I started playing this. Got into the space station. Accepted a contract. Saved the game. Exited the game. The save seems to have not taken - When i loaded my character I was back at the beginning, not in the station. Is saving in game working? Or doyou need to save as you exit the game? Or is there something else I am not aware of? Thank you for polite answers.
ok, thanks and thanks for the answer. LOL - was confusing me - so best to save just before taking the contract and/or just after completing it - got it.
thanks - working now. Trying a miner - went right to the asteroid belt nearby, mined and saved on the way back. Will do the mining contract after. Thanks. Seems to be easier than EVE, which is good, while at the same time having the feel of EVE without other players trying to kill me as I mine. Which is exactly what I have been looking for. Will try multi-player once i have a feel for it.
You can save at any other point in time or place.
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