Tue, 8 December 2015
Andreh is an American married to a Brazilian. He lives in Brasilia and teaches English there. We discuss his experiences in Brazil, his thoughts on Brazilian customer service, and the current political situation. (Please note that this was recorded a few months ago, so his views on Dilma's impeachment are not based on current information.) |
Sun, 30 August 2015
I chat with Dayane, a self-taught English speaker who lives in São Paulo. |
Sun, 23 August 2015
I chat with Zezinho about life in Rocinha, his favela tour company, the community center he's working on, and his cats. He's an old friend of the podcast. Last time we talked was back in episode 41. Links:
Sun, 16 August 2015
Milton pops in to talk about his recent trip to Canada as well as his motorcycle trip adventures to some small towns in Brazil. |
Sun, 9 August 2015
Coming out of a long hiatus, I talk about the 2014 World Cup, that was hosted in Brazil. Then I play clip of a neuroscientist's take on capoeira. keywords: World Cup, Brazil, capoeira, podcast, soccer |
Fri, 23 May 2014
Jake is an American musician with a love for all kinds of Brazilian music. He and his Forró band z'Bumba, create awesome authentic-sounding Brazilian music in Portland, Oregon. Links:
Mon, 5 May 2014
I chat with Mike again. When last we spoke in episode 69, he was in the U.S. planning to one day return to Brazil. Now he's living in São Paulo!
keywords: Brazil, travel, São Paulo, culture, interview |
Thu, 17 October 2013
I chat with Kacie, an American who spent time in Joinville, Santa Catarina teaching English. |
Fri, 24 May 2013
Milton stops by to chat about his new car and driving in Brazil. |
Mon, 8 April 2013
Transcript: Recently, one Brazil's most renowned architects, Oscar Niemeyer, passed away. He died on December 5th, 2012, ten days before what would have been his 105th birthday. I learned of him on my very first visit to Brazil in the 80s when he was already an old man, and every time I returned to Brazil and saw him turn up in the news, I was always astonished to learn he was still alive. Now I'm just as surprised to hear of his passing. He is most known as the great architect who designed the governmental buildings in Brazil's capital city of Brasilia under President Juscelino Kubitschek in the 1950s, as well helping to design the United Nations building in New York City. But back in the 40s when Kubitschek was the mayor of Belo Horizonte, Niemeyer was already known to him and was contracted by him to design buildings for a newly-created man-made lake in the Pampulha district of Belo Horizonte, the city where I now live. One of those buildings is the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi, which is today considered one of the most well-known icons of Belo Horizonte, as well as the most popular postcard image for visitors to that city. But it wasn't always that way. Although construction of the church was completed in 1943, its unique architectural style was so reviled by the Catholic Church that it refused to consecrate it. In response to Niemeyer's remark that he had been was inspired by French Poet Paul Claudel's statement that "A church is God's hangar on earth," the archbishop of Belo Horizonte said it was more like the devil's bomb shelter and unfit for religious purposes. The church does, in fact, bear a striking resemblance to a miniature aircraft hangar, being the first architectural structure, besides actual hangars, to use a parabolic arch as a roof, making it radically different in appearance from traditional Catholic churches. The fact that Niemeyer was a professed atheist did nothing to help the situation. The Church also took issue with some of the artwork, done by Brazilian Painter Cândido Portinari that was incorporated on both the exterior and interior of the building, such as this image, showing St. Francis with a dog. It is a reference to a story about him using the power of God to pacify a wolf that had been attacking villagers and their livestock. In gratitude, the people of the village agreed to feed and care for it, and it lived peacefully with them for many years thereafter until its death. It was a domesticated wolf, so the artist chose to portray it as a dog. Other images portrayal additional legends of St. Francis interacting with animals. Here he can be seen preaching to the birds. And here he is giving a sermon to the birds and the fish (although he appears to be stepping on one of the fish.) The dog can be seen again on a large mural within the main part of the building. Smaller paintings signifying the Stations of the Cross hang at eye level on the cherry wood walls at either side. To the left is one of two confessionals. These were never used, since it was discovered after construction was completed that they do an excellent job of projecting the voice of a speaker within out to the entire room, making private conversations rather difficult. Despite resistance by Church officials and an attempt by a later mayor to have the building demolished, it remained. As Niemeyer achieved greater fame for his architectural work in Brasilia, as well as the United Nations building in New York City, and as Portinari achieved ever greater recognition, eventually becoming one of the most renowned Brazilian painters, the artistic merit of the Church of Saint Francis became much harder to deny. In 1959, 16 years after construction, it was finally consecrated by Auxiliary Archbishop João Rezende Costa, who said, "Now we can feel the wonderful art created here in homage to the Creator." Music: --Meditation Impromptu 03 by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Photos: --UN Complex: licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license from www.WorldIslandInfo.com --Lake Panorama: licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license from Wikipedia user Andreborgeslopes |
Fri, 15 February 2013
I chat with Rafucko, a Brazilian in Rio who blogs and produces YouTube videos in English about Brazil's social and political problems. (He also blogs and produces videos in Portuguese.) The tagline for his new show, entitled "Brazil Without Make-Up," is "An honest guide to my beautiful country. Unveiling Brazil's best kept secrets :)" Links:
Mon, 7 January 2013
Back in the 90s when I was a college student, Brazilian scholar Darcy Ribeiro visited Indiana University to give a lecture on his theories of race and culture in Latin America. (We discussed his ideas at length back in episode 15.) I attended his talk and recorded it with my trusty audio cassette recorder. The last time I was in the US, I managed to track down the tape and now offer it here as a digital download. This was recorded on September 19, 1992. |
Sun, 23 December 2012
Highlights from Simone and Kinsey's Fourth Annual Road Trip in the US You can also watch this video in full 720p on YouTube: http://youtu.be/YsdAhUYtL0U |
Thu, 13 December 2012
As happened last year, I met up with Mark at Dragon*Con to record an episode. This time it was a success! Mark worked as a missionary in Rio Grande do Sul for two years in the late 90s. He talks about his experiences there, and then we chat about Dragon*Con. |
Wed, 5 September 2012
I chat with Shelley from the blog <a href="http://ummango.blogspot.com.br/">Give us this day our daily mango</a>. Shelley is an American who recently moved to Brazil with her husband and three children. |
Tue, 17 July 2012
Milton stops by to chat about his childhood memories as well as his broken arm. Also, here's the China in Box commercial. |
Tue, 3 July 2012
I chat with Kika and MdC Suingue from the Caipirinha Appreciation Society, an English language Brazilian music podcast. Links:
Tue, 19 June 2012
Loren is an American married to Brazilian veterinarian Monike. I chat with them about how they met and the interesting misunderstandings and cultural differences they have encountered. Loren is learning Portuguese by reading Mônica comics and watching Zorra Total. brazilianisms.com |
Thu, 31 May 2012
Mike is an American who has visited Brazil three times over the past three years and hopes to eventually spend a year living there. He talks about his experiences (mostly in Rio) and why he considers Brazil his favorite place on earth. Mike keeps up to date about Brazil on Twitter by following @10kjuan, @brazzil, @thebrazilbiz,@thebrazilshow, and of course @brazilianisms. He's currently reading The Masters and the Slaves by Gilberto Freyre. He has gotten to know and hang out with many cool Brazilians he met on CouchSurfing. Mike blogs about Brazil at American Mind -- Espírito Brasileiro. You can also follow him on Twitter and friend him on Facebook. |
Thu, 24 May 2012
I talk to 10kJuan, an Ecuadorian-Spanish-American from Queens, New York who currently resides in São Paulo. |
Mon, 16 April 2012
Brandon revisits the show with an update on his experiences as his move to Brazil draws near. |
Tue, 27 March 2012
I do my second solo episode and discuss interesting news items. |
Mon, 30 January 2012
We talk about some news stories and ideas for future show topics. Then we go off on a tangent and discuss Milton's crappy computer. This is a longer-than-usual episode, and for some reason the audio gets a bit crackly after 43 minutes. Sorry about that. Links: |
Wed, 25 January 2012
Milton shaved off his beard! Besides feedback, we talk about Netflix in Brazil, the adorable Capivari currency, and people who can't tell time. Also, Brazil is one of the eight most complicated countries to visit. This episode has been brought to you by the numbers 24, 171 and X9. |
Sun, 22 January 2012
Highlights from Simone and Kinsey's Second Annual Road Trip in the US. I know I put in quite a lot of Disney parade footage, but I really didn't have much other video from that trip. |
Tue, 27 December 2011
We talk about English teaching in Brazil, and then we argue about race. |
Mon, 12 December 2011
Highlights from Simone and Kinsey's Third Annual Road Trip in the US |
Mon, 5 December 2011
I'm so late getting this posted that it's a bit out of date. I'm no longer preparing for a trip to the US but have actually been there and back. Still, the feedback is relevant. |
Wed, 2 November 2011
We chat with listener Brandon in what is the longest episode of Brazilianisms to date. We couldn't stop talking. The conversation was just that good. |
Wed, 19 October 2011
Milton discusses soccer in Brazil, and then we debate whether or not the traffic in Belo Horizonte has gotten worse over the years. |
Wed, 12 October 2011
I have a short conversation with listener Mark at Dragon*Con. |
Mon, 8 August 2011
We cover a variety of topics and do a bit more feedback. |
Sat, 23 July 2011
We cover a bit of feedback. |
Fri, 15 July 2011
We're finally back with another feedback episode! |
Sat, 14 May 2011
Milton tries to explain something about the curriculum where we teach English, and I become hopelessly confused. Don't expect to learn anything about Brazil in this slightly humorous mini episode. |
Tue, 10 May 2011
We talk about our experiences teaching and learning foreign languages. |
Mon, 4 April 2011
This episode is mainly about my recent experiences being diagnosed and treated for kidney stones in Brazil. We also revisit the topic of green lasers being shot at airplanes, Milton tells about being nearly killed in a bicycle accident, and I talk about falling on some wet stairs. |
Sat, 12 March 2011
I apologize for the ridiculous amount of background noises heard throughout the episode. Some crazy neighbor decided to hammer and use power tools as we were recording. Since opportunities to record with Milton are few and far between, I decided to go on with the show. In this episode, we compare healthcare in the US and Brazil. Then we discuss the Pirahã indians and their unique cultural and linguistic traits. |
Sun, 27 February 2011
Milton is back! As always, it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things, but we muddle through. |
Sun, 13 February 2011
Here at last is our long-awaited Brazilian music episode. I am by no means an expert on Brazilian music, but I hope that this sampling gives a general idea of the range of musical styles produced in Brazil. I would especially like to thank Israeli podcaster Guy David for making this episode possible. In Israel it is legal to include copyrighted music in a podcast with the only requirement being that it is properly sited. With that in mind, I asked Guy if he would mind hosting this episode in his Israeli podcasting account. He graciously agreed, and thanks to him, I am now able to share all these songs with my listeners. The links below take you to iTunes, where you download each individual song (assuming you are using the US iTunes store). If you want to see all the songs together, you can go to my iTunes playlist. Enjoy!
Direct download: 57cd6059-9924-4172-8e6c-12adc4fe5600.icast.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 12:40am -03 |
Sat, 25 December 2010
In this episode we're a bit more organized and actually manage to talk about Brazil. Milton insists on opening the window, so there's a lot of street noise in the background. |
Mon, 20 December 2010
As happened last year, the first episode after I got back to Brazil is rather chaotic. We jump around a lot from topic to topic and somehow end up discussing the US more than Brazil. Also there's a lot of background noise from crinkly plastic bags. On the plus side, we're finally using a high-quality microphone. |
Fri, 10 December 2010
Finally, here is the episode we recorded for the second year in a row at Dragon*Con's podcasting track. |
Fri, 3 December 2010
Finally we come out with a new episode! This was recorded nearly six months ago, but it's still worth a listen, especially if you're a Milton fan. |
Fri, 13 August 2010
This is the fourth and final episode from our recording session with Spanky. |
Wed, 28 July 2010
Things get a little crazy as Milton and I enjoy the beer that Spanky brought us. |
Tue, 25 May 2010
Spanky stays on. We talk about the Alta Vila Tower Mall, rock art in Gruta Rei do Mato (I gave the wrong name in the episode), and frustrating experiences with the Federal Police and at the airport. Also, I like Prawer chocolate. |
Tue, 18 May 2010
Spanky drops by to record with us, bearing gifts. Meanwhile, a neighborhood dog barks and barks. |
Tue, 11 May 2010
We took such a long hiatus that we forgot that our previous episode was already dedicated to feedback, so you get two feedback shows in a row! I know this wasn't one of our stronger episodes, but don't give up on us quite yet. Next week's show has a special surprise guest. |
Thu, 6 May 2010
We do a bit of feedback, speculate on Spanky, and talk about Milton's new motorcycle. Also, Milton is not gay. (If anyone is having trouble accessing the site at www.brazilianismspodcast.com, you can also get to it through tvindy.typepad.com/brazilianisms .) |
Mon, 15 March 2010
Milton demonstrates some of the most important Brazilian gestures. |
Sun, 3 January 2010
Sun, 3 January 2010
This is footage from my roadtrip with Simone in the US.
Thu, 24 December 2009
George Hrab and Slau conduct a blind taste
test at Dragon*Con to determine whether or not Brazilian oreos are in
fact inferior to American ones.
Sun, 13 December 2009
Wed, 9 December 2009
Tue, 1 December 2009
Fri, 23 October 2009
This episode was recorded live at the podcasting track of Dragon*Con 2009. |
Sat, 25 July 2009
Sun, 19 July 2009
Mon, 13 July 2009
Website: http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Brazilianisms |
Sat, 4 July 2009
Fri, 26 June 2009
Mon, 9 March 2009
In this episode we basically talk about all the crap in Brazil and some of my frustrations living here. I sincerely hope this episode doesn't offend, as that was not our intent. |
Thu, 22 January 2009
Website: http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Brazilianisms |
Mon, 12 January 2009
Website: http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Brazilianisms |
Mon, 29 December 2008
Fri, 5 December 2008
Mon, 3 November 2008
Sat, 25 October 2008
Website: http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com |
Wed, 15 October 2008
http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com |
Mon, 6 October 2008
Fri, 15 August 2008
Tue, 22 July 2008
Here are some highlights from my trip with Milton, showing a bit of
Brasília and Abadiânia. We'll discuss the trip in detail in an upcoming
Sun, 29 June 2008
Mon, 23 June 2008
Tue, 17 June 2008
Wed, 4 June 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_019__The_Portuguese_Language.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Wed, 28 May 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_018__Electric_Feedback_Boogaloo.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Thu, 22 May 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_017__Race_part_3.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Mon, 12 May 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_016__Race_part_2.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Sun, 4 May 2008
Sun, 27 April 2008
Direct download: 9888eea5-d189-fcb4-0b86-f5f7e1f612f1.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Tue, 15 April 2008
Milton couldn't make it this week, so we don't have a regular episode.
(We definitely will next week.) In the meantime, here's a short video
showing the contents of my refrigerator.
Mon, 7 April 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_013__The_Episode_Where_we_Jump_the_Shark.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Mon, 31 March 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_012__Miltom_Wants_to_Climb_a_Tree.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Sun, 30 March 2008
Episode 11 was our first attempt at a live show. It is a collection of some of the more amusing visual moments. Since this is recorded from what we streamed overseas to Ustream, the quality is not ideal.
Direct download: Brazilianisms_VIDEO_003__Highlights_from_First_Live_Show.mov
Category:Video -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Thu, 27 March 2008
In Brazil there are no Easter baskets or dyed chicken eggs. Instead, people receive large hollow chocolate eggs with candy inside. This video features the egg I got for Simone.
http://www.brazilianismspodcast.com |
Sun, 23 March 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_011__Live_Feedback.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Mon, 17 March 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_010__Feedback_Extravaganza.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 1:01am -03 |
Sun, 9 March 2008
Direct download: Brazilianisms_009__Too_Much_Feedback_.mp3
Category:Regular Episodes -- posted at: 3:01am -03 |
Mon, 7 January 2008
This promo was created for us by Danny and Ashley of Danny Does Duluth. Feel free to play it anywhere you like.
Website: http://www.braziliansismspodcast.com Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Brazilianisms |