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Single Asian Female. (webcomic) Single Horrible Webcomic.

Okay, I'm known here to bring up subjects that might be seen as polemic, but I think I have to comment on this one. A lot of my subject material focuses on the interpretation, and evaluation of Asian culture not just by non-Asians but Asian Americans as well.

The webcomic we are talking about here is called Single Asian Female

It concerns the plight of a liberal college-educated Asian female, her loathing of white males, and her specious ideas about the concept of not just Asian fetishes in white males, but hate-crimes (such as rape--- something that, in my own aggrieved personal experience with friends, can hardly be described as a hate crime, regardless of race)...

The gist is, that the web-comic is actually written by an Asian American male, Ethan Lee... He seems to treat ethnic diversity as some sort of amoral deviance and labels other Asians who date inter-racially as "sell-outs"


He also seems to characterize solely WHITE MALES as a group of fetishists who target Asian women for their ethnicity, where of course, Asian males dating non-Asian females is simply "selling out"... His main concern seems to be a distorted view of the ideas of racism in the United States as regards Asian Americans, ignoring all racism that exists in Asia (let alone the rest of the world, including the United States), and complaining non-stop with a victim complex that would make Eve Ensler blush, about how badly Asian-Americans have it in the United States as regards race-relations.

Not the least of the affronts to integrity is the fact that the main character is POORLY written as a female, from a Male's point of view... The comic is full of racial stereotypes and paranoias that seek more to polarize Asians from the rest of the world than to integrate them into it, as well as more than a bit intended of Ethan Lee's own personal desires... In Ethan Lee's world, all White males are close to fetishistic rapists, or at least, race-fetishists...

He seems to be self-concerned with the ideas of race, but when all white-characters in the strip show general interest in [the character's] race, she sees it as an affront, though of course an Asian male is what the "character" truly pines for, lest the bloodline of American Asians become tainted by what (he)she refers to by "geeky white males".

Link, here: http://www.safcomic.com/

There are no doubt debatable issues for Asian Americans, but not the ones that a frustrated emasculated Ethan Lee is bringing up... His comics seething with anger over the corruption of Asians by the "White Devil", come off considerably more racist than what he is actually espousing, and throws around words like "hate crime" as if he had especial reasoning to consider that the actions related to these words, poorly related, connected, even in the abstract.

ed: (for clarity), also, since this comic does not have anything to do with Japan, can a mod move it somewhere they think is better... Thanks.

PPS. I removed the link the extra editorial content (though that is not where I based my opinion), I found that content after the aforementioned web-comic, ---okay also lets clarify too, this is not a web-comic, there is purposely NO (intended) comedy in it, it's more of a web-tirade.

...Well, I removed the link due to a posting on the blog of the author asking people to stop linking to his site due to the amount of vitriol people seem to throw his way when their favourite horrible webcomic is maligned... Also, it does contain some language I feel isn't suitable for all Jref members.

Kudos if you've read this far.
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Just checked out the site... And yeah, I totally agree with yukio_michael.
What should this web-comic suggest? To be more and more closed in our little "racial" Word? Don't dare to date Asians, because they must date only other Asians? I really don't get it.


Back home
Hey, appreciate the Kudos, yukio, wow, long time since I've been here, computer broke down and all, well, let's go staright to the point... Yeah, this guy really needs some help, he's got this hate inside of him, which reminds me of the VT shooter who had all this hatredinside of him. I mean, this comics are racist damn-right and so ridiculous, it even made me laugh. It absolutely made no sense to me. Just because a Japanese guy dates a White girl, that doesn't mean that he unappreciates his own race. What a mind this guy has, but oh well, it's his life, we just need to make sure to evade people like him because these are the ones who mess up the world with their twisted minds.



The Rise of Cobra
My best friend is Japanese and she's dating a white guy. She's the last person I'd call a sell out. I think this guy's problem is that he can't find happiness and so he takes it out on other asians who do, but with non-asians.
For living in such a multicultural and multiethnic state as California, and attending a liberal arts college, you'd think this guy would focus on how progressive the environment is there. I mean, I must agree, us "white folks" who ask every Asian person their "nationality" should get an annoyed "American" as a response.

What bothers me is that he characterizes all white guys as wonderbread WASP and as dorky losers who think being Asian is some exotic mystical thing. If I chose to be like him, I'd complain about how every WASP in America thinks Italians are in the Mafia, we eat spaghetti & meatballs at every meal, and love the Sopranos. But I don't. Because that's stereotyping the WASPs themselves, and that isn't necessarily right either.

I wonder what this guy would say if a nice Italian girl gave him the same treatment about "geeky Asian guys" as his comic's heroine gives to "geeky white guys."
For living in such a multicultural and multiethnic state as California, and attending a liberal arts college, you'd think this guy would focus on how progressive the environment is there. I mean, I must agree, us "white folks" who ask every Asian person their "nationality" should get an annoyed "American" as a response.
Yeah, I was actually in NorCal when the Chinese New Year parade or what-have-you (pardon my ignorance), was going on... I missed it because I was having some consternation w/ my ex and felt like sheltering myself--- Okay more than you want to know, but... It's an incredibly mixed environment, and people there are so open to different cultures, it's hard to see how you could create this sort of mindset when attending Berkeley, one of the most liberal colleges I can imagine.

When I was in Santa Cruz, we hired some day-laborers to help us move a washer & dryer.... People often complain about the Mexican population in the United States as if it were taking away jobs from Stock Brokers; but you couldn't really imagine an economy in Texas & California without them--- I don't mean to slight the character of Mexican-Americans, but those who have only day-labour work to do, due to language barriers basically support a good deal of the infrastructure of Texas and California.... I think California realizes this, but perhaps not Texas. We gave them some food, and money, and basically, what I'm saying is--- that California is very liberal and very open to all things.

What bothers me is that he characterizes all white guys as wonderbread WASP and as dorky losers who think being Asian is some exotic mystical thing. If I chose to be like him, I'd complain about how every WASP in America thinks Italians are in the Mafia, we eat spaghetti & meatballs at every meal, and love the Sopranos. But I don't. Because that's stereotyping the WASPs themselves, and that isn't necessarily right either.
This bring up a mutual concern. I'm Italian, about 1/2 Italian (the other two diluted parts being Ukraine & Irish), I grew up in a classic Italian environment in an Italian neighborhood, (my grandmothe'sr--- well, I was there a lot)... And I have really big issues with shows like The Sopranos, which keep up this horrible stereotype that Italians are either A) Mafiosos, B) Pizza Makers, or C) Monkey Organ Grinders...

Francis Ford Coppola DIDN'T want to make the first Godfather film under the conditions that he didn't want to perpetuate the stereotype of Italian Americans... something I believe in. He did, regardless, under his vision (at first) & I think he did a remarkable job with the film... though Robert Evans made him re-shoot a lot of it.

Still, as an Italian, and as the first born, I probably look the MOST Italian, asides from my sister, who bares a good resemblance to our mother, I hate the idea that people think of Italians as "grease balls", or what have you...

I'm from Palermo, well my family is, which is the part of Italy that the North hates... largely I think because it was invaded by the Moors, who were of course of some sort of African descent, which "tainted" the blond Roman bloodline...

Honestly, the girls that I like are just NOT American girls... I find the intricacies of learning a new culture better than someone who just feels like watching Lost on a tuesday night (or whatever night they show that show)...

I'm not one of those people who MUST marry a Japanese girl, though, having spent 6 years on the language, it certainly factors in... I'm fascinated by other cultures and though I'm not ashamed at all of BEING an American... I'm fascinated by places I've never been, and the people who have been there...

They say opposites attract, I believe this works in relationships as well.

ps. I don't have any "AVERSION" to dating white girls... as long as they aren't a stereotypical "white girl", if you get my meaning. ;)
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What is the goal of the comic strip?
The goal is to facilitate discussion and raise awareness about historical and contemporary issues in the Asian American community.

I don't know what is wrong with it.

that California is very liberal and very open to all things.
Hopefully, no riot again.
I don't know what is wrong with it.
Because it does this very poorly, and instead of raising awareness, spouts racist opinions about the "white" devil... I hesitate to use the word Caucasian... because really, if you know anything of geography the Caucasian race is completely seperate--- much like "African".

Hopefully, no riot again.
If you're speaking of Los Angeles, you're basically talking about a group of people who unfortunately rioted out of anger of a court hearing about an abusive pcp user being (unnecessarily, perhaps) beaten by police officers who risk their lives every day... They burned down the shops in their own neighborhoods, looted the stores that were run by people of their own race, and killed others as vengeance.

It's a a great tragedy of the inhuman condition, but not one I like to associate with race.

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