Ripped my skin off (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 03:22 ID:3YYIX2DV

Thought it would be a good idea to sit on the pedal of an elliptical while I was playing vidya, and then the pedal moved and dug into my flesh. I thought it was just a scrape at first, but when I saw the smooth white layer underneath and the skin hanging from my leg, I knew it was more serious.
Surprisingly, it didn't hurt anymore than a regular scrape when it happened. Kinda a reverse papercut, in where the pain and damage done are in no way proportional to each other.
Got gauze and tape on my leg now. Anyone else got an injury like that recently?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 05:42 ID:Cj+1QN6o

You mean like when you are shaving with a razor then cleaning off the razor with your finger then later on see superficial cuts on your skin? The cuts can be long and manifold, but if they are not deep enough they are not painful at all. I guess you don't particularly mean what I am expressing, but what you are saying is partially coincident with what I'm saying.

Dick in hand while looking at - sometimes, I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin! Just kidding, but I did masturbate to that Twitter video. Won't it be weird if that was your mom and you found that video. You learn that while you were inside your mother as a fetus you were used to make her appearance a very pregnant one and thereby arouse the sexual interests of degenerate Twitter fetishist users and other Internet users. Your relatedness to sexuality was being exploited for monetary gain via OnlyFans before you were born. You learn that your mother was using to make money off of her sexuality while you were pregnant, not dissimilar to how a pregnant whore might suck dick for money. In fact, a prostitute is defined as "a person (especially a woman) who offers sexual services for payment", so your mother was basically an Internet prostitute while she was pregnant with you.
Sometimes I pull on it so hard... I rip the skin - YouTube
steve rambo
Steve Rambo - Oh Shit im Sorry | Genius
MMmmMmMmMmmm Sometimes I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin Well my daddy taught me a few things too, like uh, how to not to rip the skin by, uh, using someone else's mouth, instead of your own hands.
Sometimes I pull on it so hard I rip the skin (remix ...
jackpackage gay porn ep coming soon
Sometimes I pull on it so hard I rip the skin - YouTube
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3 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 05:56 ID:Cj+1QN6o

Actually I think I remember the skin on my thumb being like lifted up into a flap, not caused by a cut in the way one usually imagines a cut. This type of injury could be caused by pressure on the skin and concurrent movement parallel to the surface of the skin.

That whole situation seems fairly Freudian. I'd sorta rather look at Hilary Duff's magnificent muff. What if she got an abortion? But I guess most states and countries do not allow women to get abortions that late in a pregnancy. What would I do/say if that was the situation with my mother (which would preclude the abortion part as I'd be old enough/alive to think about it)? I'd have to think about it and maybe get back to this topic with an answer.

Readability edit (there was one space before each URL, but this website removed them):
Sometimes I pull on it so hard... I rip the skin - YouTube
steve rambo
Steve Rambo - Oh Shit im Sorry | Genius
MMmmMmMmMmmm Sometimes I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin Well my daddy taught me a few things too, like uh, how to not to rip the skin by, uh, using someone else's mouth, instead of your own hands.
Sometimes I pull on it so hard I rip the skin (remix ...
jackpackage gay porn ep coming soon
Sometimes I pull on it so hard I rip the skin - YouTube
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4 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 06:08 ID:Cj+1QN6o

I guess one of the things I might ask, assuming I even want to admit to my mother that I saw her erotic/pornographic videos from years ago, is: were you lacking money or did you just like being a whore/e-thot (as in you liked the attention or whatever)?

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Sometimes I pull on it so hard... I rip the skin - YouTube
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P.S. I listened to this -- -- and thought the interview was funny. I laughed out loud to that interview (in <>) one or more times I think. Paraphrased: "... It would be weird to hear a guitar coming out of nowhere (a synthesizer), so we got a real band together. Human beings. So we found these guys - these dudes." LOL. im in ur band killin ur d00dz

5 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 06:12 ID:Cj+1QN6o

Makes me sorta want to research the experiences of sons or daughters of pornography actors.

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6 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 06:33 ID:Heaven

what the hell, man

7 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 09:41 ID:3YYIX2DV

Only on 4-ch can a discussion go from blech-inducing gaming-related injuries to gay sex, I must say.

captcha: quoypment

8 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-23 11:01 ID:3Mn72m2h

It's one newborn schizo that's been posting random links (usually to videos) and derailing conversations these past few months.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-24 20:30 ID:Cj+1QN6o

I worked hard to bring you interesting ideas but just get insults. smh. write a story about how you are crying me a river.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-24 20:40 ID:Cj+1QN6o

"(pathology) A psychiatric diagnosis denoting a persistent, often chronic, mental illness characterised by abnormal perception, thinking, behavior and emotion, often marked by delusions."

<a href="">By definition</a> I am not a schizophrenic. (1) I am not delusional no one has ever told me that my ideas and reality are disconnected. (2) Do not have abnormal perception I sense things basically just like everyone else senses them. (3) Do not have abnormal thinking. My above posts follow naturally from thinking about things, such as the OP post, the "I rip the skin" meme, stuff that I did on that day. (4) Do not have abnormal behavior for the most part. And (5) I do not have abnormal emotions. I am pretty easy going, but I was feeling quite sad yesterday; thinking back, the reason I was feeling sad was somewhat unjustified. Most of the time I am not sad.

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