> Nato Alphabet
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo,
Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett,
Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar,
Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango,
Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee,
> Nato Alphabet
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo,
Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett,
Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar,
Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango,
Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee,
fuck off. dont use this node.
Everyone knows they can crack their knuckles, but it's also possible to do the same with elbows, toes, and other joints
#4. Kuz is a bitch
Random thing people should know: Hitman for hire .onion websites have as of 2021-07-07 all been fake. There is a YouTube "documentary" video on Besa Mafia (a hitman for hire site) by Barely Socialable.
http://siph0n.net/exploits.php?id=4662 (seen archived in the Barely Socialable YT vid - PWsAA)
https://cracking.org/threads/oiiuv2gwl2jhvg3j-onion-besamafia-dump.123623/ ("oiiuv2gwl2jhvg3j.onion besa mafia Dump") - post #5 uncensored:
I hope this includes the messages.
Nope, it links to http://www.filedropper.com/oiiuv2gwl2jhvg3jonion-besamafia which is a dead link. Someone please re-upload it.
Context: bRpsd ("Skype -> VEGNOX, Mail -> CY@LIVE.NO") is the creator of the data dump.
Email URL: { https://mail.protonmail.com/u/0/sent/KPl1Iqom1AZyL7tAR-KR3v3dJf5NKAEIvTMHYUPXqaF9hvHzyjb7i4v3E-N1t7zr3ZM_085fFOLjVIgt_Tw37g==/6iZpI6b0Ksg8MWSeEIIN1_slwz5Iop5lBu5USMUNYbGS5KdU2YYmqxXssrHKxspVbLgxSLuUeToErK4PmGrnLg== }
Email subject: { Dead link }
From: { [...]@protonmail.com }
To: { cy@live.no }
Sent: { Sat, 10 Jul 2021 12:00:59 +0000 }
Filesize, note: { 1.01 KB, "Stored with zero-access encryption" }
Body: { Do you still have the http://oiiuv2gwl2jhvg3j.onion/ "Besa Mafia" leaked data from about 2016? The link you provided ( https://files.fm/u/gmfwamzw ) to download the messages is dead.
Myself and someone else have been looking for that data:
https://raidforums.com/Thread-TXT-Besa-Mafia-2016-LEAK-BACKGROUND }
Message headers:
X-Pm-Origin: internal
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Message-Id: <hWcjmDYik_LV2O1ROD2bQAyO37dIGesaIq0bLjvlPVcHNimYhIyccS9tRJ1LLg0fKnKxkjJA1XS8jQW73EhRGpRZ0gozPLdNtgcTMuZOt34=@protonmail.com>
X-Pm-Scheduled-Sent-Original-Time: 1625918443
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