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No.460  [Reply]
(((sit n spin)))

No.447  [Reply]
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¨ No.459

No.458  [Reply]
check out this shit

No.428  [Reply]
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.435
it sucks, gotta wait for him to wake up and notice it.
no cunny posting today, big sad
¨ No.449  >>457
it's fixed
¨ No.450
Is Reuben awake gimme his digits
¨ No.457

No.448  [Reply]
Didn't find other contacts went here - https://best-sex-here1.com/?u=41nkd08&o=8dhpkzk
Register and find me by nickname Nathalie! Now!
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.453  >>454
Post your number fag I'll call you
¨ No.454  >>455, >>456
i'd love to. sadly, i don't have a phone number.
¨ No.455
DL text app or whatever faggoid.
¨ No.456
Or what vorse wanna be penpals? Gimme email.

No.334  [Reply]  >>365
The tradition of self-doxing herdsmen continues.

Nickname: vorse
Actual name: Abdullah Mohammed Anwer Mejman Naser Al-Assadi
Address: 9 Nissan st. Baghdad, Iraq.
Age: 24 years old
Length: 172 CM
Weight: 100.8 KG
Penis size: 4 inches
Qualities: -neet, kissless virgin
-went to prison 5 years ago for distributing CP
-has an armpit fetish
-attention seeker

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38 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.423  >>425
nobody would come after u for cp in iraq retard atleast make it believable
¨ No.425
true. i was in jordan studying pharmacy when i got arrested and prisoned.
¨ No.440
Draw Lainbee.
¨ No.451
How2call vorse???

No.441  [Reply]  >>443
Make the mlb thread
¨ No.443
Draw lainbee
¨ No.445
Wtf why was it a reply ;_;
¨ No.446
Double wtf wrong thread, rip

No.442  [Reply]  >>444
¨ No.444
Draw lainbee trips

No.386  [Reply]  >>393

>Former antivirus magnate John McAfee was found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona just hours after a Spanish court approved his extradition to the US on tax evasion charges, authorities in Madrid have told national media.
>McAfee, 75, was found in his cell at the Sant Esteve Sesrovires jail on Wednesday evening, Spanish media reported, citing an official statement from the Ministry of Justice. Guards and prison medical staff intervened and attempted resuscitation, but to no avail, the ministry said.
>Investigators have been dispatched to the jail to probe the cause of death, but “everything indicates it could be a suicide,” the ministry added.
>Earlier Wednesday, a Spanish court ruled to allow his extradition to the US on charges of evading taxes between 2014 and 2018, which could have landed him in prison for up to 30 years. US authorities also had civil charges pending against McAfee for an estimated $13 million in profits from cryptocurrency schemes. McAfee was arrested in Spain in October 2020 and held in jail as a “flight risk” pending his extradition hearing.

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ No.399  >>400
He spent 1 year in jail since those tweet and it was clear that the US planed to throw the book at him I kind of still believe it tbh
¨ No.400
The "Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine." tweet is only 8 months old.
¨ No.437
¨ No.439
>Computer entrepreneur John McAfee's death in a Spanish jail, reported by local media to be a suicide, drove American conspiracy theorists into a frenzy as they seized on 9-month-old tweets saying he feared for his life.
Fine, I'll read a couple articles.

No.429  [Reply]
currently listening to enigma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8J57sflM2U
life is beautiful, anon.
love you, chijo <3
¨ No.434
And I love you, vorse
¨ No.438
Noun mask orgy should fund vorse

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