February 18 Post (MBTI)

Final Update April 21, 2021: Hi there the coronavirus is still ongoing, I hope you all do well.

I wrote down some the typing for the drugs category before it was deleted. in personality-database.com and I give credit to Kicking Lettuce. Also scroll down for Avatar fanfiction.

Crack - ESTP 7w8
Methamphetamine (Meth) - ESTP 6w7
Kratom - ISTP 9w8
Ecstasy (MDMA) - ENFP 7w6
Heroin - ISTP 9w8 (top consensus too close compared to 2nd most popular vote)
Cocaine - ESTP 3w4
LSD (acid) - ENTP 7w6
Ketamine - INTP 5w4
Penicillin - ESFJ 3w2
Peyote - INFJ 4w5
Hydrocodone ISFP - 9w8
DMT INFJ - 5w4
MSG, tied between ENTP and ISFP
DXM INTJ - 5w4
Fluoxetine (SSRI) INFP - 4w5
Diazepam ISFJ - 9w1
Ibuprofen ISFJ - 2w1
Insulin INTP - 5w4
Opium INTP - 9w8
Steroids ESTP - 8w7
Xanax (Alprazolam) ISTP - 9w8
Progesterone ISFJ - 2w1
Estrogen ESFJ - 2w3
Zoloft INFP - 4w5
Vitamin C ISFJ - 1w2
Dopamine ESFP - 7w8
Melatonin ISFJ - 9w1
Vitamin B12 INFP - 1w9
Vitamin D ESFJ - 7w6

Cortisol ISTJ - 6w5
Caffeine ENTJ - 7w8
Marijuana INFP - 9w1
Nicotine INTJ - 8w9

Peking Duck - ESTJ
Oreo - ESFJ
Beef - ESTP
Pork - ESTP
Chicken - ESFJ
Cinammon Rolls - INFP
soursop or guanabana - INTJ
Pomegrante - ENTJ
Salmon - INFJ
Tuna - INTJ
Ramen - ISTP
Crab - ISTJ
Kefir - INFP
Saurekraut - ISTP
Beet Kvass - INTP
Kombucha Tea - ISFP
Peanut - ISFJ
Peanut Butter - ESTP
Apple - ESFJ
Pear - INFJ
Jackfruit - INTJ
Banana - ESFP
Pizza - ENFJ 9w8
Avocado - ENTP
Horse Meat - INTP

Avatar Fanfiction

What if Zuko did not betray Iroh and Iroh escaped and didn't get imprisoned.
Zuko fights Azula and Aang is shocked. Zuko, Aang, and Katara quickly defeat Azula as Azula says "enemies and traitors. You beat me.
Zuko shouts "lets get outta here!"
Zuko flies with his firebending, and Katara uses water to escort her out and Aang uses his glider but decides to stay because of Iroh.
Later, Iroh breaks out of his crystal and also flies out with firebending. Dai Li agents and Aang goes in the Avatar state and defeats half of them, then flies, takes Iroh and then goes to Appa with Sokka and Toph. Azula scolds the Dai Li. Aang and katara quickly explains what happens to Sokka. Sokka is stumped but has no choice but to accept the circumstances. They later find the Hakoda and the Earthbender rebellion, and some water tribe soldiers all together capture a fire nation ship. Sokka asks why Zuko decide to help Aang instead of trying to capture him. Zuko says after he freed the bison with Iroh, he had a series of nightmares. One of which showed Zuko with his father, with the exact scene back at the Catacombs, where instead of attacking Azula, he sided with Azula and attacked Aang. The next scene with his father, where he got his approval from his father believing he killed the Avatar. The next scene showed his father directing lightning towards Zuko. Zuko ended the dream description by saying "I had to do the right thing. Also at Ba Sing Se my time at the tea shop made me think of other important things in life.".
After the other Fire Nation navy/ships were destroyed or attacked by the Sea Monster, they found a location to devise a plan for the Black Sun Invasion. Iroh also served some tea to everyone. Zuko told them the plan would fail because they would be prepared. Either they would dig an underground tunnel or hide in a remote island. Then if they are able to protect or hide Ozai long enough they would strike a powerful counterattack. Iroh suggested recapturing cities previously belonging to the Earth Kingdom and told of a vision/dream he had of capturing Ba Sing Se when he was a boy. Sokka pointed out Dai Li would still be a problem at Ba Sing Se. Aang suggested to capture smaller cities like Omashu and other villages. Zuko suggested the possiblity that the Dai Li might accompany them in the war balloons and battle airships even during the day of black sun. Sokka said, well if attacking the Fire nation royal city is a bad idea than this is the second best option. Also this will give Aang enough time to learn firebending. Zuko lost the firebending because his source which used to be anger and desire to capture the avatar. Iroh offered to train Aang. Iroh later talked with Zuko privately. Iroh confesses to Zuko that the Sun Warriors / Fire Dragons he said was a lie and Zuko should meet with them to get his firebending back. Zuko got angry but later asked where to head. Iroh and Zuko later talked and discusses departing from Team Avatar to head to the Sun Dragons, Aang suggested he and Team Avatar follow them to learn more about firebending. Sokka said, let him go. We need to recapture parts of the Earth Kingdom first.
Iroh and Zuko arrive at the Ancient Temple ruins. Zuko shouted there's nothing here. Then they found the Sun Warriors. The chief pointed to Iroh and said "I thought you'd kept this a secret." Iroh begged and said "please help my nephew, he cannot firebend anymore." The chief let them, okay when the dragons are ready. Zuko and Iroh held the candle, later danced and Zuko relearned how to firebend, this time with a new purpose/motivating source of chi/firebending.
Team Avatar and the Rebellions split in half, half marched towards Omashu and the other half towards a nearby captured city. At the day of the Black Sun, they recaptured Omashu and the other city. Bumi welcomed them, and gave them a hotel to welcome honored guests. However, Bumi said that Azula and the two other girls might come back if Team Avatar stayed in Omashu. Aang said if they stayed they can fend Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. But Sokka said it would not be a decisive victory and it could lead to heavy losses in both sides unless the Rebellion decide to surrender and get captured and become war prisoners. Katara suggested finding Zuko. Sokka later said that if Zuko wanted to, he could track down Team Avatar with June. Aang and katara had flashbacks. "Oh yeah. You're right." Team Avatar agreed to split up. But Zuko later arrived, with June and Iroh. Zuko said he got his firebending back. Iroh said, maybe Zuko should be the firebender teacher for Aang, Iroh said he is too old.
Later Azula and Ty Lee and Mai came, with the same animals June had. (June is already gone, at this point, she is heading to a tavern/bar at a really fast speed. Team Avatar fought back, and Azula shot lightning. Because Iroh taught Zuko redirection, Zuko was able to redirect lightning and it hit Azula. Team Avatar, the Earth Kingdom rebellions, and some water tribe soldiers, were able to defeat Mai and Ty Lee.
Sokka later asked the three girls where Suki would be. They replied she could've been captured and sent to a fire nation prisons, one in the Boiling Rock and one near the Capital City.
Team Avatar heads to the Boiling Rock. Zuko cautioned the Avatar gang, said Azula could be there with Ty Lee, Mai, and backup warships. Sokka nods that it would be worth it. Zuko said "to save one person? She might not even be there. Plus how are you going to find her when the guards and soldiers stationed there attacking you. Sokka doesn't have any sample of June's scent so he can't find Suki with June's animal. Iroh suggested to Sokka to drink some tea first.
They lay at the camp, drinking some tea. Sokka suggested going to the Boiling Rock to find Suki. Sokka asks "who is crazy enough to accompany me?" Zuko explains the boiling rock is in an island, and would require a war balloon. It would be dangerous and Zuko said neither the Earth Kingdom nor the Water Tribe had capacity for combat via flying vehicles.
Sokka didn't like the idea of Suki rotting in prison. Sokka said "what if Suki is dead?" Zuko later saw a bunch of balloons and Dai Lee agents. "They want to reinvade Omashu! You have to go! Aang said, "you have to go with me!" Zuko and Iroh reluctanly agreed. Team Avatar and Zuko and Iroh flew, escaping the Fire Nation air fleet.
The fire nation air captain asked Azula "should be follow them" Azula replied, while lying down in a hospital-like bed, wrapped in bandages after the lightning was redirected at her, they're too fast. Attack the Earth Kingdom rebellion instead. The two sides fought but the rebellions eventually surrendered and Omashu was recaptured. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee soon later died from their wounds. Ozai was delivered the news. Ozai was sad at the loss of his daughter but later sent requests to capture traitors Iroh and Zuko.
Zuko quickly realized Mai was dead. His girlfriend. Zuko had another metamorphosis. Katara later in the campfire told the story of her mother being killed by a Fire Nation naval invasion(Iroh clarifed it was the Southern Raiders). Zuko was sleeping at this time, "metamorphosis" and Iroh told the story of Zuko and his mother. Team Avatar expressed shock. Aang suddenly felt bad for Azula, but it was her fault, Azula shot the lightning and Zuko wasn't too skilled at redirecting it, so it hit Azula. Iroh said Zuko would really want to know what happened to his mother, because even he didn't know. Was she killed, did she go back to her family, or is she imprisoned or somewhere outside the Fire Nation?

Squidward Typing. ISFP not ISTJ.
To be fair it seem like in some comment thread it does seem unfair. But I'll try to see things from the ISTJ voter's point of view.

I must admit quoting st, I think, I should reply to st. Here's the quote again.

"but he goes completely against the constituents of an ISFP. SP types as a whole go by the worldview to not make a big deal out of things. SPs don't seek to impose themselves onto the world, but rather seek to navigate it and understand it. (The ESxPs typically have less of this tendency do to tert Je). I think if Squidward were an ISFP, he's be a lot less assuming, a lot less high-strung, and a lot more serene."

Its strange st used Keirsey temperaments. That itself is okay I'll let it slide, but you see, Squidward is shown to be quite stressed on the inside too even though the show makes its seemed he is stressed on the outside. The reason we have to throw these stereotypes out of the window is similar to why Zuko could've been typed ISTJ ( a rare typing because most people watched the entire show from start to finish) if Avatar the last airbender was cut off/cancelled after 1 or even 2 seasons.

But Squidward is nothing like Zuko since ISTJ is like only 1% of Zuko's votes. If Spongebob Squarepants was cancelled after say the end of 2nd season, to be fair, we would have a different vote distribution. But st was saying squidward doesn't understand the situation. Well, thats hard to say - its easy to cherry pick some episodes and vote ISTJ and ISFP based on different cherry picked samplings of say 12-15 episodes. Its fair to say, that he understands some situations better than others. You see, ISFPs sadly are overrepresented among high school dropouts. https://saintsophia124.livejournal.com/5406.html
I guess st was saying high school and college generally comprise of judgers and maybe INTP, amongst those with best grades. It seem st was contradicting himself, but to be fair high school is way too fast compared to real life, which each person's situation is different.

As of high strung and serene, idk.

but still it seemed like st is winning the argument here. I'm still to figure out a counterargument... other than kiserey sterotypes are wrong. Because personally I am a secret supporter of it even after all the kiersey bashing in the mbti community the last 15 years. I admit I wish I could just say that my hunch says ISFP but that definitely sounds terrible in any debate or even .

But, squidward, you're saying he's an ISTJ, never got to university, so he probably didn't excel in community college, likely because taking art classes he probably didn't flourish and honestly he has not flourished as an real world artist either. What type is art class/major? Is it ISFP? To be fair, thats a terrible question and the school subjects category was removed a few months ago, only to be reinstated back. The two stereotypes in the Squidward typing is Si=routine&order and ISFP=art. Both are terrible. I still addressed them both in this comment thread.

In fact, I almost relate to Squidward a little bit. You see, the reason behind the ISFP votes is because simply, put, Squidward is like a "third world culture kid". Look that up. So, he doesn't fit in nicely to the ISFP stereotype or ISTJ stereotype for similar reasons some people don't fit in, and perhaps get bullied because Spongebob and Patrick don't understand him and perhaps may never. Is he an ISFP who is stressed out and exhibit ISTJ mask? Or is he ISTJ who is easily relatable to most men?

"Si concerns itself with the subjective impressions of an object rather than the object itself." "

Zuko INFP or ISFP? I think, ISFP
I guess the argument for Si is that Zuko did remember how to use Iroh's redirect lightning technique.But that underestimates ISFP's capabity. As of goals in mind, well the difference between Si goal and Se goal. Lets look at Aang and Katara and Sokka, they often resort to other people and resources, such as the library from the desert, the Earth Kingdom generals, Water Tribe soldiers, even King Bumi, Suki, for Aang only the guru, even Jet. Clearly the Si goal of theres is simple, help Aang master 4 elements and if possible, take back lands captured by Fire Nation, and defeat Ozai. Zuko's goal is basically make his father proud, and he's willing to change the supposed Si goal of capturing the Avatar. Zuko seemed stubborn on the idea, which confuse the INFP voters I think. But plot twist, he trusted Azula even though she was deception, and got lucky when he hired the Combustion Man, and really got lucky. Zuko, has Iroh and June, but generally speaking he is in charge, rarely ask for advice other than, I suppose survival and he didn't even ask Iroh to teach him to redirect lightning, Iroh volunteered to teach him that. I agree Zuko's Ni is hard to pinpoint, but he has Se and no Se is not enjoying things like tea or when Iroh drew the 4 elements symbol to make a point. But Se/Ni is very different from like being a organized student at a school, its like you see things differently from say SJ, you see things beyond conventional way of thought. But whats confusing about Zuko?

Well it makes me think about my approach to computer programming, (intro course) I just wing it, even if the code looks extremely messy, until it works. But no, when coding in real life, its supposed to be Ne/Si, its supposed to be clean, logical, and easy to read. My code is nothing like that.

In fact, Zuko also "wings it" in firebending as well, especially his technique seem quite impulsive. In contrast, Aang never wings it, maybe one exception is right before he was shot by lightning in Ba Sing Se Catacombs, but it made sense why, he didn't fully finish the lesson with the guru, and took advantage of another Se user, Zhao, who also has problem with self control. We see almost every fight Zuko is in, he often would mess up in some really serious way or resort to some really weird tactic.

Now, who is a firebender who is a clear Si user? Ozai, in the final fight his battle technique is quite organized and calm, steady, but a pointed rock being there at the right place, was "1/1000" chance of happening. Now INFP voters, how is Zuko anything like Ozai? Ozai had a goal, become fire lord, and somehow he acocmplished that by asking others for help (his "wife"). Ozai, like most of Team avatar, relies on other people for their perspective, as a commanderin chief of the Firenation, he asks his war generals, Azula, even Zuko, for their take, and a very polite tone too. In fact, Ozai is the poster child character for "normal way of" goal setting in the show.

Racism explained.
Racism is a product of bad childhood. Generally speaking someone who is afraid of capitalists are smarter than someone afraid of jews of course there are many exception since birth IQ matter. The problem is when a racist gets power, makes a lot of money with high paying job, etc especially if the job is in education, law, medical, clergy, vet, or government politican job. A racist who is making minimum wage making ends meets is generally not a problem. Another problem is also if the racist befriends many other racists, bonus if the racist themself are Cacausian/white. If they are in a group they may do horrible racist acts without feeling guilt because being in a group of people with similar childhood problems, or a group of racists, makes them ,, project, or something like that, its hard to explain at this point.

What is useful to start fixing this problem is identifying places where groups of Si-racists conjugate together.
That doesn't explain why a few people don't turn out that way. There's always a few who are remarkably different, seem more empathic like if a whole class (including the teacher) bullied one person but one other person defends them. The Si-Racism I describe is like that situation with the majority. It seems to be about race on the surface. But its more justice, except the person that pays for the crimes the racist's parents did to them. Let me rephrase, the parent of the racist does the crime like idk, spanking the racist when the racist was a child, while at the same time owning a gun from 2nd amendment, the black person gets the punishment, as the racist grows up and becomes a worker in the law profession (cop or judge or jury) they sentence the black person to like 30 years imprisonment for stealing a TV.

What about sociology? as of factors, of course, the availability of resources ( you mentioned TV) and other people around them and their behavior is an obvious other factor. I don't feel a need to mention this... it seem trivial and waste of time saying what everyone already knows. I don't really know to rephrase what I'm saying... but what I know, is racism is not for gain of resources even if you include things like status and approval from other racists.

You are thinking "monkey see monkey do" kind of behavior, what is perfectly valid theory however humans are far more complex than that. Sure, a factor is, socio-economic factor or environment, is the school or building the racist is in right now, what kinds of people are around the racist, for example. However, sociology might not consider things like putting a child to daycare as "neglect" which is totally valid. That doesn't mean we should dismiss the possibility it could be. What also is awful in these kind of investigations on child abuse and neglect is, the reality that if we observe these investigations, how can we be sure to believe it if its on TV or internet? How you do know some of these psychologists can be completely trusted? because they are authority figures?

Heres a analogy, people think countries & empires fight war to get more stuff and land and resources. Well yes, that is a possible benefit but if you noticed some people choose not to pursue that EVEN if they have more than enough military strength. Okay, the risk of WW3 is possible for certain reasons but I have a hunch something is completely missing when looking at it like that. Idk I'm thinking using the question "what can i gain" is correct since the "what" is totally vague, but if you specify like it is only in term of "material goods/resources" than I can explain to you, to expand what you specify.

This relate very well to the Zuko and Azula topic actually, because many child abuse and neglect cases involving battering especially are much worse than what Ozai did, however a lot of it never ever gets exposed. The other problem is some abusive or neglectful parents are really intelligent - and get away with it and no surprise the child that get abused ends up in prison and the parent may actually recieve sympathy. Comparing these smart parents with Ozai, he is obviously too stupid, I mean he was smart enough to get away with plotting a murder to kill his father Azulon but you know. Whats frustrating is a lot of our society rewards smart people (yes smart people with 180+ IQ can be racist) more than morally good people.

My Little Pony Fanfiction

After the successful completion of Discord being turned back into stone, Princess Luna has disappeared and Princess Celestia is in disarray. However, Candance and Shining Armor decide to help manage Ponyville with Celestia as they await Luna to return to Ponyville, as duties need to be fulfilled. Twilight and the Mane Five decide to split up. Twilight will accompany Spike to Evergreen Forest to learn more things with Zecora because magic plants in the Everfree Forest can help advance the life of all the civilians. Applejack and Pinkie Pie head to Appleloosa. Rarity and Rainbow Dash remain in Ponyville for a little while before they head to Fillydelphia.

Twilight and Spike meet Zecora. They decide to be apprentices for a short period of time (3 weeks). Zecora tells a story from a book that appeared in the middle of the forest, apparently came from the portal to Equestria Girls' world, about the history of Africa between 1700s to 2000s. It is written in a different kind of text, the spacing is rather industrial rather than type of font used by magic. However, Twilight and Spike argue over what is considered appropriate conversation topics.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash attempt to work together to decipher a dream. They both had a recurring dream about a word uttered, klugetown. However, they both know that Krudgetown doesn't exist but they still browse through Twilight's library and after 3 weeks, there is no trace of that word. Rarity and Rainbow Dash discuss life, different factions among ponies, social standing, and social rules. They decide to both enroll in a program in Fillydelphia.

Pinkie Pie and Applejack arrive at Applelossa and find work as employees of a tea shop. However after 2 weeks of work, a note arrived in their bedroom, and it is from a mysterious person named/called Washington state. They rarely know about the Equestria Girls world, but apparently there is something from that world. Pinkie Pie and Applejack discuss astrology and the science behind it.

Fluttershy decides to chaperone the Cutie Mark Crusaders with Cheerilee and Bon Bon (Sweetie Drops). Fluttershy spends her free time managing the animals (birds, rabbits, ducks, rats, racoons, etc). One day, Fluttershy is the substitute teacher. The students were supposed to take a exam but the teacher left the note that instead of an exam, Fluttershy will review questions to study.

Twilight Sparkle find a small group of talking wolves. They approach Twilight, saying that they are husky wolves and they ask Twilight and Spike to calmly leave the forest or else. The pack walk away. On the other hand, Applejack and Pinkie Pie are given pay raises after a month of working. Pinkie Pie buys a pack of cards to play poker with Applejack. They talk about ideal strategies and probability theories. Rainbow Dash and Rarity learn about the fashion and entertainment industry in Fillydelphia. They learn from the celebrities on how to succeed in the industry. Rainbow Dash got some autographs and asked a lot of questions about the food. Fluttershy later is invited by Princess Celestia on how to deal with parasprites.

one more thing, is it true that people recommend that you buy a house where your enemy take a vacation.

February Update

Hi there the coronavirus has not ended yet. My interest in mbti and conspiracy theories is still quite strong.

Archive.is links





2. some links








Tennis Top 10

1. Federer/Nadal
3. Novak Djokovic
4. Bjorn Borg
5. Ivan Lendl
6. John McEnroe / Andre Agassi / Pete Sampras
9. Stan Wawrinka / Jimmy Connors / Andy Murray / Rod Laver
13. Juan Martin Del Potro / Marin Čilić

Honestly probably INTJ or INFP. Because Incel means you use Fi instead of Fe. Fe users are typically liked more. Maybe a stereotype but Fe users typically have an automatic negative reaction against misoygny. Unless some people here are mistyped or lying. Bullying is a BIG BIG problem in our society. And many of those bullies are Democrats (USA Left Wing Liberal party). Though I suspect a small number of xSTPs are labeled this.

If you live in the united states of america, please read this. I thought about it. Some people have a strong reaction to forms of misogyny that is a bit extreme. I live in the United States of America and can tell you a history lesson. (pre-1800s) Native Americans are very different from Americans now. I am pretty angry about people who strongly strongly and STRONGLY want to kill off all misogynists. Be aware of people with a desire to rid the world of misogynists. I observe misoygnist people probably like reading history but probably struggle with social skills like being in a school of 30+ classmates. See thats a big problem with modern education surrounded by Fe users trying to control people or worse, judge them and delicately bully them.

MBTI/Politic Test
Please comment if you disagree with the scoring. Thanks!

1. Assume you are in high school. There is a male student who has trouble getting a girlfriend and he wants a girlfriend. Every time he asks a girl out he gets rejected. He reads New Age conspiracy books and generally gets good grades. What would you describe him as? Assume you have had several interactions with him.
A. Incel (you would have had negative interactions with him)
B. n/a (you would have had neutral interactions with him)
C. Misunderstood (you would have had positive interactions with him)

A- +1 Fe/Ti (+1 Democrat)
B - +1 Fi/Te (n/a)
C - +1 Fi/Te (n/a)

2. There are two schools. School A has a Native American mascot. School B is a private school with a dog mascot, there are no uniforms or really strict dress code, and corporal punishment is prohibited. School A also no uniforms or really strict dress code, and corporal punishment is prohibited. You also have the option to homeschool. Which school do you attend assume your family has a income of $150,000 a year and the private school has an cost of $20,000 a year.

A - School A
B - School B
C - Homeschool
D - N/A (like move to a different neighborhood)

A - +1 Fi/Te (n/a)
B - +1 Fe/Ti (n/a)
C - +1 Fi/Te
D - n/a (+1 Democrat)

3. Suppose you have 1,000 dollars in your saving account and $2,000 in your checking account with a debit card that can be used by 97% of businesses in your country. You had a dream that your city will be hit by an very strong (like 8.5+) earthquake in the next 5 days. You later see a psychic online and the psychic confirms of an earthquake too. You own a house and it is furbished.

A - There is no evidence of the earthquake. Do nothing.
B - Immediately pack your stuff buy a plane ticket and motel. Quickly donate as much stuff to a local Goodwill/St. Vincent store as possible.

A - +1 Ne/Si
B - +1 Ni/Se

4. Imagine you are a governor in charge of a state/province and there is a coronavirus world pandemic ongoing for 10 months. You have been governor for 3 years so far. What do you do.

A - Immediately put the state/province under a 3 week lockdown. Require people to wear masks.
B - Have recommendations to everyone to wear a mask.
C - Resign 2 days later. Of course, you pardon as many people you like today as you want to.

A - +1 Te/Fi

5. Imagine you are a governor in charge of a state/province and a recent coronavirus world pandemic ended 2 weeks ago. Your term ends in 2 days. Who do you pardon?

A - 2 prostitutes each facing a 2 year sentence
B - 2 drug addicts each facing a 2 year sentence
C - 2 robbers each facing a 2 year sentence
D - 2 computer hackers each facing a 2 year sentence
E - None of the above. No one gets pardoned.

A - +1 Ni/Se
C - +1 Fe/Ti
D - +1 Ti/Fe

6. You are tasked in redesigning a relatively big prison system, ordered by the president or prime minister of your country. What changes do you make. You can even change the lengths of sentencing and of course, you choose to reduce most of the sentencing. But you have little time and resources to deal with the red tape, you must make only choice.

A - Make all food served to prisoners natural and organic.
B - Release all prisoners of a certain crime of sentences 2 years or lower (see question 5), if you pick E, release all those with a registered disability with sentences 2 years or lower.
C - Add peking duck to the lunch and dinner meals of the prisoners. This will be served once every 3 weeks.
D - Fire some staff (about 25% of the staff that works there).

A - +1 Fi/Te
B - +1 Ni/Se
C - +1 Ni/Se
D - +1 Ti/Fe

7. You are in charge of a public library system of multiple branches and must make some decisions. But you have little time and resources to deal with the red tape, you must make only choice.
A - Remove every single fine in every single patron account (including collections), including fines and charges occurring from patrons losing books/not returning books.
B - Have a book sale of half of your books. The book sale will last exactly 6 months and the price is half of originally marked, only books with the price markings can be sold.
C - Once a week have free food served to any visitors to the library.
D - Fire some staff (about 25% of the staff that works there).

B - +1 Fi/Te
C - +1 Fi/Te
D - +1 Ti/Fe

8. You have a business online and must make a website with a pretty complicated database. Do you make the entire website from scratch or hire a programmer.
A. Make the website from scratch. You only pay a cost of $200 a month. You earn $600 a month. You spend an additional 12 hours a week. Profit stays the same in the next 6 months.
B. Hire a programmer. You only pay a cost of $1000 a month. You earn $1400 a month. Profit stays the same in the next 6 months.

A - +1 Introversion +1 Intuitive
B - +1 Extroversion

9. A immigrant group of a nationality is known to sell food restaurants. An existing food restaurant of this ethnic group is not making profit and is selling the restaurant to any bidders. However currently cov19 is happening and there is only one buyer, but asks to lower the starting bidding price. What would you do if you were the governor?

A. Raise minimum wage.
B. Require food safety checks to all food restaurants and require all restaurants display their rating (from 1 to 3) in the front of their restaurant.
C. Increase the business taxes.
D. None of the choices.

10. You are in charge as Student Body President at your high school, elected the prior year and this is the first day of class. There is a policy of a minimum of 20 students or the course gets removed (and all the students enrolled removed/dropped). Each of the classes you take, have exactly 20 students. You are enrolled in AP Biology, AP English Language, AP Calculus, AP US Government, and AP Spanish. Which class do you choose to drop (because you don't need it to graduate). Assume you are retaking 2 AP classes (you took it the prior year) so you don't worry about burnout. You don't know the teachers you are having.

A - AP Biology
B - AP English Language
C - AP Calculus AB
D - AP US Government
E - AP Spanish

B - +1 Se
C - +1 Feeler
D - +1 Feeler
E - +1 Thinker

11. You are a teacher of a (in-person) class that does not have any projects or essays. One third the students would probably fail the next test you assign. You recently attended a teacher/parent conference and about 1/2 of the students' parents showed up, some obviously concerned about grades and complaining to you, asking them to raise their grades, perhaps like asking for extra credit opportunies. Some of the parents that showed up are happy about their children's grades. However what will you do if you know many of the parents are not quite as "smart" as you expect. Also, you can control everything in the "electronic internet student grade report) include what the parents see.

A - Keep the exam. However instead of grading it out of 100, grade it out of 200 points and ONLY put the number of points when grading (remove any /200 in the paper or electronic grading) Do not put any letter grades in either the test or the electronic grading. If necessary, use savings account to hire a detective to find abused children.
B - The students are struggling, delay the test until the week of the final exam, and the final exam shall be that test you delayed. Do not modify any traditional grading schemes, allow them to see necessary information including letter grade. Have students do a lot of homework to prepare for the "final exam". If necessary, use savings account to hire a detective to find abused children.
C - Use some of your savings account to pay for tutoring to a few ( students who are low-income, and have low grades (equivalent to a D or F in American grading standards). Keep the test as scheduled, traditional grading schemes.
D - Use some of your savings account to pay for tutoring to a few (2-3) students who are low-income, and have low grades (equivalent to a D or F in American grading standards). Delay the test, like choice B.
E. - Use some of your savings account to pay for tutoring to a few (2-3) students who are low-income, and have low grades (equivalent to a D or F in American grading standards). Modify the grading of the test, like choice A
F - Keep test with traditional grading. Use saving account to hire a detective, like choice A and B.

A - +1 Te
B - +1 Fe
C - +1 Fe +1 Si
D - +1 Fe
E -
F - +1 Si

12. You are elected as superintendent of a school district. Due to budget reasons you have to decide which AP class to remove. Which class do you remove from the school district?

A - AP Biology
B - AP English Language
C - AP Calculus AB
D - AP US Government
E - AP Spanish
F - AP Computer Science A
G - AP Psychology
H - AP World History

13. (Optional) You are in charge of a book club. Which book do you discuss the next meeting, in 2 weeks. You of course have read half of the book already and will finish it.
A - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
B - The Foundations of Psychohistory by Lloyd Demause
C - Hamlet by Shakespeare
D - Your Last Safe Investment by Bryan Franklin
E - Tunnels by Roderick Gordon
F - The Time Machine by HG Wells
G - The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
H - DK Eyewitness - Economy
I - Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
J - Death Note Volume 12
K - Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell
L - Anatomy of female power by Chinweizu Ibekwe

Typing MBTI

1. MBTI Typing.

(Human) Flash Sentry — INFJ

He had a hunch Sunset Shimmer would turn into a she-demon, so he broke up with her weeks before. Ni-Fe. About 12 moons later (~>2 months later) they went to Camp everfree and he wants her back, again Fe because Sunset is now "good".

Joe Biden — ISFX

Either ISFP or ISFJ. I suppose the majoirty pick ESFJ which is Fe/Si/Ne/Ti which are the same functions ISFJ has. I dunno. Please explain to me why Biden is Fe/Ti user.. Thanks! I might even switch my vote to ISFJ.

But Biden for sure is an introvert. Unlike Trump or Obama, Biden doesn't have a strong prominence during the election. Biden clearly won because Trump failed miserably in the last 12 months, first the impeachment second the coronavirus response.

Hillary Clinton — unsure, but definitely T

Shes a pedophile with plenty of reports from alternative media of sexual abuse. T because T are better at getting away with this crime. An T has the best odds of becoming the first woman presidential candidate finalist (after  marry the president Bill Clinton and become secretary of state). Probably not ESTJ since ESTJ would listen to reason and drop from the race early on. Also she is too different from ESTJ who at least can provide the need for sensations, because of that Bill Clinton had an affair with an ESFP Monica Lewinsky.

Commander Zhao (Avatar the Last Airbender) — xNTJ

He killed the moon spirit.

Zhao used the Legendary Archers to capture the avatar. Seems logical, but of course, how is this implusive, as Zuko, captured the Avatar trying to get the same honor Zhao wanted.

Zhao attacked knowing the full moon was closer. Of course, Iroh told Zhao this is implusive and a bad plan. Zhao suggested to kill the moon spirit and did. Well, he did read about it prior from the Desert Owl's underground library. Is it Te-dominant?

An ENTJ in this situation probably wouldn't have traveled all the way to the desert library.

Third example, he burned the fire nation section of Wan Shi Tong's library to prevent enemies. Okay as implusive as this was, it makes a lot of sense.

Fourth example, he did not want to accept Zuko's help and this cost his life.
To wrap this up, Well, ENTJs are typically a source of pride, but INTJs have a far bigger "tunnel vision" and "it must work or else" mentality, this coming from experience. Of course, the gamble is a big risk, may suggest Se-implusivity but a strong sense of Se would not do that because "it must work or else" indicates very weak Se actually.

Plus, Zhao seems to have some Fi. Take an ENTJ like Azula, Azula self sabotaged some of her own miltary and people (she fired members of Dai Lee, a few of her servants, and ultimately, Mai and Ty Lee (it would be logically better if Azula forgiven them)). Another ENTJ who does this is Tom Riddle or Voldemort from Harry Potter (he killed Snape). As of why ENTJs do this and INTJs don't is probably how much Fi. Zhao simply just made decisions that resulted in failure, due to lack of intelligence.

Secondly, there is a temptation to overglamarize (maybe the wrong word?) INTJs in the MBTI community and of course, ENTJs are obvious villains and Zhao wasn't "sophisticated enough" like Long Feng.

Third, the mistake Zhao made and its not just the moon spirit but his interactions with Zuko prior to Zuko disguising himself as the Blue spirit, I think, its hard for me to explain, but its like, apparently the writers must've thought, its equivalent of hurting the most vulnerable little girl and getting away with it. Thats my analogy or comparison. Doesn't make any sense? Fair enough.

As of dominant Te, well honestly dominant Ni would work better at capturing the avatar. Like Sokka is also dominant Te, but he failed to figure out the Day of Black Sun invasion. He captured Aang at his most Vulernable moment, and of course, had enough security. However, for some reason Zuko was able to figure out how.

Zuko is like, Rafael Nadal in tennis French Open, you have to think differently to figure him out. Of course, the French Open only happens in one particular season/type of court, and Nadal generally is much weaker in the other seasons/courts. Zuko is not known for his intelligence, but his ability to think (very) differently.

Think of Long Feng (INTJ), even Zuko evaded his defenses and got Appa free, when Aang went the wrong way and got ambushed by Dai Li Agents. So in retrospect, an INTJ's weakness is someone like Zuko. And if Zuko didn't release Appa, Aang (ENFP) would've never convinced the Earth King (ISFJ) to arrest Long Feng (INTJ) because strong Se user like ENTJ or ESXP would probably be more practical to remove evidence of the fire nation drill vehicle, I would say an INTJ is far more demanding, when it comes to money, they are quite high maintenance.

2. some links







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(no subject)

On the other hand, TheLogicJunkie, whom I will simply refer to as David Jack, or David in this post.

David told to me that the Pacific Northwest people, (Seattle, Washington) seems to withhold self-disclosure to anyone not born in the area (even if still born in the United States) and may exclude people of the different race if they are born in this area. Either way, David speaks of a “master race” mentality among the people in Seattle, Portland, or the “Pacific Northwest”. Of course, the downside of living in a place where people are relatively peaceful when it comes to physical fights. Also David and I at one time private messaged on a social media website and he recommended the blood type typing for nutrition and me taking economics. I found out I was blood type AB and I found microeconomics a interesting course – opting for this class instead of CSE 143.

David had 1 girlfriend in college (Duke University) as from one of his youtube videos as of June 23, 2019 (since I have no idea if it is taken down after this date – day and month and year). He describes her briefly during the breakup, as having a rough time, and everyone “seemed to rush to her defense”. David described her as “highly attractive” and “looked like Erin Gray”.

In America, since the priority is placed on careerism, one would need 100,000 dollars to have a good life.

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Examples of INFP (MBTI) and ISFP (MBTI)

I have a few examples of INFP.
For example, Wallflower Blush from MLP. She tried to erase memories of Sunset's friends because she believed Sunset didn't change enough to deserve the good friendship she had. An ISFP would probably not keep that memory for long.
Another example, Winnie the Pooh, still remembered Christopher Robin after he grew up even though everyone else forgotten about him, and Pooh in the new 2018 movie, actually went to the real world portal to meet him in the new place Christopher moved him to (even though that was because the portal was magical enough to change conveniently) . In context, a equivalent to the real world example, would lead to a human called crazy.


I think its how you think Si function is. If you are thinking Si is memory and tradition (or routine) than ISTJ

But of course that is flat out wrong. Si is more like "knowledge" especially knowledge of different types of people, environments, and effects of it. I'm using Fantasy genre to explain this, much like RPG games. How it boils down in real life, is that the ingrained knowledge .... you can see Squidward knows nothing of this Si function.

Se is far more than thrill seeking... far more than just aesthetics like art. That is a wrong description of it and this is rather too common in my observation . Se is simply, far more observant overtly, speaking. Instead of grouping things into existentialist point of view (Si/Ne), Se cannot remember or never knew, so Se/Ni simply, believes (kinda like believing in a religion). Think of the conch shell episode, as a way to understand Se. But we know Spongebob has a library in his home (Si/Ne) and Patrick, well has access to a bunch of pink heads.

But Se/Ni is probably closer to intellectual humbleness.

Explaining the Seattle Freeze

Quote. Urban Dictionary

The Seattle Freeze is a social phenomenon in the Puget Sound area. Basically, it means people will disregard ordinances, laws or public statutes and in general be a ass and sneer at others in public — or give them the cold shoulder. People who are very committed to perpetuating the Freeze will ignore crime or fail to report crime; become belligerent with police or refuse to render aid in a accident or emergency situation, pretending it's not happening. Interpersonal contact is forbidden in most social situations. If you are at a party of Freeze-goers and do not meet the behaviour requirements you will be targeted with belittling remarks, insane xenophobic stares and extreme passive aggressiveness. Freezers also crave opportunities to leave quaint notes and reminders everyplace to make sure you comply with their absurd lifestyle expectations. At the workplace the Freeze can be seen through managerial discrimination of not hiring people originally from Washington state; a policy of no conversations; general anxiety during meetings or projects; quick entry and exit before and after shifts.

Commentary: Basically people want to act smart in public because they were too bored with schoolwork back in grade/high school. Generally people here have a fear of being with stupid people.

MBTI Personality type of Seattle, WA: Likely INTP

Further commentary: If a Seattlelite invites you to their home, or if you are getting a roommate with a Seattlelite, they are prepared to tell all their friends about you (if you happen to make them feel a certain way).

Quote 2: Ah, yes, navigating the different social rules in Seattle. It's a screaming pain in the ass I know. I've lived here all my life and the rules here are just different. Yes, we're distant, we're chilly, we're passive aggressive and we take forever to make friends. But we make awesome long lasting friends. Here are some of the things I've noticed over the years and there are ways to get around them and avoid common pitfalls.

Observation #1: Seattlites are terrible at going out. There are bears/rain/murderous hobos outside. We have to have a good reason to leave the house and a person we met two weeks ago isn't compelling enough. This is why getting a hobby is important. Common interests are what we bond over. Anything from hiking to gaming to dogs. Becoming a regular at a weekly event or even just seeing your neighbor everyday when you take your dog outside is the easiest way to get to know people. Setting up one-time events like a party or something is nearly a guaranteed failure. Being trapped in a room full of near strangers is not our idea of a good time without some sort of activity to drive conversation and/or provide cover for awkward silence. We have to get to know you before going out to hang with you. It's backwards I know but that's also not changing anytime soon.

Observation #2: We do not make casual friendships. Friendships can look casual as all fuck but they are not. Under that veneer of "dude", we normally form a tight circle of people we hang out with on a regular basis and each of them has a slightly different tight circle of people they hang out with and so on. (Hence why the Seattle social scene is so incestuous.) But it takes a long time to enter that stage. Most of the time, once the acquaintance stage is over, you will enter a unique intermediate stage of distant friendship. There will be many times that you will never get passed this stage and that's just something you'll have to accept. For us, this is perfectly normal and comfortable way to function. However, bitching about it will ensure that you'll never actually move beyond it because what we hear is, "I may be a nice person but I'm clingy and pushy." And there's nothing we hate more then pushy people.

Observation #3: We have different anger rules. This is a big problem for East Coast transplants that are learning their way around. When things are going well, we hug, we "dude" you, and our speech is very casual. If we are angry with you, we will back up about three feet from you and talk to you in an even chilly tone with few conjunctions, you might even get sirred or ma'amed. (Please note, this does not mean that your server is mad at you.) If a Seattlite starts yelling, they are about to assault you. Hence, why East Coast people with the hand waving and yelling terrify us. I have seen a man almost get the cops called on him because he was ranting about a headline in a newspaper. Turns out he was not a psycho, he was from New York.

Observation #4: We have a conversational bubble of about two feet bare minimum, more often it's more like three feet. Do not move inside of it. All you will do is chase us around the room, while we become more and more alarmed by you without realizing why. So, no creeping into the bubble.

Observation #5: We do not invite just anybody over to our homes and we get wierded out by people who invite us over two weeks after we met them. In our mind, you're a complete stranger who just invited us into the Holy of Holies and you have no idea who we are. For all you know, we could be a family of cannibals and for all we know, you could be a family of cannibals. When we do invite you, it's a big deal. It looks casual. It isn't. Long before you were invited to someone's house, you went through a long process of vetting. This can take months to years. A short cut is when you are brought into someone's house by someone they know. This is where a lot of people fuck up. I've seen long time friendships get ruined by this as well. Do not be a bad guest in Seattle. We will remember and we will tell everyone within three social degrees of us to avoid you. Considering how long it takes us to make friends and how tight those friendships tend to be, it's our way of making sure that no one we care about wastes their time on you. (And no, we will not tell you.)

Observation #6: We will never tell you to your face that we don't like you, common practice is simply to let you drift away on your own. And if you keep clinging on like a barnacle, we will rapidly learn to hate you. This is where the passive aggression comes in. We don't like you, we won't tell you and you won't go away. So we will ever so subtly ratchet up the horrible so you will go the fuck away. This is why when friendships go bad in Seattle, it takes months or even years for them to wind down. I'm sorry that's just how we work.

Observation #7: Once you are our friend, you have a friend for life. We will help you through rehab, bury the body at one in the morning and so on. Do not make the mistake of treating a Seattlite friendship casually. We invest a lot of time and energy into the people we count as friends, we expect the same amount of effort back. In the end, all that observing and vetting was us trying to figure out if you are worth the shirt off our backs.

tl;dr: Friendship is like a bonsai tree in Seattle, it takes a long time to grow, to trim it into just the right shape and so on. Often times, it doesn't work. But when it does, it's amazing and deeply rewarding.

I wonder where do phobias come from

I was thinking reincarnation. But how do you fix phobias?

I was thinking the occulus glasses where you can use a computer to visualize a virtual hologram of the phobia. For example, a phobia of dogs. You wear the occulus glasses and watch a 3D "video" of a bunch of dogs barking.

Otherwise this is called exposure therapy.

I have a slight fear of dogs, heights, and public speaking, snakes, and cold weather, and probably something like spiders, and i guess moving cars.

I got bad grades in many courses in college.

when I say a course is boring I should clarify I got a really bad grade in it. Of course that makes sense right? If you were interested in it you'd study to get a good grade in it. 

This gives me a thought.

How would you know ahead of time that you would be interested in a course you never "learned any of the material" prior, to get a 3.5-4.0? In my observation for a graded 4-5 credit intro (101 for example) class (disregard weedout like chem/bio/math/phys/cse 142) at minimum 33% (you can argue 25%) of the students have some prior exposure to the material whether it be a high school course or 12 hours of self study before day 0/1 of the class.

Sure, if you studied well enough you can do well even if you find it boring. But I guarentee, you probably don't find it boring if you ended up with a high grade at the University of Washington.

Courses I found interesting at UW. 

INFX 546 — Cisco (4 credits). Prof Larson. Winter 2017. (department is now LIS) Grade: 4.0

NEAR EAST 202 — Old Testament (5 credits) Prof. Martin. Summer 2017. Grade: 4.0

CSE 142 — Java Part 1. Prof. Reges. (4 credits) Autumn 2015. Grade: 3.4

CSE 142 retake — Java Part 1. Prof. Porter (4 credits) Spring 2017. Grade: 3.7

For every other course I either got Ws or grades ranging from 0.0 to 3.3. A lot of it is between 0.7 and 2.9.