Please try

Open OutputFolder after extraction

  • TalkingHead

    TalkingHead - 2010-02-23

    i use this great tool to extract files mostly via contextmenu "Extract to (path)". IMHO it would be great, if the outputfolder would be opened after extraction.

    As a workaround to have this feature already, i modified gui.cpp (7z910 x64) by adding a call to ShellExecuteW
    after ExtractGUI(…)  and recompiled using Vs2008

    HRESULT result = ExtractGUI(...)
    if (result != S_OK)
            ShellExecuteW(NULL, NULL, eo.OutputDir, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

    I am no professional c++-coder, but it works for me ;-)
    Perhaps you could add something like this to the next release/beta.

    Keep up that great work :-)


  • BinarySplit

    BinarySplit - 2010-02-28

    I'm also very interested in opening the destination folder in 7-zip, though in a different context. This is my standard workflow:

    1) Download archive in Firefox (automatically opens in 7zFM)
    2) Click extract and enter a path in 7zFM
    3) Close 7zFM
    4) Navigate to the path in explorer

    Step 4 is the most time consuming, so I'd like to see it done automatically.

  • TalkingHead

    TalkingHead - 2010-03-01

    I managed to extend the 7-Zip-Options-dialog to reflect "Open folder after Extraction" in the user-settings-tab. Also i patched 7zg.exe to open the destinationfolder after extraction if the option is enabled.
    Perhaps i can go thru the 7zfm-code and extend it to open the folder.  If you are interested i can create a src-patch and upload it.
    I may do this next weekend… cebit is waiting tomorrow.


  • BinarySplit

    BinarySplit - 2010-03-03

    Thanks TalkingHead. That would be useful.

    I hope this gets merged into trunk soon though as keeping track of custom builds is a bit of a pain…

  • TalkingHead

    TalkingHead - 2010-03-07

    I added a patch in the patch-section.
    I hope it's useful.


  • jynxdaddy

    jynxdaddy - 2010-05-04

    Can we get this into the main release?

  • Quicktek

    Quicktek - 2011-01-28

    Can anybody explain how to apply this patch manually?

  • damian5000

    damian5000 - 2011-03-11

    not just surprising, but shocking, this basic feature isn't part of the stock build.  uninstalled and installed quickzip

  • Rogerw

    Rogerw - 2011-04-04

    This would be a great feature to add to 7-zip. Unfortunately there have been feature requests to add this since 2006 or earlier, so I am not holding my breath.

    Adding a checkbox with: "Show extracted files"  or "Open Target Folder" to the dialog where you select the target folder might be the easiest way to do this and then call ShellExecute to open the folder in Windows Explorer.

  • Roger Pack

    Roger Pack - 2013-11-14

    I offer a $100 bounty if anybody can get a patch accepted or committed that does's the one painful part of 7zip's interface.
    (suggestion: offer a menu option "Extract to XXX (and open)" to complement the existing "Extract to XXX"

  • B N

    B N - 2017-08-16
    7zip with open target folder!!!

    • Bernhard Enders

      Bernhard Enders - 2017-11-11

      Amazing! Thank you so much! Please take a time to upgrade to 7-zip version 17.01, v16.04 contains serious bug. Great job anyway...


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