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Solipsistic | People Traits, Qualities and Emotions | Personality Database Profiling Types

Solipsistic Personality type


INTP - 5w4 - sp/sx - 541 - Melancholic [Dominant]

Added on 7/5/2020 by drit

solipsism: the theory that only the self is real and that the self cannot be aware of anything except itself. An example of solipsism is the idea that nothing matters except yourself

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Average of all functions by votes

Type by functions: INTP









Breakdown of 24 Four Letter vote(s)

INTP   (24)


Breakdown of 15 Enneagram vote(s)

5w4   (13)


Breakdown of 1 Instinctual Variant vote(s)

sp/sx   (1)


Breakdown of 4 Tritype vote(s)

541   (4)


Breakdown of 1 Temperaments vote(s)

Melancholic [Dominant]   (1)


5 Comment(s)


Noble Constable

Noble Constable


INTP - 541

Mosts are incapable of properly fearing the death. INTP from their infancy builds their views from that the world percived is not the world as it is and the very existence of it is left to ponder. All those who doesn't, who naturally suppose their unconcious point of view to be the world itself. They might enable themselves to reach some of the solipsistic ideas by their own, yet they still won't be able to fear death properly.

They rightlfuly and carelessly believe that the world would continue on even after their death.

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Euler in Wonderland

Superior Baron

Superior Baron

INTP 5w4

Euler in Wonderland

INTP - 5w4

I don't think it's absurd the idea that I'm many conscious beings simultaneously, nor I think it's absurd the idea that I'm all the existing conscious beings (including you) simoultaneously, nor I think it's absurd the idea that I perceive every istant of time simoultaneously.
In fact, what I really think it's absurd is the idea that I would be one random person instead of another, for no particular reason at all.
That's why I think that I'm everything.

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Lofty Pikeman

Lofty Pikeman

ESFP 3w2



man i ******* hate this :(((( it gives me so much anxiety

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Euler in Wonderland

Superior Baron

Superior Baron

INTP 5w4

Euler in Wonderland

INTP - 5w4

Many people think that "only I exist" implies "you don't exist". In reality both "only I exist", and "(only) you exist" are true, since I am you. I also notice that this(to be different persons(all existing people) simultaneously) is hard to understand for most of the types, though I find it very simple and natural to understand.

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