?

opinions are subjective so to each his own but to say that the levels are better in the previous game is another head scratcher...the last game was one indoor corridor after another broken up by a few trips to Mars...Eternal has much better environments/levels...way more variety...the onslaught of enemies is mitigated by the much more open levels, not just horizontally but are also improved...going with Vulkan throughout development made for a better experience...just look at the Digital Foundry id Tech 7/Doom Eternal video to see the differences

with Doom 2016 the Super Shotgun was all you needed...much better weapon balance in Eternal...even the story is better this time...even though I loved the addition of platforming and enemies such as Marauder I can see why people could have an issue with it in a Doom game...I read a funny post on another forum where someone stated that this was not a Doom game but Tomb Raider with demons

I think Eternal is one of the best shooters I've ever played...seems like most of the complaints are from people who don't like the difficulty spike or can't adjust to new mechanics
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[H]F Junkie
Sep 7, 2011

I prefer 2016 over eternal, but I really, REALLY enjoyed Eternal. They are different enough that you can really love both but prefer one over the other.

I think more people would be fine with Eternal if Id expanded the 2016 campaign with DLC. Instead, all of the developer's DLC effort went towards 2016's throw-away multiplayer.

So yes, I would love more 2016. and even though Eternal is a great, even amazing game, it's just a solid reminder that we'll never get more 2016. which is not a great feeling.
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Sep 10, 2014
This is a video, with so many observations that echo and put into words how I've felt with this game.



Really regretting I spent the money on this game. I was expecting it to be like Doom 2016, but with better graphics, yet ended up very disappointed. It reminds me of how they strayed too far from the proven formula as they did with Rage 2. Most frustrating is all the goddamned jumping puzzles. It's jump, super jump, dash, dash, E to grab, etc. and then I still fall to my death! I guess I should have learned my lesson with Rage 2. Oh well, back to Borderlands 3. At least they know not to fix something that ain't broken!

I wouldn't say I regret buying the game but I died more from falling from the air than I did from actual battles. It was frustrating at various points. Also the multi-player is pretty lame if you ask me.


Fully [H]
Jan 28, 2014
I wouldn't say I regret buying the game but I died more from falling from the air than I did from actual battles. It was frustrating at various points. Also the multi-player is pretty lame if you ask me.
You don't die when you fall into a bottomless pit, you just lose 10 health or 20? armor. You'd have to fall 28 times when your health and armor is fully upgraded to die.


You don't die when you fall into a bottomless pit, you just lose 10 health or 20? armor. You'd have to fall 28 times when your health and armor is fully upgraded to die.

OK well maybe I didn't "die" officially but I fell and lost a ton of health/armor in a couple of different spots. The point is that Doom games are supposed to be about blasting away at demons, not grappling. At least in my mind, anyway. I'm a DOOM fan all the way back to the original games. I'm 43.

Also, I liked the 2016 red argent energy gun. Why did they take that away for this game?


I haven't even touched the multiplayer yet...I'm not hearing great things about it but I want to try it as a love asymmetrical multiplayer

The multiplayer sounds cool in theory but in reality it's VERY difficult to beat the slayer is the slayer is at all competent I think maybe on the demon side, I've been a winner twice out of like 30 tries.


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
The multiplayer sounds cool in theory but in reality it's VERY difficult to beat the slayer is the slayer is at all competent I think maybe on the demon side, I've been a winner twice out of like 30 tries.

I thought it also would depend on the choice of demons- for example an Arch-Vile combined with a Mancubus


More [H]uman than Human
Aug 7, 2004
This game, even with its perceived faults, is still better than a vast majority of shooters and a breath of fresh me that speaks to how good it is even if you have minor gripes compared to DOOM 2016 and preferred that game. Just think of how much worse it could have been...other studios have trashed cherished franchises and if the worse that happened here is that some think it's not quite as good as the last one, we're still in a damn good place as far as I'm concerned.


[H]F Junkie
Jun 25, 2004
This game, even with its perceived faults, is still better than a vast majority of shooters and a breath of fresh me that speaks to how good it is even if you have minor gripes compared to DOOM 2016 and preferred that game. Just think of how much worse it could have been...other studios have trashed cherished franchises and if the worse that happened here is that some think it's not quite as good as the last one, we're still in a damn good place as far as I'm concerned.

The game is spectacular. My gripes ARE minor in the scheme of things. Personally, as a fan of all of id's games, I'm fine with them experimenting a bit. Like I said, Doom 3 is probably my favorite. However, I do agree largely with the sentiment that it IS in fact a bit of a departure from what Doom typically means. Which is fine, but there are plenty of people who will prefer one style over the other. I would have maybe expected Doom Eternal's play style more for a Quake game if I'm honest. Quake was always a bit more about long jumps, dexterity, launch pads, and slightly more "out there" types of weapons. I think Doom Eternal could have been Quake Eternal, and people wouldn't have been so surprised by the differences. Just a thought. I'm thoroughly enjoying Doom Eternal. It's like Doom and Mirror's Edge mixed with a touch of an Dishonored. Three series that I love. Still, as a PURE Doom game, I lean toward 2016.


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 7, 2004
Again, it's a good shooter, but it's not what I wanted out of a Doom game.

I had no issue with the difficulty, and people trying to downplay opinions because they think people had a tough time with the 'difficulty' is just pathetic.

Fundamentally, there was way to much platforming in this game, and I didn't like what that did with the combat.

In a lot of ways, this felt more like a new Quake or Unreal then it did Doom.


[H]F Junkie
Jun 25, 2004
Again, it's a good shooter, but it's not what I wanted out of a Doom game.

I had no issue with the difficulty, and people trying to downplay opinions because they think people had a tough time with the 'difficulty' is just pathetic.

Fundamentally, there was way to much platforming in this game, and I didn't like what that did with the combat.

In a lot of ways, this felt more like a new Quake or Unreal then it did Doom.

Agreed with the downplaying and associating taste with difficulty. Difficulty really doesn't come very far into it. It's a vastly different style of play than previous Dooms. Evolution is great, and like I said, I was fine with the mechanics experimentation, but you can't fault people who enjoy the standard play of a Doom game for wanting more of the same. It's the whole reason the games have always been popular. Simple, refined, mechanics by the inventors of the genre. There are tons of other games, even id properties where I would have expected more of this sort of updated mechanics to go. Can't argue with its success though. Tons of people love the new game (including myself) but then, tons of people loved the previous games in the series too. For a reason.

I also agree that it had more of a Quake and Unreal flair to it. Which is also ok with me, as a fan of those series as well. That said, I still do prefer a darker, distilled Doom experience for a Doom game.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to love Doom Eternal's style of play, and previous Dooms' styles as well, and prefer one or the other. I don't think anybody is saying this game sucks.
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I thought it also would depend on the choice of demons- for example an Arch-Vile combined with a Mancubus

90% of the time I've played as an Arch-Vile


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 14, 2010
I continued on with the game and it's not bad, I'm having fun, I just let my son do the extreme jumping sections because I can see where to go but my brain makes my fingers do the wrong things. My son watches me like I'm having a stroke or something. lol
lol, same issue here. I do find it amusing that some just find the jumping/puzzles easy while others, like myself hit a wall at times. Some of it is somewhat fun but after awhile tedious. So far I like 2016 way better, even Doom 3 which really is a horror game more than a Doom game. Monkey bars, swinging chain fire ropes, green goo, impotent puches between blood punches, constant chain sawing for ammo, constant flaming for armor. What in the hell am I am playing???


[H]F Junkie
Sep 7, 2011
I can see why some, even many, won't like it.

I still loved the F*** out of it, though I prefer many parts of 2016. No need to chastise people who don't like it. I'm sorry that it didn't turn out like they'd hoped. I get that.


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 7, 2004
lol, same issue here. I do find it amusing that some just find the jumping/puzzles easy while others, like myself hit a wall at times. Some of it is somewhat fun but after awhile tedious. So far I like 2016 way better, even Doom 3 which really is a horror game more than a Doom game. Monkey bars, swinging chain fire ropes, green goo, impotent puches between blood punches, constant chain sawing for ammo, constant flaming for armor. What in the hell am I am playing???
This is generally why I wasn't a fan of this game.

The prior game felt like the original games where what kept you alive was basically being able to dodge bullets almost like a bullet hell type of game, and have good aim. That was really about it. The last game captured that perfectly.

This game they seem to almost artificially increase the difficulty by requiring you to basically memorize the different combo's you need. At that point, in my opinion, it's less about raw skill with just how well you can aim & dodge fire, and more about just memorizing whatever random shit you need to memorize. It's less of a skill ceiling thing, and IMO just lame memorization of what different key you need to hit when.

I didn't particularly find any of this challenging. To me it was just an annoyance, and even worse was the forced platforming in between the action. Just awful. May as well had been just QTE cutscenes, honestly. If I want to play a game where i'm jumping around I could go play Super Mario Odyssey and have way more fun.

I get why people would like it, but to me that's not a Doom game. More importantly, it's not what I expected out of a game with Doom in the title when I bought it. I wasn't expecting that when I bought Doom: Eternal I was actually getting like MDK 3 or something.
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Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 14, 2010
Yep. I played 4 hours straight and it is finally clicking and finally feel somewhat in rhythm, probably first 4 hours I had with this game having fun, at 19 hours and not even halfway yet lol. Moving much quicker now. Took a lot of tooth pulling in my poor case. If that keeps up then I will play it probably at least 3 times break and a final time.


Fully [H]
Jan 28, 2014
Yep. I played 4 hours straight and it is finally clicking and finally feel somewhat in rhythm, probably first 4 hours I had with this game having fun, at 19 hours and not even halfway yet lol. Moving much quicker now. Took a lot of tooth pulling in my poor case. If that keeps up then I will play it probably at least 3 times break and a final time.
I think Civvie explained it best that you don't start to have fun until the Super Gore Nest mission, which is probably right around the 4-hour mark for most people.

II - The Pain -> IV The Game Gets Good
"For the first few hours I was getting progressively more miserable... but then, ...the game starts to kick all kinds of ass"
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[H]F Junkie
Jun 25, 2004
I'm enjoying it a lot, and it is really starting to get good now. I'm also breaking up my sessions a bit with Hollow Knight, which is actually a really nice pairing. And whiskey. However, while I play Doom fine with Whiskey, my Hollow Knight skills diminish somewhat. :p


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
the cheat codes are crazy...the fact that you can still progress the story and obtain all the collectibles with it enabled is even crazier...


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[H]F Junkie
Jun 25, 2004
the cheat codes are crazy...the fact that you can still progress the story and obtain all the collectibles with it enabled is even crazier...

I'm not interested in most of them really, but once I've played the game all the way through, I plan to use that Ammo cheat, and go back to missions for some "old school" Doomery. :D


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
I'm not interested in most of them really, but once I've played the game all the way through, I plan to use that Ammo cheat, and go back to missions for some "old school" Doomery. :D

I haven't tried any of them yet but you can enable multiple cheats or even all of them which I'm guessing would make the player feel like the ultimate Doom Slayer...the Infinite Ammo cheat even applies to the BFG and Crucible