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This game's autosave feature is absolute dogshit


This game's autosave feature is absolute dogshit

The game has autosaved at the final boss ONE MOVE before an inevitable character death and to finish the game I have to start the whole mission again, despite being in the last third of the bosses health.

You need to let people save scum with these sorts of games, even just a few times a mission to stop bullshit like this.

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level 1

You know I feel the same way! I also enjoyed some of this game (it felt stupid repetitive) and as of right now am stuck on the final boss. I almost don't even care to finish it.

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level 2

(it felt stupid repetitive)

I almost don't even care to finish it.

Yup, same boat here. Totally burnt out with zero motivation to keep playing.

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level 1

There's a lot of issues with the game.

How about when you were doing a side mission that auto completed without extraction unlike the same type of mission in a different chapter but it doesn't let you reload and grab the chests first before killing the last guy.

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level 1

If you want to save scum, use manual saves?

Just because the autosave is more frequent than you want, doesn't make it dogshit... if you'd got to the end of a really difficult turn and then your PC crashed, you'd be grateful for that autosave.

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level 2

The game doesn't let you use manual saves on the story missions.

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level 2

Also, other strategy games autosave at the start of your turn - so things, like I described above, don't happen

More posts from the GearsTactics community

After the recent and total failure of D&D Dark Alliance, I decided to give Gears Tactics a try. Only played a few hours today and I’m totally impressed!

Most Dungeons & Dragons video games end up as a weird hybrid MMO/RTS - or even worse, a generic hack & slash runner. They get rid of turn based combat and focus too much on the juggling of abilities, power regen, and grinding out for loot.

Tactics plays out so much like tabletop combat in traditional D&D. Percentage to hit and critical damage simulate your dice. Movement, action economy, reactions, etc. all play into how you approach each encounter. Simple skills that recharge over turns are easy to track and make use of.

Anyway, just thought I’d post to give credit to the devs. Hopefully anyone who plays just Gears of War or Dungeons & Dragons will give this game a try, might expand your interests, you don’t know what you’re missing out!

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Created Jun 10, 2018