Angels Love
"Ryo is an angel. I believed we would be able to communicate to each other even though I could not speak Japanese."
Ryo – my Japanese Angel.
Taking every chance for another hug.
Despite the lack of fine motor skills Ryo can eat with chopsticks. Impressive.
Going shopping with big sister Keiko can be exhausting. Glad the floor is cosy.
Before Sport activities is Ryo once again taking every chance he can for another hug.
Watching TV with the friends at Daycare can be such a joy.
Like everyone with Angelman Syndrome the fascination for water is big.
"I believe in Angels. We have our own angel in my family. His name is Erik & he’s diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome."
Sleepy. Mother Masako is making it comfy at the floor.
Waiting for the bus. Ryo is taking every chance to get another hug.
The School uniform is on. Ready to start the day.
"Even though he can’t talk he is constantly speaking. Just like with all angels, it is up to us to stop and listen"
Ryo do not like to get his teeth brushed, but it helps to get entertained by holding a paper.