I've seen various comments in forums elsewhere about this but just wanted to know exactly how many people at ars have been totally f***ed over by the Halo3 save game system.
My memory is by no means great, but I am fairly sure that in previous Halo games when you hit a checkpoint it would automatically return to that point when you continued in solo mode.
So why the hell is it that I stay up all night to complete Halo 3 and then when I try to return to the game I am only about 50 minutes into it?
Am I missing some significant change to the Halo checkpoint system?
How did you exit the game? |
Add me to the list of frustrated players who did not save before exiting. I left the game alone for a few days after my first time experiencing this. |
I didn't have a problem with it keeping my checkpoints and I never hit save and quit once. However, when I try to resume campaign it just puts me right back on the starting level. |
Yeah it's pretty lame that this is still going on. I specifically remember being pissed about forgetting to save and quit in the original Halo. |
I just hate the fact that the checkpoints are seemingly random! |
Have you not played Halo 2? I believe it's the same system - gotta save. |
I don't recall having this issue in Halo 2. |
You get an encounter and you need to finish off all the guys around. Its not supernatural. Mobs come, clear mobs, checkpoint, run forward, cutscene, checkpoint, mobs spawn, clear mobs, checkpoint. What your problem is most likely is that your leaving one grunt somewhere freaking out after it ran away. This is not clearing the mobs, go back and kill it. Get a check point. Later on at the more complex scenes with many vehicles and tanks trying to blow you up the game is generous enough to give you checkpoints - in combat practically - when you do blow up any of those vehicles because it gives you save anytime you make significant progress through a larger encounter, something Halo 2 didn't do and Halo didn't need to because it wasn't on the same scale. So my theory is that you just aren't very good. |
You won't get a checkpoint when there's still guys around. It's to avoid letting you just rush through the level as fast as you can to get to the next checkpoint. If you actually clear the guys out, the game is very generous with the checkpoints. Much more so than Halo and Halo 2. |
Is this because a hard drive is no longer always present as it was on XBox 1? |
To clarify you only need to manually save when you're ending your play session, not when hitting checkpoints. |
The checkpoints adjust to your ability. If you keep dying at a particular point, a checkpoint will pop up just before that point. This happened to me many times while playing solo on Heroic. |
i had a problem with the checkpoints, but mine was a little different. on Tsavo Highway (sp?), i was riding on back of the Warthog operating the turret and the driver decided to just sit there and take a couple of hits from a Phantom (the one that fires the blue energy balls?). well, it killed the driver and passenger but not me, and then saved almost immediatly. when i tried to"revert to Last Save", it kept putting me back sitting there like an asshole on the back of a Warthog with no drivers. i could either drive with no way to fire, or fire with no way to drive...i had to restart the level. |
I lost about 8 hours of singler player gaming due to my not saving my game. My fault yes, bad game design, yes. |
Are you SURE you lost the time? If you got the Achievement for completing a level, then you didn't lose the time. You can go into Campaign, Local, and pick up on the next level, far as I'm aware. |