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    A person in catagory as a week except only liking or using memes related to the long running series of anime and manga known as JoJo's bizzare adventure
    Deta is a jojofag
    --inkwell(the guy who made mordernbound)
    by Is there a name left November 25, 2018
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    Jul 7 Word of the Day
    When you're being horny (especially around friends) and as a result shame ensues.
    Friend 1: "Aw man, I could totally fuck a catgirl right now.."

    Friend 2: "That's it, you're going to horny jail."
    via giphy
    by Blysterz October 19, 2020
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    A JoJo fan who is sexually attracted to the characters of JoJo, occasionally spurt out their "quotes" and deny they're gay. (Even though it's confirmed jojo fans suck cock)

    Usually attracted to one of the characters.
    Jojofag: muda muda hehehee jojo lol
    someone with a brainstem: ew a jojofag get the fuck out cocksucker
    by trollface moment April 28, 2020
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