Archive.is blog

May 2021

How come the queue is always like X000, but my page ends up loading like 2 seconds later anyways?

Likely, those thousands tasks save from the same website, so they got lower priority

May 30, 2021

0 notes

Yes, SQWr9 seems to be the same view that the browser would normally use (minus all the shenanigans with reddit messing with the sort order making comparing very difficult). Is it possible that whatever you did there be made the default behaviour? Because it shows more comments, not less, which is of more value, and more importantly mirrors what one sees in the browser.

removeddit stores those settings in browser’s local storage, so there is no “normal“ but “last used“.

Yes, I set “sorted by: new“ and “show: all comments“ as default. “sorted by: new“ should help with comparisons as it appears to be more stable than “sorted by: top“

May 30, 2021

0 notes

Hi, regarding the sort order on removeddit, it seems the order than reddit returns comments is probably determined by whatever internal algorithm they use... Regardless, on a removeddit link (not archive) if you click the "show" button and select between "all comments" or "removed and deleted", I noticed it doesn't change the URL. So that means it's impossible to tell archive to "click" this button unless removeddit implements it through the URL?

May 30, 2021

0 notes

Do you know why removeddit links are archived differently than how they appear in-browser. Basically removeddit shows removed/deleted comments, it's used by changing a "reddit" url to "removeddit". Visit a removeddit link in-browser, the "sorted" section sorts by "all comments". However after archiving they only sort by "removed and deleted". This means user-deleted/non-deleted comments don't show up in archive. While not sure if this is a bug, it seems inconsistent? See url ANTOC.

It looks like there is something at removeddit’s side.

30 minutes after ANTOC and the order is different: https://archive.md/Ai90r

May 30, 2021

0 notes

Why you're using many hosters?

To outlive any of them and tolerate events like this

May 23, 2021

4 notes

Can you try to remove the consent for FYnjJ and have it point to the actual content?


May 23, 2021

0 notes

can you change 10 to 100 or more at IHyXN? the data is pre-fetched. thank you!


May 22, 2021

0 notes

So until full text search implemented, there is no practical method of getting older page archives? This is assuming the direct link is lost.

yes, without full text search, you’ll have to know the direct link to the archive or the original link of the archived page.

May 16, 2021

1 note

What is the links to the "hidden service" page and .onion page of this service (archive is) on Tor?

  • archivecaslytosk.onion
  • archiveiya74codqgiixo33q62qlrqtk​gmcitqx5u2oeqnmn5bpcbiyd.onion
  • May 15, 2021

    3 notes

    Hello, is there support for archiving DeviantArt pages with an account?

    yes, but there is an issue: it logs out too often

    May 15, 2021

    1 note

    What's the argument for NOT saving all the IP logs for people that access the archives/submitting new archives forever? After all, it just takes up little space on the server itself.

    That’s extra job which brings no value.

    May 14, 2021

    0 notes

    None of the sites are working? They all just show a gif spinner?

    yes, there was an outage. It works now

    May 10, 2021

    0 notes

    webtoon has age verification in captures now /9Fp60 ; possible to bypass?


    May 09, 2021

    0 notes

    Is your anonymity the only thing preventing the project from being taken down?

    Any website can be taken down as simple as sending a single email (example https://twitter.com/brokep/status/1389314362561777665). I doubt that things like “anonymity“ or “privacy“ can help here.

    May 08, 2021

    2 notes

    Is possible to expand all the text of the answers in the archived pages from yahoo answers (in italian and others lang)? It is "leggi tutto" button for each answer.


    I found some pages with “Mostra altro“ but no "leggi tutto" button

    May 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you please hide the cookie box on 7Kyvd. Thank you


    May 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you please hide the Cookie-Box on Lfc7W. Thanks


    May 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you remove the pop-up on dQEAk and press the blue expansion links in brackets?


    May 01, 2021

    0 notes

    does your site log image urls when archiving?

    Yes, but only in chromium-based archiver (since December 2019)

    May 01, 2021

    0 notes

    April 2021

    Could you please remove the popup box on /iMIEj — and then expand the two "SE MERE" ("Betingelser" and "Aftalepart") sections? Thanks.


    Apr 30, 2021

    0 notes

    /pXgW2 Could you expand the "read more" parts of the youtube comments. Some comment pages across youtube contain historical or cultural information that can sometimes be hard to find anywhere else.

    yes, they are preserved, just the height of the comment block is limited.

    Apr 30, 2021

    0 notes

    Ever since I started using a VPN, Archive Today makes me do a Captcha. What can I do to avoid always having to prove I'm a human?

    When you are using VPN, you are accessing the Internet from a server address space and look like a crawler.

    Apr 30, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you guys add an option that allows us to add our cookies with an archive request, that way we can archive a page that requires user to be logged in? Thanks

    Yes, the idea is nice, it would allow to archive private pages.

    How do you see it? “advanced submit” page with extra inputs? Or something better?

    Apr 29, 2021

    0 notes

    hello, why can't the website archive instagram posts? I tried plenty of times but in inevitably leads to it saying not found.

    Instagram (and Facebook too) redirects to /login.

    The archiver tries few times using different IPs and then gives up.

    I need either more IPs or flow of fresh accounts (as they do not live long), it is not cheap :(

    Apr 29, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you click on "See All Tech Specs" on Dell deals website archive/bxMyJ ? Thank you so much


    Apr 26, 2021

    0 notes

    can you unblock eightchgaw4nnxcn66nszcgxzzvpjxnlfdv7djaxx5tcw25xlpyfjaqd.onion, the whole site is blocked here

    unblocked (except /lg/ and /lb/)

    Apr 26, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you remove HiU2E's popup?


    Apr 26, 2021

    0 notes

    archive/OT406 (compass) -- the links to the units of the building don't work, can you fix at all? thank you so much.


    Apr 25, 2021

    0 notes

    archive/U8hCa (sunroomrentals) -- can you click View all 5 units? thank you!


    Apr 25, 2021

    0 notes

    archive/5yTI6 (compass) -- can you click View More to get the full price list history? thank you.


    Apr 25, 2021

    0 notes

    Who can delete saved pages on here? I just went to a website, to find that my contributions have, once again, been wiped by some $^%@! I KNOW I had saved some pages here, one in particular is GONE! WHY?? What good is it if you also allow content here to be deleted? So who can delete pages on here? How? And how to get them back??? PS: I read your FAQs this was IMDb trivia pages, not anything not allowed. Thanks

    Can you provide more details about the pages you lost? Such claims  usually indicate difficulties in finding files (people mistake low-case and upper-case letter or something like that)

    Apr 25, 2021

    0 notes

    I know that when you get a complaint from a government agency about something, sometimes you hide archives regionally and sometimes you hide them worldwide. But can you not block entire domain names from being searched/accessed? E.g. there are archives of imageboards in here, and if you try to search for archives, every so often you get no results back and a message saying that a complaint was received from some organization. Does this only happen temporarily while you handle complaints? Thanks

    Just report the domain, I will relax the block.

    It happens.

    55chan and some imageboards were blocked worldwide. Then people asked why whole websites are blocked, most pages are good. And I switched to regional (or sub-board) block.

    Apr 24, 2021

    0 notes

    What's with the occasional blank screen with a gray revolving circle when accessing any of the archive domain mirrors?

    Just wait few seconds. It is “the backend not ready to serve“

    Apr 20, 2021

    0 notes

    Unfortunately, saving always ends in a loading loop. Could you please fix this?

    Definitively, not. It might retry up to 10 times if the saved page does not pass the quality check (redirects to /login.php, shows captcha, etc), but it should end. If you feel it “endless”, you are likely observing 5th or 8th attempt, and it will likely fail all 10.

    Apr 20, 2021

    0 notes

    The text on /bN5Hr and /VMcw2 is all garbled and unreadable. Can you please fix it?

    What text should be there? It looks broken the same way as on the original website.

    Apr 20, 2021

    0 notes

    May you click on down arrow for each tab on /LxUmK. Thanks for your time!


    Apr 20, 2021

    0 notes

    Cloudflare is adding ":80" to your links and desgtroying them.


    Apr 20, 2021

    0 notes

    /smCU0 Could you please click on the "show more comments" box?


    Apr 18, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you please expand the more details on /aqklP ? Thank you in advance


    Apr 18, 2021

    0 notes

    On /4qA3o, could you please unfold the page? (There's an orange "SEE MORE (39 TITLES)" botton — and once that's hit, there's a new orange botton: "SEE MORE (4 TITLES)".) Thanks!


    Apr 18, 2021

    0 notes

    Any plans to make an account at FurAffinity for archiving purposes? Many pages there require an account to access, and thus over half the site is unarchiveable.

    yes, done

    Apr 18, 2021

    0 notes

    What motivated or prompted you to embark on this great archival project/mission?

    I thought it is obvious: at the time when some event hits the news, the content being discussed is often taken down and that is frustrating. The problem was here back in 2012 and only got worse in the following years.

    Apr 18, 2021

    2 notes

    If I archive a page on social media (e.g facebook) while I'm logged in on my browser, will it show on my snapshot? Or does it always send a logged out page and one of the Archive Today Facebook accounts can log in instead of me?

    Archive Today’s account logs in to many websites. Your credentials are not captured (that would require installing a special browser extension and even that does not work with some websites).

    Although we have no Facebook’s and Instagram’s at the moment. Freshly registered accounts got banned too quickly :(

    Apr 17, 2021

    0 notes

    When it says "you're in queue", can you safely X out of the page and let it continue to process the archive or will that cancel the process?

    You can safely X out the page, it won’t cancel the process.

    But the process might fail, and if you share the link before the process is finished, your correspondent might receive an error message instead of archived page.

    Apr 17, 2021

    0 notes

    Is there no longer a LinkedIn login? Thanks!

    It works but not stable: it logs out every few days asking for captcha

    Apr 14, 2021

    0 notes

    /qnc5q is unable to display its content, despite that similar posts like /1MY74 has its content fully shown. Can you fix this?

    yes, fixed. it logs out sometimes.

    Apr 05, 2021

    0 notes

    /1wHhv is blank, if you have a moment, ty regardless!


    Apr 05, 2021

    0 notes

    Any big plans for next 1, 5, 10, 50 years?

    I think, full-text search is a must. Independent on Google’s CSE, which has too low coverage (less than 10% of the archive content).  The implementation was always postponed, because there always was a risk of losing all the domains and became an .onion-only service, where no-one but me will use the search (and me could afford a hour-long grep), but as it survived for so many years we could predict it will be online at least for the same period of time (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindy_effect) and plan new features according to that.

    Apr 04, 2021

    1 note

    /4J3xx is blank... are you able to bypass that coding? thank you either way!

    yes, fixed

    Apr 04, 2021

    0 notes

    Have you thought on contacting Internet Archive about hosting a mirror copy of your whole collection of websites? To clarify, it would be stored as an item, not Wayback Machine pages. What you have is very important! Alternatively, have you thought on offering a torrent of all pages? Thanks for reading!

    It wouldn’t work this way. The storage form is very far from “items“ to upload on FTP or distribute via torrents. It requires computers to run the renderer code which is being changed almost every day (see a lot of “fixed” over here?)

    Apr 04, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you remove the "Youtube TV" popup on google cache's of youtube? Example: /REwC3 (The second <tp-yt-paper-dialog> element). Thanks.


    Apr 02, 2021

    0 notes

    /mZeya failed and it seems it fetches 0 bytes on the original page ( news,cri,cn / 20210324 / 6a993ecb-9259-6d68-6e08-50433bcc914e,html ). The original page is working but seems like sometimes it shows a blank page to visitors. Wondering if you can fix it / re-archive, thanks a lot


    Apr 02, 2021

    0 notes

    archiving facebook does not work why?

    They redirect to /login page and I have no account.

    Newly registered accounts get blocked quickly.

    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you expand reddit comments? /nisxt#70% Thanks!

    /nisxt expanded what was preserved but still folded

    /35Kuv is a newer archive with more aggressive clicking on [+] buttons

    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you have it click "Show more" for LinkedIn job listing like b7qVd please? t


    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    The wall street journal article /GfUYD has a wild infinite page length bug.


    (this looks like a WSJ bug, reproducible in all browsers on https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/americas-imports-are-stuck-on-ships-floating-just-off-los-angeles-11617183002 after “tap to view“ the page grows infinitely)

    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Is it possible for you to close the pop-up in KZLKb?


    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Will you do crypto currency donation? I don't want to give paypal money.

    Unlikely. I have nothing to buy with crypto (except one domain registrar, $8/year). The platforms which accept crypto and pay out fiat are unreliable and yet over-bureaucratic, they ask for much more papers than banks. I do not think it is secure to deal with them. One day they “get hacked“ and ...

    But I agree that the current choice between PayPal and Stripe is too limited.

    Apr 01, 2021

    1 note

    Is there anyway to fix the formatting on /cyclT?


    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you please remove the popup from /J7guC ?


    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    Is there a way for you to add the ability to snapshot the replies to posts on the gab platform. It is useful to document who is interacting with whom when serious stuff happens on there. Alternatively, is there a way to feed an authentication cookie when taking a snapshot of a page?

    made an account there, it should work now

    Apr 01, 2021

    0 notes

    March 2021

    /MRS05 isn't showing the ship's historical path before blocking global trade.

    The problems is the touch event which scrolls casual webpages down and up, here zooms the map in.

    You can use https://archive.ph/MRS05/image instead.

    For the future, I will add the website to the exception list.

    UPD: https://archive.vn/ju7qW is after the fix

    Mar 24, 2021

    0 notes

    /8jmja and other recent archives from the same site now seem to have a cookie popup. Is it possible to get rid of that?


    Mar 24, 2021

    0 notes

    /qTGw9 is blank. Also, I seem to have trouble archiving Letterboxd and Wix websites if you have any interest. TYSM!


    Mar 24, 2021

    0 notes

    Bing reddit archive is broken. See ga0HK


    Mar 23, 2021

    0 notes

    Secondly, don't you have PayPal?

    Yes, the button is on the main page.

    Mar 20, 2021

    1 note

    I don't think a subscription service is a good idea, since there is a chance that there will be trolls who might find ways around it. Maybe more servers??

    More servers means more expenses up to the point when donations/ad income/subscription will be crucial. Then any interruption (for example, caused by failure of a payment system, as we saw with WireCard and ePayments last year) will put the project at risk. So, growing is difficult, even having the business model and the audience willing to pay.

    Mar 20, 2021

    0 notes

    I would pay for a subscription to your service annually. Charging would vastly decrease your server load and allow people who really need your service to benefit from it. Even a modest sub price would cut back on server demand. Just a suggestion.

    That might introduce the shift from saving flashing content (like defaced/hacked websites or manifestos of mass-shooters -- here free and anonymous access to the service is important) to serving obsessive collectors (who save page of own home webcam every 5 minutes -- and I will not be able to block them if they pay).

    I do not want to move in this direction, but yes, there is a space for a companion pay-service.

    Mar 20, 2021

    2 notes

    Could you please unfold the rest of the /Wzq0s page (the black button “Starsze wpisy”)? Thanks.

    No, Wordpress’s infinite scroll is intentionally supressed, even if the “next” button is auto-clicked. Because resulting pages are often too long and heavy, quickly eating all available memory. You have to archive individual pages instead.

    Mar 18, 2021

    1 note

    Hi... thank you for your help. AO3 no longer unfolds mature content? /mOW32 is this intentional or something that you'd be willing to fix?

    This is a regression bug, fixed.

    Thank you for noticing!

    Mar 15, 2021

    0 notes

    Hi, is the service down?

    It works for me, but I see significant (~30%) drop in visits. So it may be unreachable from some networks. No idea from where and why

    Mar 15, 2021

    2 notes

    Is the process for creating an archive (.) today snapshot from a live page significantly different from creating a snapshot from a Google cache/ web.(.) archive (.) org snapshot?

    No, it is the same.

    But take it mind that there is no single Google Cache. Each Google’s datacenter has its own cache.

    You might see a cached version in one country but the archiver might see different version (or 404) because its closest datacenter is different.

    Mar 11, 2021

    0 notes

    It seems lately that only one page save is allowed per day. Is that the case? If so, can more frequent saves be allowed again?

    That depends on the webpage. Frequently changed pages (for example main page of a newspaper) can be saved frequently. Static images from i.imgur.com are not. It is to prevent doing useless work saving the same page again and again. Of course, the heuristic rules are not accurate and if you want to save some frequently changed pages with smaller intervals, just let me know.

    Mar 11, 2021

    0 notes

    What happened to archive.vn? Everything I saved is just gone?

    I do not know :(

    Try another domain (archive.today for example)

    Mar 11, 2021

    0 notes

    Why is there so many different domains for this project?

    A single domain is vendor lock to its service provider (unreliable and untrusted, which could 'wake up in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the Internet', there are many such stories). I do not blame anyone, it is just because of the asymmetry: you have only one domain (with too many things depending on it: website, email, authorization on 3rd party services, ...) and they have millions clients like you.

    Mar 11, 2021

    2 notes

    What's the browser cookies "_gp" and "cf_clearance" used for?

    `_gp` is not mine, probably one of `top.mail.ru‘s counter 

    `cf_clearance` is the timestamp when the captcha was solved last time (having this cookie means you have solved the captcha and can show the cookie as the proof)

    Mar 11, 2021

    0 notes

    Why is there so many different domains for this project?

    A single domain is vendor lock to its service provider (unreliable and untrusted, which could 'wake up in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the Internet', there are many such stories). I do not blame anyone, it is just because of the asymmetry: you have only one domain (with too many things depending on it: website, email, authorization on 3rd party services, ...) and they have millions clients like you.

    Mar 09, 2021

    2 notes

    Can you add Web Share Target support so that I can easily open an archived page from a mobile browser?



    Mar 08, 2021

    0 notes

    Something's wonky with /EW2KA , it shows just a blank

    Fixed. An interesting case indeed: the archiver answered “yes” to “do you want to download new Adobe Flash“ and the main frame went away to adobe.com

    Mar 06, 2021

    0 notes

    Ads on your website? Is this a new thing or just a test run or necessary to sustain the service?

    A test run.

    I do not think it will stay (or at least be shown to most of the users), as that eventually will require cookie warnings and other crap.

    Mar 06, 2021

    0 notes

    I want to receive the long URL of an archive link and avoid the shortened one. how can I do that?

    There is “share“ button in the header which displays different forms of links

    Mar 05, 2021

    0 notes

    Well, in my opinion, I'm pretty sure people prefer looking at the archive without ads. I mean I can understand why you're experimenting with it, but while there will be some people who like it, there will be people who'll disagree. At least in my opinion.

    There are many drive-by users coming from search engines; ads might be shown only to them, etc

    Mar 05, 2021

    0 notes

    Noticed you put ads on the archives. Is this gonna be common now?

    just experimenting, let’s see

    Mar 05, 2021

    0 notes

    Some archive requests are urgent, and some are not. Perhaps you could add an option to specify? That way, urgent requests could be prioritized, and then it wouldn't be so much of a problem.

    That was implemented many years ago. Batch of similar URLs gets lower priority. There are many rules like that.

    Mar 05, 2021

    0 notes

    That "User Abandonment is not the thing to avoid, it is the goal" means you are planning to deprecate or shut down archive-today ?If true, there are plans to publish mirrors and allow us to download the pages we saved?

    I meant, there too many submissions than I can deal with. It results in queue for many hours, so pages the people want to archive get disappeared while their are waiting in the queue. So, unconvinient submission process is the feature, not the bug. Would it be convenient, the waiting time will be infinite. 

    Mar 05, 2021

    0 notes

    So is fixing this "performance issue" a top priority so that the archivers can avoid being MTIMed by the google captcha again? Or is this like the broken "download zip" function that was going to be fixed "in a few weeks" eight or nine months ago? Have you considered KeyCAPTCHA instead?

    likely, yes.

    8000+ elements in the queue is a problem, while captcha paranoia is not. I am not ready to invest neither time nor money in calming people.

    User Abandonment is not the thing to avoid, it is the goal

    Mar 03, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you please check why archive i32oD (for URL fgw,nmg,gov,cn) failed? The website should open fine. Seems their server is not accepting connections from archive-is

    It is just too slow from outside of China, so the browser window remained blank after 60 second of waiting :(

    I retried with bigger timeout

    Mar 02, 2021

    0 notes

    I have two questions: #1: It seems as if a captcha is now required for every submission. This is very inconvenient. Can we please have it that one has to "prove" only once, or maybe a few times per day, that we are not robots? And #2, can we please have this add-on for FF mobile? Ever so often when I'm on the road and browsing the web on my phone, I would like to add a site to the archive, but can't since a few months now (since my latest FF upgrade). It used to exist. :(

    1. It is temporary, while there is an unfixed performance issue. And it is valid for 30 minutes.

    2. The extensions are not mine, try to contact the author, John Navas. He wrote an Android app too.

    Mar 01, 2021

    0 notes

    can you expand -> 9Jw07


    Mar 01, 2021

    0 notes

    February 2021

    Still having problems with really long queue times - literally hours sometimes. Any updates?

    I added more machines with workers. They were able to make captures faster than people submit new tasks.

    Few days after, the amount of submissions increased again revealing new bottlenecks - in disk writing throughput and in available RAM.

    It seems that simple scaling is not the right way ahead, I have kick off half the submitters somehow (by asking $0.01 per task, or by more complex captcha, ...)

    Feb 28, 2021

    0 notes

    Any chance you can expand the "+" things at archive/pftiQ (bluefcu: bank/savings)? Thanks.


    Feb 27, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you please remove the cookies pop up box on the following archived pages: /FmESx /nkGCo /p1sMu /rmQRx /7fyz0 /XRBtL /heXOX /SW1uE /pofaG ? Also, could you unfold the “Vis alle afdelinger” button on /SW1uE ? Thank you.

    Fixed locally, will be online with the next deploy (in 3-4 hours)

    Feb 26, 2021

    0 notes

    Could you click on the read more in: /XYMZq ?

    There is nothing behind read mode. Even on pages where the button works, it is not an unfold button but an external website link

    Feb 24, 2021

    0 notes

    What are your thoughts regarding ipfs? Have you looked into it's viability for your project? What have you determined?

    I think it is possible, but tricky.

    Archive’s snapshots are not immutable, you see, there are tons of requests to fix layout or to remove hovering modals. The fixes are applied retroactively. That means IPFS hashes will change over time?

    Feb 20, 2021

    0 notes

    Would you be able to unfold Pixiv? for ex. /ha2nH tysm for everything regardless!!!


    Feb 19, 2021

    0 notes

    I think this is wonderful but I worry about authorities shutting you down for political control reasons. Is there: (a) A decentralized un-sinkable peer-swarm version of this service possibly in the works? Or, (b) a FOSS project that would let me roll-my-own archive-dot-personal?

    (a). https://arweave.org/, but they have some sort of pre-moderation, not sure how compatible with political control

    https://etched.page/ - archiving pages on bitcoin blockhain

    Feb 19, 2021

    0 notes

    For some sites like this one /UwUUh it happens, that the scroll while capturing will result in a redirect to the home page. Is there a way to fix this behaviour?

    yes, fixed

    There is just a list of websites which must not be scrolled. Probably, need to add some heuristics, as number of such sites is growing quickly.

    Feb 18, 2021

    0 notes

    Is it better to ask you to remove cookie pop-ups from previously saved pages, or simply re-archive a page? ex. jyrX3

    yes, removed

    Feb 17, 2021

    0 notes

    Hello! Unfortunately, GitHub pages cannot be archived. "Confirm your account recovery settings" page is displayed, instead of the target page's content. Please, fix the problem if possible. Example: archive vn ZTlnr .


    Feb 17, 2021

    0 notes

    Can I save recently removed content that is still available on google cache using archive is?


    Feb 15, 2021

    0 notes

    Being fair here, have you ever considered partnering with the Internet archive?

    No. I do not understand that culture of declaring “we are partnering with [long list of sound names here]“.

    Feb 14, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you remove the 2 popups in /YEsok ??


    Feb 13, 2021

    0 notes

    People often compare various features of archive.is to those of archive.org being mistaken by name similarity (and recently added "save a page" function to archive.org).

    This project is different in at least two respects:

    1. We have no goal to save the entire Internet. Only manually submitted pages which may be deleted/altered soon. We are about 100x smaller than archive.org in the storage space (700TB vs. 70PB) and expenses (X,000 $/mo vs. X00,000 $/mo).

    2. The pages are not saved in their network form. Archive.today launches real browsers (not even headless) and tries to load lazy images, unroll folded content, login into accounts if prompted with login form, remove "subscribe our maillist" modals, ... So archive.today is not suitable for making notarized or digitally signed snapshots.

    It would be more correct to compare it with other thread unrollers.

    Feb 12, 2021

    2 notes

    Are you able to get around Steam's age gates? Some items in the Steam store and community asks if the user is at least 18 years old, or show a note that says the item may not be suitable for view. Examples (they work differently) - puynZ (need to select an age old enough), pVLfY (confirm that the viewer wants to see the content, by clicking the button)


    Feb 12, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you press the "Read more" button on the togetter (MF80s)?


    Feb 11, 2021

    0 notes

    If someone, purely hypothetically, would have typed in wwwchildporncom (but with the dots) or whatever on the Wayback Machine, not out of any desire to ever actually watch any child porn, but rather out of a desire to see if the Wayback Machine indeed contains child porn--and, if it does, to report this to the relevant government and/or law enforcement authorities--are you going to report this search on the Wayback Machine to either the United States government or anyone else?

    I do not review searches (technically I can, just do not remember me doing that). But keep in mind that the search function is powered by Google, so ...

    Feb 11, 2021

    0 notes

    How much would it cost to archive YouTube videos? Could you add the option for users to watch ads to pay for it, when they want to archive one?

    I think, archiving videos is not be possible to do.

    All video platforms monetize aggressively, not only show ads but have paid subscription, merchants, affiliate programs. And not all are profitable, they also eat investor money.

    Their videos people do watch, people’s attention is captured. which is good for monetizing. That would not be achievable on the video archive ...but the maintenance costs will be the same.

    Feb 10, 2021

    2 notes

    What are the factors that affect the speed at which an archive snapshot is completed? (Ex: bandwidth, # queries, webpage size)

    Every page is scrolled here and there to get lazy elements loaded, and it is intentionally slow (with human speed) to trigger new lazy loads and not to abort those which might be in progress. So, bandwidth is not the bottleneck here.

    It takes 1-2 minutes even with empty queue and simple pages.

    Feb 10, 2021

    0 notes

    Can I use this to archve complete videos from youtube and will I be able to access them even if youtube takes them down?

    No. You need “youtube-dl”

    Feb 10, 2021

    0 notes

    I have seen on the blog that you are able to expand elements on sites that are broken upon loading. I noticed that archived biographies of the Danish Parliament (ft on the dk TLD) have the content hidden by default, and the accordion expander doesn't work. This renders the archived page almost useless (the content is still there if you view source). Would it be possible to fix the expander or screenshot the page with the CV opened? Thanks in advance. Example broken archive: id BL3Du


    Feb 09, 2021

    0 notes

    Can you please expand answers of pt. quora. com? E.g. R629V


    Feb 09, 2021

    0 notes

    Does a tab need to be open in order for the archiving process to continue, or is closing and leaving it fine?

    Closing and leaving is fine, but you have to remember/bookmark the link to get back.

    Feb 06, 2021

    0 notes

    Is there an option to disable javascript? One newspaper article is fully visible if I disable JS.

    Yes. Tell me their domain.

    Feb 04, 2021

    0 notes

    About that last question, what if there was no list of URLs, just a list of organizations that have requested content removal with the approx number of URLs that were accepted/rejected? sorry if annoying this is my last question on the subject

    That would be the instruction whom to annoy to get the content removed :)

    At least two of the law-enforcement agencies (in relatively small countries) do collaborate with commercial reputation services. There were the cases when at first the content (pretty benign, like a post on Reddit) was reported anonymously as controversial, then there was a request from a commercial reputation service, and then the same page appeared in the list from law-enforcers among the child porn.

    The top requesters are (the numbers are of whole hidden pages, there are also hundreds of individual images which are difficult to count because most of them are on those pages too):


    1668 Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) 1197 EU Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU)  860 L'Office Central de Lutte contre la Criminalité liée aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (OCLCTIC)  195 Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu  159 디지털 성범죄 피해자 지원센터  125 Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit Metropolitan Police Service   93 The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)

    Feb 03, 2021

    0 notes

    Is there a transparency report for regional/worldwide blocks, i.e. a list of or just the number of archived URLs that are blocked in the different regions?

    I do not think it is a good idea, it will cause a storm of new requests against non-fully-blocked pages and also against the list itself.

    Feb 03, 2021

    0 notes

    I keep getting the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. What should I do? I made sure Chrome was updated and restarted and everything but nothing seems to work.

    Are you using Cloudflare DNS ( ? There is a known problem with it

    Feb 03, 2021

    1 note

    Is "archive today" operated by the same team than "archive org"?


    Feb 03, 2021

    1 note

    When will you enable creating YouTube snapshots again?

    I do not know, there are 3.000+ items in the queue even without YouTube and after kicking off seo spammers (there were 50.000+ with them).

    If I enable YouTube then the queue will be few days long, because each YouTube page needs 5-10 retries to break through their captcha.

    Feb 02, 2021

    0 notes

    When you recieved a takedown request by some agencies, do you just block it only from particular region? Or delete it completly? Do you cooperate with them? Thanks.

    Mostly regional. Child porn is hidden worldwide, the same pages get reported by many regional law-enforcement agencies simultaneously, so I do not wait for requests from all over the world and hide those pages worldwide on the first of the requests.

    Feb 01, 2021

    0 notes

    January 2021

    Related to the two anonymous questions about IP logs, do you ever report the IPs who access problematic content to authorities?

    This has not happened yet

    Jan 31, 2021

    0 notes