So... turns out the new friend I went on vacation with doesn't believe there was an insurrection. So... vacation over 4 days early. Friendship way over. Mind blown.
For people who are not severely immunosuppressed, vaccination protects you very well from contracting #covid19 and spreading it to others, but it's not 100%. If the small possibility is something that worries you, you could continue to wear masks in higher-risk settings.
The CDC released new guidelines that fully vaccinated people can take off their masks in nearly all settings, and many are deciding for themselves about where they feel comfortable shedding them.
CNN medical analyst @DrLeanaWen weighs in on the choice.
Shocking surveillance video shows a black man repeatedly punching an Asian man pushing a stroller in a random, unprovoked attack in San Francisco. Sidney Hammond was arrested. He was recently released after getting arrested for burglary. #StopAsianHate
Phoenix TV: Chinese man shot dead on US street. When the incident occurred, the Chinese man stopped his car at the traffic light, the gunman pulled up beside him and fired several shots into the car. The deceased was married and had two little children. #StopAsianHate
TW: 61-year-old Asian man in critical condition after he was struck in the back, knocked down, head stomped on repeatedly. 3rd Ave & E 125 St in East Harlem Friday 8:20pm. Bus driver called police.