Editorial: N.J. School for the Deaf's Katzenbach campus gets some neighborly help

As nearly everyone will agree, trouble often has a way of attracting more trouble. When something goes wrong, it often triggers a chain reaction of misfortune. We look for calamity in groups of three.

Though it seems much rarer, the opposite is also true. Recent events at the New Jersey School for the Deaf’s Marie Katzenbach campus attest to that.

Last month, Times Staff Writer Samantha Costa reported on deteriorating conditions at the school and its 148-acre campus in Ewing.

A malfunctioning system, which keeps the heat at full blast in the dorm and several other buildings, costs the school about $1.7 million annually. Delayed fire-safety inspections mean the library is closed. The auditorium does double duty as a gymnasium in the elementary/middle school building, while the outdoor track is just gravel and dirt. There is insufficient lighting on walkways at night.

Before the school can even address that pressing crowd of conditions, officials must come up with a plan for renovations to present to the state along with a request for funding.

The trouble is, Costa reported, the concept plan itself would cost the school $100,000.
The story struck a chord with Princeton architect Steven S. Cohen.

He set up a meeting with school Superintendent Angel Ramos to offer his professional service in helping the school reach its goals.

Meanwhile, Karen Jezierny, Princeton University’s director of public affairs, also chimed in. With the help of student volunteers, Princeton will assist the Katzenbach campus’ redesign as much as it can, she said.

Bedeviled by the costly and faulty heating system that is draining money from the school’s instructional needs, Ramos has been considering a change to a solar power system. And a Colorado company has offered to help the superintendent realize his dream of building a solar farm on the campus.

As the campus prepares for its makeover, Ramos says teachers will receive training on Achieve3000, a web-based, individualized learning tool, to keep Katzenbach’s 165 students on track. The company has decided to provide the program to Katzenbach at no charge.

And Jersey’s Hope for Hearing will continue its long-standing advocacy for the Katzenbach campus with a Feb. 27 event featuring Justin Osmond, the nephew of singers Donny and Marie Osmond, who is 90 percent deaf. The fundraiser will launch the group’s campaign to provide hearing aids for disadvantaged New Jersey students, as well as a number of the Katzenbach programs.

The cascade of good will and concrete action for a neighbor in need is, as Katzenbach Superintendent Ramos said, truly gratifying.

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