ELEX > 総合掲示板 > トピックの詳細
BlackSoul 2017年10月19日 0時34分
Can't save after 100 saves?
Have 99 save files, can't save 100th save file. Any attempt to save breaks the game (save triangle keeps spinning).
Keeps happening all the time. If i delete an old save, then it saves properly.
Anybody has this issue? Is there a limit of 100 saves?
最近の変更はBlackSoulが行いました; 2017年10月19日 0時34分
1-15 / 15 のコメントを表示
Finrod 2017年10月19日 0時35分 
100 Autosaves or did u create 100 savefiles manually?
BlackSoul 2017年10月19日 0時36分 
Manual 100 saves. It seems that autosave and quicksave are still working.
Finrod 2017年10月19日 0時37分 
Dude. How can u have 100 manually created saves? For what purpose? Just delete 90 and go on...
BlackSoul 2017年10月19日 0時46分 
Strange question :)
People play RPGs in different ways. I like to save before important decisions in case later i want to continue from there.
In future i'll play with all 3 fractions too. Maybe 100 saves are fine for finishing storyline once.. but to dig deeper into game, work on achievements, etc - is not enough. Is it because of cloud space or what? Doesn't make sense honestly.
narutoshippudenfan203 goblin 2017年10月19日 1時08分 
Finrod の投稿を引用:
Dude. How can u have 100 manually created saves? For what purpose? Just delete 90 and go on...

i had over 4000 manual saves on oblivion, i used alot of them

save before important decisions or cool events to replay them again
Valdorel 2017年10月19日 3時17分 
Geez, and hear I was feeling save-scummy for having and average of 2-3 manual saves per character...
ReV0LT 2017年10月19日 3時19分 
A janky solution would be to backup the save files manually.

In other words, copy+paste save files into folders.
Fenix-Venix 2017年10月19日 3時25分 
Basarab Laiota の投稿を引用:
i had over 4000 manual saves on oblivion, i used alot of them
O_O Now I have seen everything.
最近の変更はFenix-Venixが行いました; 2017年10月19日 3時26分
BlackSoul 2017年10月19日 23時42分 
If you want to have more than 100 manual saves just manually copy your save folder (either C:\Users\{username}\Saved Games\Elex\SaveGames or %LOCALAPPDATA%\ELEX\SaveGames) and then delete current saves (either all or partially).
If later you want to restore then just put the folder back.

It's kinda sad that devs capped it at 100 though.
dwharper 2019年11月24日 9時47分 
The first saved game is SaveData_0000.save and that format continues. So technically they could go to 9999 saves. Why do they care how many saves we have on our computer? Some games have performance problems with hundreds of saves. We should get to decide. The last game I cut and pasted 90 of the saves to another folder. When I tried to save again all the saves were still listed like I hadn't moved any files. I just went down to the beginning and started saving them at 1. The game moved that save to the top of the list. Closing the game and starting it again might have worked. Maybe if the Devs have so much time, they should fix things like the Waterfalls, which look like crap!
Mad_Commander 2019年11月24日 10時10分 
Just RAR 90 of them for later use and continue on.
D'amarr from Darshiva 2019年11月24日 11時09分 
dwharper の投稿を引用:
Why do they care how many saves we have on our computer?
You aren't a programmer, if you ask that. No artificial limit in the savegame file chooser would require the programmer to spend more effort on showing only a subset of the savegame files and its screenshots and handling all that dynamically, if player scrolls up/down or pages up/down.

dwharper の投稿を引用:
Maybe if the Devs have so much time, they should fix things like the Waterfalls, which look like crap!
What makes you think they have so much time?

About the waterfalls, please post a screenshot, so one can see what exactly you want to discuss. There have been older topics about the waterfalls, and in one case someone has been affected by graphics driver issues.

Piranha Bytes continue to develop their own Genome engine, and various types of water effects continue to change, also depending on what you can do, if going into the water. That greatly influence how they are done and whether they are just shown as background graphics or can be interacted with by the player character (such as entering a cave behind a waterfall).

v0 2019年11月24日 15時42分 
that said it's not impossible to accommodate as many saves as player's drive can hold. you just've to load images later. whether they care to code it elegantly's another matter.
最近の変更はv0が行いました; 2019年11月24日 15時43分
D'amarr from Darshiva 2019年11月24日 15時51分 
v0 の投稿を引用:
that said it's not impossible ...
Of course not, but many programmers are lazy and focus on productivity, particularly if working on portable code.
Mad_Commander 2019年11月24日 16時26分 
D'amarr from Darshiva の投稿を引用:
v0 の投稿を引用:
that said it's not impossible ...
Of course not, but many programmers are lazy and focus on productivity, particularly if working on portable code.
Come on... 1000 manual saves can't be that common.
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ELEX > 総合掲示板 > トピックの詳細
投稿日: 2017年10月19日 0時34分
投稿数: 15