Laboratoire Charles Coulomb
Universite de Montpellier Place Eugene Bataillon 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 France |
Phone + 33 4 67 14 35 38
e-mail: Born: November 4, 1973 Nationality: French |
Research experiences
2019 - 2022: Visiting Academics; University of Cambridge, UK
Department of Chemistry, Churchill College
Since 2009: CNRS Directeur de recherche; University of Montpellier, France
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb
March - Sep. 2007: Visiting scientist; University of Chicago, USA
2002 - 2009: CNRS Charge de recherche; University of Montpellier, France
Laboratoire des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux
2001 - 2004: Postdoctoral research associate; University of Oxford, UK
Department of Theoretical Physics
Sep. - Dec. 2001: Postdoctoral position; CECAM, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
1998 - 2001: PhD in Theoretical Physics; Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Laboratoire de Physique
Education and degrees
1998 - 2001: PhD at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Driven dynamics of glassy systems: From spin glasses to complex fluids.
Advisors: J.-L. Barrat (Lyon, France) and J. Kurchan (Paris, France)
1997 - 1998: DEA de Physique Theorique Rhone-Alpin (Graduate Studies in theoretical physics).
1995 - 1996: Agregation de Physique (National examination of teaching ability).
1993 - 1995: Undergraduate studies, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France.
Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, 2019-2022
PI of Simons Collaboration Cracking the Glass Problem, 2016-2024
ERC Starting Grant, 2012
Chercheur d'avenir, Region Languedoc-Roussillon, 2009
Medaille de bronze du CNRS, 2007
Marie Curie Fellow, 2002-2004
Junior Research Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford, 2002-2004
Prix Saint Gobain Jeunes Chercheurs de la Societe Francaise de Physique 2001
2020-2022: Lectures on "Granular media and jamming", Master M2 physique (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France)
2013 - 2017: Lectures on "Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics", Master M2 physique (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France)
1998 - 2001: Teaching assistant at Universite de Lyon, France
1996 - 1997: Physics teacher at a military college (National service).