Searched For: Querying
sure how this could be implemented in the long term though
e that query (which can even be unreliable after all due to T265775)
o only be able to sort by "any kind of change happened to the task."
WHERE page_namespace = 6
LIMIT 1000
Creating a table in Hive with default settings then querying it from the command line produces … memory in 22 ms. row count = 1
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
authorship information currently returns the error message
"Error querying Wikiwho API: Unknown"
---------- … g/Disco_Elysium?uselang=en
Error querying Wikiwho API: Unknown
----------- … on&diff=210870559&oldid=210868460
need to be registered with commons to make changes with wikidata... was renamed to (T11823).
Now, querying the API with langlinks for be-tarask doesn't work, but querying for be-x-old does work.
* h … reating this bug in case it isn't.
Wiki Replicas 2020 Redesign ]], we would like to add a new replica querying interface to [[ …
* ToolforgeBundle should offer a querying interface for the replicas, where … ain to manually check the dblists)
ally, as the queries seem to faster than those for the Edit Counter.
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
(or are at least warned about) queries without partition predicates.
datatype external ID is possible
[ ] correct SPARQL code is produced
[requestid] => 832551312
Raw Data:
list of jobs requires getting the list of known tables, which means querying the database. We can write this l … t should make things a lot better.
Otherwise, tables work well, but of course take up more resources.
ch for #covidgap in Massviews I get 'An unknown error occurred when querying Hashtag API' I've received this m … past week when trying to run it
end prop=langlinks to take multiple parameters for lllang. Thoughts?
**Version**: unspecified
**Severity**: enhancement
**Version**: 1.21.x
**Severity**: normal
should have something like `guiuserid` that takes a global user ID
ber 2018. Few days ago I found, that this query is not working now.
**Version**: core-(2.0)
**Severity**: normal
In the process of testing an idea relating to {T240808}
d). Please exercise care to not post the name publicly here. Thanks.
**Version**: unspecified
**Severity**: normal
yet, so we would have to code this into Replica, or write the API." | querying the file extensions on a site ]] … "midi"
ling TLS 1.2. My workaround is to fix that so I don't see the error.
t/bug.txt|source code]].
It’s very old bug. Sorry for my English.
a year ago. It was very useful as an indicator for hounding claims.> .
The sparql query pasted should work.
oss multiple languages and examine the output of different options.
ening though, and possibly report to upstream if anything is broken.
r advice on how to further enhance the query is appreciated as well.
ml table on page 'Cake recipe'.
In general, something like this...
y additional information, and thank you for the help.
My best,
included in the first query already.
Is my expectation wrong that querying for `status_value` should query o … dia/support/issues/70 (not public)
e type" menu to select "Yearly"
it gives this error message: `Error querying Yearly pageviews API`
But only if … s situation. Thanks!)
img = list(page.imagelinks())[0]
tool development use case as well.
User:Xinbenlv / Github:@xinbenlv
sily wrapped in both Python and R
* We make do with just the Python
would timeout with the way Superset works, it should be limited to querying fast stores like Druid or Presto.
n seeing a lot of Java VM "out of heap memory" errors in Hue lately.
guidance from whoever is responsible for the PageViewInfo extension.
67246} − user_id has been deprecated, and actor_id should be used.
0070610153454 |
1 row in set (2 min 8.86 sec)
s selected, as the range does not include a full range.
ut sadly no results for 'AND'.
MediaWiki 1.32.1
Cargo 2.1.1
tUpdated: 2018-05-17 20:20:37 UTC
open: false
status: MERGED
Summary: Have optionally crawl every page querying prop=extlinks instead of download … be "modified to crawl every page querying prop=extlinks
> instead of downlo … *: unspecified
**Severity**: major
if it's useful and I figure out how it works.
Thanks for your time.
* ~~WDQS Updater and Munge needs to be support lexemes & forms. ~~
When querying prohibited endpoint, e.g.
SE … , prohibited one shouldn't either.
It says `Error querying Siteinfo API`
A lot of output in hive when querying events database, how can we make … query does not return any results
ch is too slow and resource-heavy to work with a large-scale upload.
you need to specify `sites`, which makes it effectively the same as querying a Wikipedia instance (and hence, … abel exists (and what its QID is).
hnically allowing suppression of a judgement comment. (See T153142)
ite -- how complex they will be to execute
hex IP values). If/when you get around to this, I'm happy to help :)
Querying for bots on the Timeline can take … ditcount (e.g. one million edits).
= Querying databases
* [x] How many: mpegs, … gging for deletion/deleting files
Querying for just 'Covfefe' doesn't give a … International_Space_Station|Sugar
" has null value, but does not specify a null behavior.
nd bar, and you query for tags foo or bar, the edit will show twice.
(or maybe I should be specifying something different in "Accept"?)
ace in python?
Thank you so much.
Marc Miquel
**Version**: unspecified
**Severity**: major
**Version**: Stable
**Severity**: normal
construct the correct fully qualified URL using these two settings.
pages, lists, et al.
Thoough some performance issues are possible.
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
to find commonalities
2. Create concepts that cover common usecases
* [[Bird]]
* [[Big]]
* [[Big!]]
* [[Big Ten Conference]]
When querying action=opensearch for:
* "Bir": … major
**Whiteboard**: cirrus-fixed
should have something like `guiuserid` that takes a global user ID
a <<+channel:DBPerformance +message:*WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup*>>
**Version**: unspecified
**Severity**: normal
sviews, Langviews and Redirect Views. The main pageviews app allows querying for up to 10 articles without thr … ottling, the other apps should too
have many subrtasks related with solving issues with scalability , querying and high cardinality dimensions.
the number of geo queries elasticsearch makes internally in half by querying the appropriate index instead of … ends is needed to share that code.
Get pageview dataset ready to be loaded to druid to test querying capabilities
it'd be nice to get something other than a database error message :)
**See Also**:
rit/Reports>, which probably doesn't have a Phabricator project/tag.
100 queries per sec is around 4% of our average 2,500 qps
**Version**: unspecified
**Severity**: enhancement
When querying for unique last-access clients gr … -> enwiki.
**Version**: unspecified
**Severity**: enhancement