WEB限定品の紹介など、アンド ザ フリットのこだわりが詰まったオンラインストア
Shop the very latest flavor of DRIED FRIET and web limited goods at AND THE FRIET Official online store
Come enjoy a casual gourmet French Fry stand with delicious French Fries made-to-order from a fine selection of seasonal potatoes
A delightful variety of dipping sauces, toppings, and tasty side dishes are also available to enjoy along with your gourmet French Fries
"DRIED FRIET” is made from flavorful yellow Belgian potatoes and proudly produced by AND THE FRIET
お店の最新情報から国内外の音楽やクリエイティブ情報まで、AND THE FRIETがお届けするカルチャーブログ
Please see the AND THE FRIET official blog for special shop updates and other interesting related topics