



This is an exhibition that explores Akita on various paths in the span of two hundred years both into the past and into the future. Two hundred years ago Japan was in the Edo period still decades away from the Meiji Restoration. By exploring various things in a timeframe not usually covered in history textbooks and by tracing people’s activities, the exhibition aims to explore perspectives for our future lives and well-being.
The word ‘culture’ is derived from the verb ‘to cultivate.’ Our culture is built on land that has been cultivated by countless generations of our ancestors. This exhibition will focus on the five fields of Cuisine, Crafts, Life & Industry, Modern & Contemporary Art, and Performing Arts. These fields may seem disparate at first glance, yet they are indispensable parts of our daily lives, and connected to each other in intricate ways.
We intend this exhibition to become a platform created through various forms of participation. Accordingly, the exhibition period is divided into two parts.
The exhibition begins with the ‘Creation’ open-studio phase. Together with artists, artisans, researchers and other specialists, as well as the diverse people living in this region, we will conduct creative activities and research in the five fields of Cuisine, Crafts, Life & Industry, Modern & Contemporary Art, and Performing Arts. Based in the Akita City Cultural Creation Center, we will aim to expand our creative horizons.
The second phase of the exhibition will be ‘Presentation’. Within the frame of an exhibition, we will present the results of the ‘Creation’ phase in the form of an ever-changing place, including live performances and various events.
We want to explore fragments of the past, to glimpse at the mesh of history, and use what we find to develop creative acts that improve our future. We want to continue cultivating the culture of our region.

*”Cultivating successive wisdoms” is part of an ongoing initiative to create and support various cultural projects in Akita City.
Akita City is the cultural hub of the prefecture. The “Cultivating Successive Wisdoms” exhibition becomes our starting point as we focus on Akita’s culture from various perspectives. The deeper understanding of Akita in its many forms will allow us to reexamine Akita City’s culture and make new discoveries. The various cultural projects created and supported by an Akita City initiative cross the boundaries of genre and time to cultivate creation and understanding of Akita City’s culture, lifestyles and its people, and aims to open connections towards the future.

