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X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshots (Windows)

User Screenshots

Windows version

Main menu
Intro: Mankind first trips into space
It's not as boring as it looks here...
Pretty graphics from the "credits section"; here you see a construction facility
Also from the "credits section"; fighters attacking a space station
Jump into hyperspace / warp-speed
Communicating with a Teladi Captain
Info on a flower farm, one of many industrial structures
The green lights indicate where you need to dock
Everytime you enter a structure you get to see a short movie clip like this one (after a while you'll just press ESC ;->)
Let's buy some sunrise flowers at the flower farm
You can only save your progress by buying a "Salvage Insurance"
When you have enough cash you can even buy your own factories and become a businessman/woman
Getting info on an enemy ship (in this game the baddies are called Xenons)
The "Elite" series has space-stations just like this one
Your experimental shuttle, as seen from the camera behind your ship. It's the only ship you'll get to fly in this game
Firing with my lasers at a capital ship. There's some combat but the game really is more about trading.
Map of a sector
The background images are very nice, also note the lens flare

Official Screenshots

  • X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshot
  • X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshot
  • X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshot
  • X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshot
  • X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshot
  • X: Beyond the Frontier Screenshot