1/ For those too lazy for Substack (you bad people): this paper is stunning.
For anyone under 60, nearly the whole risk of death from #Covid appears obesity-related. And normal-weight people under 40 (not 20, 40!) have a death risk <>too low to measure... thelancet.com/journals/landi…
2/ What's equally fascinating is that although people over 80 are at much higher risk overall, obesity doesn't appear to raise their #Covid risk (though there's a chance this finding is confounded by the fact that many people near-death tend to be thin)...
3/ But in younger people, the risk of obesity held EVEN AFTER the researchers adjusted for obesity-related conditions (even including diabetes). In other words, when it comes to #Covid, there's no such thing as a healthy fat person - adipose tissue itself seems to be the problem.
4/ These findings would lead to a global anti-obesity campaign highlighting the risk of #Covid, if our public health establishment were the least bit honest and committed to following data -
I'll show myself out.
5/ And if you've come this far, you might as well read the whole Stack
In the real world, nobody cares about the ro no mo. Even in New York. Not only do you NOT have to show proof you’re vaccinated at Citi Field (or anywhere else), the Mets “encourage fans to take mass transit.” Super-spreaders, anyone?
2/ But in public health/media/Big Pharma world, the vaccines are all that are keeping the bodies from piling up like cordwood (never mind that the bodies NEVER piled up like cordwood), and the peasants must be convinced or coerced to take them…
3/ Further, those peasants who have ALREADY been convinced/coerced into taking them had better be made ready for Infinite Jabs (with apologies to David Foster Wallace), since vaccine-generated immunity appears to last about as long as gas station milk…
1/ UPDATE: @cdcgov’s own data show clearly the vaccine is more likely to get teens hospitalized than a #Covid infection.
Here’s the math: 50 out of 100,000 adolescents were hospitalized for #Covid during the ENTIRE pandemic through April 2021. (Most had serious comorbidities.)
2/ Of course, not every American got #covid over those 14 months. CDC estimates about 1/3 did. Multiply the caseload by 3, and you find that 150/100,000 adolescents with #Covid are hospitalized.
In contrast, 200 out of 100,000 are hospitalized in the week after vaccination.
3/ Thus even if the vaccine prevented EVERY ADOLESCENT CASE FOREVER and had no side effects after the first week (both untrue), it would be preferable to let teens get Covid than to vaccinate them. And that's certainly true of any healthy teen.
1/ Some of you have asked about my new Unreported Truths Substack.
For now, it will fill a gap: stories too long to tweet, too short for booklets.
But I hope it can be much more.
Journalism is broken. Stories are reported through an open ideological lens. Or not at all.
2/ At the highest levels, supposedly nonpartisan outlets like @nytimes now lean hard left.
In response, some of us are striking out on our own.
Think of these Substacks as journalistic cryptocurrencies: decentralized, independent alternatives in the information marketplace.
3/ Not all will succeed, but collectively they will provide necessary competition.
Unlike many others starting Substacks, my background is entirely in reporting, as opposed to opinion. I want Unreported Truths to be just that - reported journalism you won't see anywhere else.
1/ Remember the good ole days - how before we worried #Covid vaccines caused myocarditis, we worried they caused clots and thrombosis?
And @cdcgov told us, don't worry, it's just @jnjnews, nothing to see with the mRNAs?
Yeah, about that.
2/ In honor of the CDC closing on Juneteenth I decided to search VAERS for CVST/sinus thrombosis cases in people 18-49. (I know, I know, come on, get a hobby!)
And the results are... striking.
3/ I found 30 that followed Pfizer/Moderna shots. Now, the vaccine fanatics are going to say, 69 million people in that age range have received at least one dose, nothing to see here.
The WHO is a funny agency. I don't understand it at all, but it does let the truth slip out from time to time. I suspect the reason may be that it's big and factionalized and has a few people who aren't under anyone's control, but that's just a guess...
The rules that everyone from Wall Street banks to colleges to the @nfl are now trying impose on unvaccinated employees/students/players are the next phase in the ugly game that #Covid vaccine fanatics are playing...
Indoor masking, asymptomatic testing, travel rules, etc, have NO health justification. Anyone under 50, much less 30, who is healthy enough to work is at lower risk from #Covid than many other conditions (including overdose). These are meant to make unvaccinated people miserable.
From the employer/school point of view, quasi-mandates have several advantages. They are a fig leaf to avoid legal liability. They can be quietly lightened or removed if the backlash is too high. And some rules are clearly meant to raise social/group pressure on the unvaccinated.