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I took the first dose of the pfizer vaccine last week. Before I took the vaccine my energy was up, I was able to focus and work complete days. After taking the vaccine I’m completely exhausted I’m barely working at all. I feel so tired and fatigued I can barely get out of bed. This is going to get downvoted but I wish I never got the vaccine because my fatigue is unbearable.


I’m in my early 20s and got my first Pfizer shot at the beginning of the month, initially felt fine but after a little while had a sudden increase in blood pressure. Brushed it off as just the vaccine doing its job, and eventually it stopped and I felt relatively normal again. But 2 weeks later, especially just before the day before my 2nd shot was supposed to happen, the blood pressure returned and I had to call the ER. Luckily it was nothing serious, they gave me some pills and I felt decent again. Visited my doctor, got my blood tests done, and it all came back clear ( except the blood test - my doc said I need to drink a little more water and need more potassium and magnessium ). Just like the doctor suggested, I increased my water consumption and also started taking supplements for potassium/magnesium and delayed my 2nd shot by a week, but the problem persisted - my right side of the body feels very tingly, almost as if it was semi-paralyzed, I have a constant feeling of impending doom. It’s really scary - I do feel like dying most of the time, and I’m not sure what’s really going on with me. I had to completely cancel my 2nd shot appointment due to these effects that I’m experiencing, because I was scared I would be completely overwhelmed by the side-effects of the second shot.

At first I was really excited about becoming completely vaccinated, but now I’m just scared and frustrated with how I feel everyday. Anyone had a similar experience? I’m really not sure what to do right now, trying to just wait until these symptoms go away on their own, because I’m not sure what my doctor could offer me at this point…


I just experienced some bad seizures for the first time in my life. Am I having post vax symptoms?


Hello all,

I was so glad I got my first dose of Pfizer, and more or less still am. Nevertheless, I had some symptoms (still have them in part) that make me wonder, maybe there are people here who have had similar experiences. I would be glad about other opinions, because I now also have a lot of respect (fear) of the second dose, and I am very unsure whether I should take this or not, every doctor has advised me to the second vaccination.

The whole thing is now 3 weeks ago, I try to set up a chronological order here, and update the post in the future most likely yet.

Briefly about me: male, 22 years old, no previous illnesses, but psychologically preloaded, I like to get into things purely, but I am 100% sure that it is not imagination, at least most of it.

Day 1 (day of vaccination): everything okay, arm pain, slightly red eye, but I do not know if this came from the vaccination.

Day 3 (at night): heartbeats, as I have never had them, I even woke up and went to the hospital. There an ECG was done, everything was fine, doctor sent me home again.

Day 4-8: heartbeats, mostly just before falling asleep, but I notice that it is getting better.

Day: 8: foot toe has started to hurt. I don't know, it could be stubbed. I went to the family doctor, he examined me, everything is fine. But I still have an appointment for a long-term ECG.

Day 9-10: Headache, palpitations only shortly before falling asleep, but much better.


Pretty much what the title says really.

Also, are any of you experiencing long lasting effects after illness passed? If so, what?


So far no side effects beyond a sore arm standard to those of other vaccines. She took Paracetamol before and after and eats fruits and has an overall healthy diet.


My partner (25F) has been very unlucky with her first dose of Pfizer - she developed severe nausea and vomiting which led to her developing aspiration pneumonia. After multiple negative covid tests and being blown off by GPs and phone lines she eventually had to go to hospital and will be in for three or four days on IV antibiotics. I know this is not common and don't mean to worry anyone (my first dose was drama free) but remember to keep an eye out for any chest pain or shortness of breath if you have been nauseous or vomiting after vaccination!


got my first vaccine on friday 25th 4pm (pfizer) and was fine until about 11pm i started feeling sick, my arm was very hot to touch and throbbing, i developed a fever and a sore throat that lasted all night, kept waking throughout the night with how hot and sweaty i got (it was humid too no AC) woke up at 7am with an intense migraine, threw up every 30-40mins until 2pm, had a continuous headache all day and felt incredibly nauseous all day with a bad sore throat and asthma issues. i took a test before the vaccine it was negative so i don’t have covid. i still feel pretty weak, no headache, sore throat or sickness anymore but i have a blocked and runny nose and sneezing a lot, feel like i’ve had such a big range of side effects


I received my first vaccine in early May here in Canada, and was given Pfizer as my first dose. I had my second dose on Sunday (doses around 6 weeks apart) and was given Moderna due to shortages of Pfizer in the past week.

After my first shot I experienced a sore arm, some brain fog, and pretty bad aches the day after. I felt kinda "off" for most of the week but had no major side effects.

I'm two days out from my Moderna shot and had nothing but a sore arm a few hours after. The next day I was seriously fatigued, out of breath, and sore over most of my body. Today I have been pretty tired still but less achey. My appetite had diminished for around 36 hours after but returned today.

All-in-all, the few days of discomfort were well worth it!


So I got my first dose of Pfizer this past Saturday, other than some slight fatigue and pain in the arm that got the injection I had no other notable side effects. My period was already supposed to start this week so it didn't come early or anything, but ever since Saturday I've been having really intense pms symptoms which I NEVER have.

The main weird thing I've been experiencing since Saturday evening is extremely sensitive nipples?? Like they're almost always hard and sensitive to the point of causing me actual pain now. I'm also having cramps that I assume to be period related but they seem to be in a different area than they usually are, they're also really intense to the point of making me feel nauseated all day.

I saw some of the other posts about irregular periods but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the sensitive/sore nipples thing?


My girlfriend is 23 weeks pregnant & has been thinking of getting vaccinated but part of her is also VERY scared! We are from California, would just like to know if anyone who is also expecting has gotten it, if so any side affects? Also, anyone who does NOT plan to get it… why? Just need some advice on this! Her anxiety has been out the roof Especially now with the news of the delta variant going around


I’ve been searching a bit for exact numbers on myocarditis cases but most sources say something like “a small percentage of adolescents”, “a small number”, “more than thousand cases, but with over 12 million vaccines administered”.

I want to know how many cases there are compared to the vaccines given, but by age category and gender. If this side effect mostly hits adolescent males, I don’t want them comparing the cases to the total number of vaccines given, which is still mostly elder people.

Anyone has a good source on this?

  • r/CovidVaccinated - Appeared One Week After Second Shot— Not a zit, not ringworm. Just a random hole that won’t drain🙃
  • r/CovidVaccinated - Pfizer Side Effects
Appeared One Week After Second Shot— Not a zit, not ringworm. Just a random hole that won’t drain🙃

After my second dose of the Moderna vaccine I got an outbreak of blisters along my lip and the inside of my mouth felt very abraded, especially my gums. A month and a half has elapsed and the gum pain persists. I went to my PCP and he couldn't offer much. He just suggested some basic stuff like Tylenol, which of course I've used. Is anyone else experiencing this? Has your doctor told you anything different?


The reason why I have this feeling is because it appears to be less information about J&J like real world studies or efficacy against variants. For example, I am not sure how well J&J works against the delta variant, while it is clear by now that both Pfizer and Moderna are highly effective.

We were told to get the first vaccine available to us, but I feel that J&J folks are somehow "second class" in the current environment.

What do you think? Do any of you have the same feeling?


I got my first dose of Pfizer in late May. I had the normal side effect of arm soreness. 2-3 days later, I noticed it was much more than that. I started having pain in chest and some shortness of breath problems. Every night before I went to bed, I thought I was going to die because I felt so terrible. I didn’t eat solid food for a few days. In the meantime, I saw the new reports of myocarditis/pericarditis for my age range from the vaccine. Thankfully, my side effects went away in two weeks by taking different medications. Did anyone else have those same problems and did you get the second dose?


Hi! I don’t mean to spread false information and I am definitely pro-vaccine but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced uncontrollable shaking after getting vaccinated by Pfizer? I am lying down in bed and just now my right upper arm started shaking in like an intense shivering kind of way. It wasn’t painful or anything, maybe a slight ache but it kept going for maybe thirty seconds and I have never experienced anything like this before so I’m wondering if it might be connected? It’s not a harmful side effect at all by the way but I’m just curious, especially since it is not the arm where I got the injection.


Hey all, I got my J&J last Wednesday and had the usual set of symptoms (feverish, aches) in the first 48 hours and then felt mostly better. I had a pretty busy weekend with a decent bit of strenuous activity and then yesterday evening I experienced a low body temp (around 96) and an elevated heart rate all last night. Has any one else experienced a second set of symptoms after feeling mostly better? Does the low body temp sound like a normal side effect? I’m planning to get some blood work done to see if anything is amiss, but wanted to see what other people experienced. Thanks!


Hello, I took a Pfizer vaccine last Wednesday. I haven’t had any of the typical symptoms, other than feeling a little weak, but I’ve noticed a couple weird symptoms and I was wondering if they are from the vaccine.

More acne breakouts. I normally don’t have much acne, but since the vaccination I’ve had breakouts on my face and chest.

Extremely sensitive nipples. For a week now my nipples have been extremely sensitive to touch. Any light touch hurts, even wearing a bra is uncomfortable.

I was afraid I was pregnant, since I felt a little nauseous after eating, a couple times. But I’m negative. I had an IUD installed a couple of months ago.

So I’m wondering if anyone else had these symptoms or is it just my hormones acting up?


Which one should I take?


Hi everyone! I got my second shot of the pfizer vaccine 48 hours ago and thought I would share my experience.

First vaccine: I was very anxious before hand. Got the vaccine and noticed an ‘off’ taste maybe 30 mins after I got this. Had the odd chill, felt hot but didn’t have a proper fever. I get some palpitations normally which pass quickly and had some of these so not sure if it was the vaccine or just a coincidence. All symptoms cleared within 48 hours (palpitations maybe a week max).

Second vaccine: I was more relaxed. Got the same ‘off’ tasted in my mouth fairly quickly after it. I think the chills/feeling hot started a little sooner this time round however no palpitations (I have been taking ibuprofen proactively just to help any inflammation). We’re 48 hours later and the symptoms have all cleared.

Not everyone has a worse experience with the second dose so don’t let it put you off. Everyone will have a different experience so do what makes you comfortable and don’t focus too much on other people’s posts.


(2week post 2nd dose moderna and trouble walking worsened...)

I went to the neurology and one intern took me to exam.... Short story he said uhm maybe you should go and check in with different hospital since you have been there too before and done work up for your peripheral neuropathy... We don't know why it flare..maybe you should take vitamin B aNd wE dO nOt gIVe StErOIdS tO poSt vAx pPL GIvE iT tImE.....


I’m not anti vaxer but getting converted with this experience. I know everyone is different but I’ve had every side effect for 3 days straight.

My question- has anyone found anything that worked for them to ease it? Any indication from cdc as to when to check with an MD ? All the site says is a “few” days whatever that means


Here's the study results in full:

Of course continued study is needed but no signals of concern are appearing in the pregnancy data.

For contrast here's the risks of getting COVID-19 while pregnant (from

Pregnant people (and unborn babies) are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease. By now this is well-established, as there have been 42+ studies on this topic thus far. Pregnant people with COVID-19 disease are… (from Dr. Jetelina's post - the post has links to sources if you wish to view.)

  • …more likely to go to the ICU, need ventilation, and/or need oxygen compared to non-pregnant

  • …more likely to have preeclampsia

  • …more likely to die from COVID19

  • …more likely to have babies born preterm or stillborn

  • …more likely to have their babies admitted to the neonatal unit

Exerpted from Dr. Katelyn Jetelina ( You have to subscribe because people are sending her threats for sharing this information.

I’ve always had higher blood pressure, around 140-150 / 90-95

Because of this, I made sure to check my BP after the shot (March) to make sure it wasn’t spiking too high.

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw the results: 115 / 70

I haven’t seen numbers like that, ever.

I assumed it was some sort of weird side effect. But now I’m nearing 3 months from the shot, and BP is measuring within a few points of 115 / 70 every single time.

My doctor was so shocked and pleased at my last physical he asked if I started taking medications.

Has anyone experienced this? I’m not complaining! I just don’t understand it at all. Every time I search it, I just see increases in BP


29M, Sweden. Got Biontech vaccine.

Had significant anxiety about covid for some time now and finally being able to land a time felt like a light at the end of the tunnel. The entire was very smooth with me walking in, getting vaccinated within a few minutes, and then walking out to the wait area. No issues so far, will update this post in a week. Second dose booked seven weeks from now due to doses being spread out for herd immunity.


I already got my first dose with no issue. I need to get the second in time for it to be in effect by July 24th. Is it possible to get my second dose early? If so what effects/issues does this cause?(Im on Pfizer btw)


Me (F21) and my fiancé just got our first dose of Moderna. It’s been one full day and no side effects so far other than a slightly sore arm. Hoping for the second shot to go similar


I got my second Pfizer shot on June 3rd, and got the typical chills 12 hours later and slept a bunch and I was fine after. I got my first period after receiving the shot on Friday the 25th. I track my periods every month, this one was right on time. However it started ABRUPTLY like full force and the heaviest period I’ve had since having kids. It was also the most painful I think I’ve ever felt. The cramps were out of this world. Ibuprofen helped and I sucked it up and thought ok it’s just a heavy one this month. Then, today (Monday) I wake up and it’s gone. Just completely gone. Normally my periods start gradual and end gradual. One day of light, 2-3 days or normal/heavy and one day of light. It was just two days, mad blood, awful awful cramps, then ok cya. I don’t think I had a miscarriage because my period was on time, and I didn’t see any tissue or clots. Idk I’m just concerned I’m going to make an OB appointment but I was wondering if anyone else had anything like this?

Not an anti-vaxxer.

Update: period came back and I’m still bleeding full force. This is crazy. Trying to make an appt with doctor but having issues, my ob is all booked up til November so I’m trying to tell them this is urgent but apparently it’s not.


This weakness, fatigue,neuropathy is making me bed ridden again Please don't say to ask doc because she said that she doesn't know

16days post 2nd dose.


I got the vaccine last Tuesday and I got very bad arm pain, I couldn't even lift it. It was sore, hot, and a bit numb, then I developed muscular chest pain and a mild fever, and nausea, but I got better after approximately 4 days. Today the arm pain is back and my BCG vaccine scar got red and swollen and itchy, my entire arm is hot to the touch too.

I'm just wondering if anyone else had this and if I should contact a doctor?

I don't regret the vaccine at all and I will get the second dose even though I'm a bit scared that my reaction will be worse.

arm picture


I'm tired of being negative about everything that's happened to me with my Pfizer vaccine. I'm here to be positive, share solutions, and figure this out. We're not alone and anything we can share would definitely help.

I started getting better and seemed to relapse with my nerve issues and now have headaches. Instead of looking backwards, I'm looking forward for a solution.

Before anyone asks - I've been my PCP a few times and a neurologist. A lot has been wait and see and possible steroids. I also reported to VAERS.

Thank you! Let's do this. Any advice is appreciated.


Has anyone else experienced remarkable emotional mood swings after getting their second shot? I haven't yelled at a family member in about 37 years. But I yelled at two different family members since getting my second shot just a couple days ago. What is going on?


I got my second dose of Pfizer yesterday (first was on May 6) and am feeling pretty good! My arm is sore, and I am feeling a bit run down, but other than that there are no side effects.


My mother took the vaccine and now she has had loss of sight happening twice and also an intense headache. This is just a few weeks after the second Pfizer dose. She has had no issues with the sight before.

This has been reported several times before:

Blurred vision-The side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccine you should know about (

50-year-old loses vision in one eye, family blames Covid vaccine- The New Indian Express

Has anyone in hear experienced the same? How did you treat it?


I was terrified to get my vaccine and came to this sub looking for support/reassurance beforehand. Well, as I'm sure most of you can I guess, I left more terrified than I began. I did chat with a few reasonable people here and they did help me feel better and reassure me that most people who post here have a bad experience because who would want to share the good ones? So I made a point to wait two weeks after my second dose to post here with how I'm doing.

I'm female, in my late 30s and totally fine. I had covid in Oct and the first shot basically gave me some of the symptoms I had with covid but like at 10% severity.

The MAJOR issue, however, is literally an hour before I got my first dose I developed a horrendous new migraine that I never had before. And if I had gotten my first shot earlier in the morning, I would have associated it with the vaccine. I would have freaked out that the vaccine gave me a new migraine issue. But it would have just been bad timing. (And the migraine I'm sure was at least in part due to how much I was stressing the vaccine).

While I'm not thrilled I have this new migraine to deal with, I'm so thankful it happened before my shot. The vaccine was fine. I feel great and feel like it's also reversed some of the long covid issues I was experiencing (would smell burning every once in awhile after losing smell/taste with covid but haven't in weeks now). But my point is, some of the people experiencing issues could just have had bad timing like I almost did. I'm sure this isn't the case for all, but I'm sure it happens.

Anyway, that's my experience. Happy to share some good news with the group.


Hi there! I got vaccinated 3 weeks ago (right after my period ended). Usually, my periods are pretty regular (I'm not using any BC). It is not unusual for me to have brown or dark red spotting 2-3 days before my period begins. However, I've had dark brown to black spotting/discharge for 1,5 week(s) now. It is definitely not very usual. Has anyone experienced this? I should be getting my period in the next couple of days, I hope everything will be normal from here on... In addition, should I schedule an appointment with my gyno?


I don't know where else to post this, but allow me to preface this by saying this is not about me but a family member of mine. I hope this sort of post is allowed, but if not I understand.

My relative has had Lymphoma for decades. They have been a long-time patient at a cancer research hospital nearby, and have been doing well overall. They received the first dose of Moderna back in February, and the second dose in March.

Long story short, my relative visited their doctor and was told that the doctors are finding that antibodies may not form in specific types of blood cancer. They're currently conducting a study to investigate this, and my relative is now a participant. It may also be important to note that my relative started the chemo pill a few weeks after their second dose.

My relative just received their antibody results and they are negative.

Basically, I am making this post because I just believe it's important to share this information just in case any of you or your loved ones have blood cancer. I'm not sure if any of this information is out there - I just know that my relative's out-of-state oncologist was not aware of this and believed my relative would be protected by the vaccine.

Here's an FAQ about the COVID vaccine from the Lymphoma & Leukemia Society.

Edit: Preliminary Safety Data:

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First dose: 21st of May. Second dose: 21st of June.

First: headache, mild tinnitus (common for me but felt aggravated) mild nausea, arm ache. All symptoms gone after 48 hours.

Second: tired, arm ache, leg muscles sore. All symptoms gone after 48 hours.

Overall it was a good experience and I got the shot as soon as I was allowed to. I know several long Covid cases and I’m doing everything I can to avoid this illness we still don’t know everything about.


Hii 21f here, I just got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 26/06. I have like this lump on my armpit which hurts, its not too big and i know its common but is there any way to ease the pain? I feel like ice is making it worse and I’m starting to feel a bit nervous about it. No pain on the actual injection site, its really just my armpit.

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I received the 1st shot of Pfizer on May 31st and only experienced soreness in my right arm (where they gave me the jab) and only when I raised it to head level.

Just yesterday I got my 2nd dose and again, after the shot I got some Burger King because I hadn't eaten yet lol went home, felt a little tired so took a 1h nap, woke up and had some coffee and felt better. As of last night and this morning my only symptom is soreness in my right arm when I raise it to head level again.

Compared to some of the stories I've read I guess I won the lottery of covid side-effects lol. No fever, no headache, just the arm!


So far the only side effect I have felt is powerlessness of the left arm for two or three days after the dose (but my left hand can still type and write).

But I am quite worried about the newest reports which suggest that my gender-age group may be of the highest risk of myocarditis. I'm fine so far, but I'm still worried that side effects may begin to surface only after a longer period (e.g. 1-2 months) has passed. Others say that the Pfizer vaccine is not very effective against variants and I may still get infected.

Am I being affected by misinformation? Or are my worries valid?


So my brother and I both got the Pfizer vaccine today. And after the vaccine we needed to wait in a big hall for 15 min so they could monitor if we had any allergic reaction. When i was waiting my brother suddenly fainted and his body began to shake almost like some muscle spasm. Only for a few seconds and i was very worried. he then got taken to a another room where they gave him some water. Should i be worried that this could happen again? and also when i have searched for Pfizer vaccine side effects nothing like this come up. Is this a known side effect/allergic reaction?


I’m a mid 20’s UK based female and had my 1st shot of Pfizer yesterday.

I did have a mild panic attack during the 15 minute waiting period but felt fine as soon as I got outside in the fresh air. I have an anxiety disorder so this was not unusual.

My arm began to hurt about 2 hours after getting the shot and got progressively more painful to move as the day went on.

Today I woke up to much reduced soreness in the arm and by now it’s almost completely gone. I feel totally fine otherwise.

I was extremely nervous to have the shot so thought I’d report my good experience for anyone with the same worries! I was honestly expecting to become super ill and have loads of side effects so I’m very relieved.


I got my vaccine shot about 70 days after I was infected with COVID19. I was told this wouldn't be a problem but I feel like ever since getting the shot I have COVID all over again but much less severe. Anyone else have a similar experience? Currently on day 12 since 1st shot.


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Vaccines are here! Many types, from many manufacturers, at different times, for different people and in different places. Lets talk about vaccination and vaccines




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