October 8, 2015
For the last few years, I have been telling people that the British “Royal Family” are absolutely not as they seem. […] I have said that these people are absolutely not British in any aspect, but are criminals, frauds, and have absolutely no rights to the British throne at all..
Now, I want to reveal through an article from my friend, Whitewraithe, who writes the blog: Pragmatic Witness, that amazing article, entitled: “Britain’s Jewish Royal Family” right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do, of course, have some additional thoughts and comments to follow:
Britain’s Jewish Royal Family
What we have been sold is no less than the groundwork for the imposition of a future Jewish Monarchy in Great Britain. And engineered by the House of Rothschild, whose relations and puppets on Wall Street and in the City of London are responsible for a deliberatly created international financial crisis aimed at creating a one world currency system, a one world bank and a New World Order, one world government.
As one Royal insider commented “An insecure immigrant Royal family who have never felt at ease with the British people, and always more secure with immigrants and outsiders, and an alliance with the richest Jewish family in the world, heads of what is increasingly being re-Christened “The Jew World Order, who also seek to raise their status, is perceived by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh as the best guarantor of their family’s future and safety. In short, we will one day see a Rothschild Royal family.”
Many people still cannot get Kate Middleton or why she, a supposed ‘commoner’ would marry Prince William. But hidden right under our noses is the truth the controlled mainstream media is hiding. Kate Middleton is a Jew from a maternal line of non-practicing, assimilated and poor Sephardic Jews aligned to the Church of England. Her mother whose maiden name is Goldsmith, practicing or not, is Jewish and under Jewish law if the mother is Jewish then the children are Jewish, therefore the children of Prince William will be legally Jewish….especially as William, under Judaic law, is also a Jew!
Under Jewish law if William and Kate have children their children will be Jews!
Princess Diana was a Jew because her mother was a Jew therefore Princes William and Harry: See also: Huffington Post — A Jewish King And Queen Of England? It’s Possible
In Tina Brown’s book ‘The Diana Chronicles’, the author claims that Princess Diana’s Jewish mother Frances Shand Kydd had a long-running affair with Sir James Goldsmith during her marriage to Earl Spencer. She suggests that Diana, who was born in 1961, was Goldsmith’s love child and not Spencer’s daughter. Even so the father’s line is irrelevant as Jewishness travels down the matriarchal line and Diana’s mother was a Jew. See also: The Times of Israel — Will the Future King of England Be Jewish?
The Goldschmidts, like their neighbors and relatives, the Rothschilds, had been prosperous merchant bankers in Frankfurt, Germany since the 16th century.(Wikipedia). In 1773, Mayer Rothschild invited Goldschmidt, (Goldsmith), Schiff, Oppenheimer, Warburg and eight other ambitious Jewish businessmen to his goldsmith shop. Together they formulated a long term plan […].
The original and current Jewish definition of a “born Jew” is a person whose mother is Jewish. Judaism is passed down in a matriarchal lineage. Prince William’s mother, Princess Diana, had a Jewish mother (Frances Ruth Burke Roche; a Rothschild) and she likely had a Jewish father (though his lineage would be irrelevant under Jewish law). That would make William – Jewish.
Diana shares a striking physical resemblance to the children of Sir James Goldsmith – Zak Goldsmith, Ben Goldsmith and Jemima Goldsmith. They are allegedly Diana’s half brothers and sister.
Following the Rothschild protocol of interbreeding to keep the power and wealth all-in-the-family, Diana’s alleged half brother Ben Goldsmith wed Kate Rothschild in 2003.
Princess Diana’s other alleged half brother, Zac Goldsmith, divorced his wife after he was elected British MP. He is now living with Alice Rothschild. This Rothschild-Goldsmith couple is also expected to marry.
Many people were perplexed why parliament should — recently, during one of it’s most busy sessions since the war –, have enacted a law allowing Catholics to ascend to the throne. What perplexed them was that the issue was not even on the horizon and there was simply no justification at that stage to use valuable parliamentary time dealing with it. In the light of this theory we can better speculate what was going on. This was an ‘en Passant’ means of allowing Jews to take the throne on the basis of the ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ our cultural Marxist Queen so greatly cherishes.
People have also always been mystified why Charles married Diana in the first place given that he was deeply in love with and had a long-standing relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. But that marriage made perfect sense if the family simply wanted Jewish children for a future Jewish monarchy. Whether the relationship lasted or not was of little importance once the the children were born and how convienient that Diana went the way of a wife of Henry the Eighth.
But the Kate-William marriage also perhaps explains Prince Charles’s dictum that, should he be ruler, he would seek a constitutional change that would remove him from sole governance of the Church of England to become the leader “Of all faiths.” Such a constitutional move would give Judaism parity with Christianity allowing a Jewish member of the Royal Family, for example, even if it were a woman, to ascend to the throne […].
And so the Rothschilds attended the royal wedding in more ways than one!
However, the Talmud states that the leader of the world Jewish takeover would be a King, meaning that, should a male Jew ascend to the throne, such a King would then himself not only be the senior Elder of Zion but also the long awaited Messiah; The King of the Jews. As there are no remnants of the ancient Jewish royalty, and in order to fulfil the prophesy, Jewish royalty must be re-established, and it appears from this evidence that the current British Royal family has become the vehicle of choice.
At last, we come to understand the old Masonic claim that “Jerusalem will be rebuilded here, in England’s green and pleasant land.” The King of the Jews will rule the world from London where the ‘square mile’ of London City no longer belongs to the English people but was long ago sold to the Jews. His castle may well sit on the site of the last Olympic games; an area stolen by the state from the East Londoners who lived and worked there, perhaps in the long term for this very purpose.
Could the New Jerusalem be built in the ‘square-mile’ or could it be built on the Olympic site which was surrounded during the event by the Jewish and Masonic symbol of triangular, pyramid floodlights? Could the arena of the Olympic stadium become the site for the rebuilding of the temple? […]
On a related point, Royal rumour has it that Prince Harry is under great pressure, especially from the Queen, to marry a black woman to help promote the racial genocide of the indigenous British people through mass immigration, cultural Marxism and Zioncorp promoted miscegenation. A series of Jewish and far-left MPs such as Margaret Hodge, using mass third world immigration and fixed housing lists in the East End, have already succeeded in almost wiping out the Cockneys in this effort.
The Queen famously threatened in her 2010 Christmas Speech “The future face of Britain is the face of the Commonwealth.”
i.e.: The end of the white race in the United Kingdom!
For Christ’s sake….
What? Can you refute any of the points this author made? For something that was written in October 2015 he seemed to predict Harry’s marriage with Meghan Markle almost bang on the money. Not to mention they were brought together by a Jewish woman.
Total nonsense it was taken from the protocols of Zion in the 1890s a Russian German Antesemitic book they have just updated it also as for there being no Jews of Dividic origin Try reading the Ubnroken Chain everyone in there is of Dividic Origin If there was any truth to that article the Jews would have already taken over the World and also if this were true why would the Queen make the statement that she will reject any of the children from this marriage not because they are from mixed race but because they will always be too far down the royal line to ever have access to the Throne
You’re a brainwashed stooge or a Jew.
The jews would of already have taken over the world if it weren’t for. Adolf Hitler. He put a end to the rigged jew European automatic banking system in Germany and Europe. And stopped Stalin and his Jews from their communist. Invasion of Europe. Hitler saved the day. America should of never backed the white hater jews. And this is why America is in trouble today.
Jews are parasites and chameleons.
Cromwell the traitor let them back in and now they are embedded thoroughly in the Royal Family.
Just look at all of the hooked noses in that family.
The name-switch and how Christians are invoking Satan Zeus whilst praying to Jesus.
“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
The New Testament was written in a form of Koine Greek, which was the common language of the Eastern Mediterranean from the conquests of Alexander the Great (335-323 BC) until the evolution of Byzantine Greek (c. 600).
Etymology,-Jesus: “Jesus” actually means – “Hail Zeus!” For Iësous in Greek is “Hail Zeus”, “Ie” translates as “Hail” and “sous”or “sus” translates as Zeus. The English name “Jesus”, therefore, stems etymologically from “Jupiter-Zeus” the chief god of the ancient Greek Olympus.” -Biblical Research Institute; 1996 by Les Aron Gosling.
“It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus.” -Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend, Professor J. C. J. Metford.
“In the 1611 KJV New Testament the name Yahshua (Yehoshua) appeared originally wherever the Messiah was spoken of. Yehoshua means Yehovah’s (Jehovah’s) Salvation. Later the Messiah’s name was replaced with Iesus (Greek) which later in the 1600’s it became Jesus starting with the new English letter “J” which was introduced at that time. Further, the Greek “Iesus” comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon.” -Gospel of The Kingdom, True Names and Title, Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley, 1931 – Ohio USA
Just as Tarsus means: Sweat of Zeus; Dionysus means: Son of Zeus;
The letter “J” as in “Jesus” is relatively new in our alphabet— perhaps only 400–500 years old. That’s circa 1,500 years after the birth of the Holy man from Nazareth, so “Jesus” clearly isn’t the Nazarene’s real name.
The name, (NOT the man or personage) “Jesus”, is an Archontic finesse, praising the very opposite of who/what “Jesus” (who is known as Isa in the Quran: “Prophet Isa bin Maryam”, variant: Issa) the Holy man from Nazareth is thought to represent. The complete (code) name “Jesus Christ” is a grand Archontic inversion. Christ is from chrism (Chi), the life force embedded within us (not outside us!).
On the one hand, the name “Jesus Christ” serves as a misdirection for Christians to search outside of themselves for the demonic “Zeus Consciousness”, (the life force within Zeus, Satan, the demiurge). The pure Christ/Chrism/Chi life force, in fact, can only be found embedded within our-Self. On the other hand, this misdirection serves also as a cunning ploy to hail Zeus, another subliminal mask of the demiurge, the Grand Deceiver, The Master of Deception.
Etymology,-Amen: Similarly, “Amen”, which appears 78 times in the King James Version Bible, derives from Amen Ra (variants: Amun, Amon). Amen Ra, in general terms, is the equivalent in the Egyptian pantheon of gods to Zeus in the Greek pantheon of gods. Thus by saying “Amen” you are further invoking Zeus’ Egyptian equivalent Satan archetype.
Etymology,-Deus: (n.)”God, a god,” mid-13c. in French and Latin salutations and exclamations in English works, see Zeus. Never nativised, but it continued to appear in adopted Latin expressions such as “deus absconditus” hidden god, and “deus ex machina” a power, event, person, or thing that arrives conveniently to solve a difficulty (especially in a play or novel). This (1690s) is from a Modern Latin translation of Greek “apo mekhanes theos”, literally: the god from the machine, the name of the device by which “gods” were suspended over the stage in Greek theatre, from Greek (Attic) “mekhane” device, from PIE “magh-ana” – that which enables, from root “magh” – to be able, have power.
Etymology,-Zeus: who like his father Cronus cannibalised his own children. The destroyer of the human race. Supreme god of the ancient Greek pantheon and supreme overlord of all the other gods. 1706, from Greek, from PIE “dewos” -god (source also of Latin “deus” -god, Old Persian “daiva” -demon, evil god, Old Church Slavonic “deivai”, Sanskrit “deva”), from root “dyeu” -to shine, in derivatives -sky, heaven, god. The god-sense is originally “shining” (false light!), but whether as originally sun-god or as lightener (Lucifer!) is not now clear (pun intended!).
LORD: In the KJV bible “LORD” is capitalised just as our own name is on state documents & on our bank accounts. If a name is written in all capital letters it is a corporate name of a legal fiction. Corporations are spelled with capital letters. Your name in all capital letters is a corporation set up by & for the State. Government is itself a Corporation. So LORD refers to the corporate legal fiction recognised (owned) by the State (itself a fiction) & not the living breathing man who is unrecognised by the State. Otherwise put, in legalese LORD is a fictitious person not a living breathing man & as such is the chattel of the State you subjugate yourself to. The evidence that names are designations of artificial persons &/or legal fictions can be found in the legal definition. Black’s Law Dictionary (6th edition) defines the word name using these exact words: “The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation.” The word corporation is defined by the same law dictionary as, “An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state.” Based on the definitions in this paragraph, in law, a name is a designation of a corporation which is an artificial person.
The “Sun” in ancient times referred to Saturn (the dark or black Sun) from which we get the word “Satan”. The 666 hexagon “Star of Saturn”(star of Remphan &/or Star of Moloch) was lifted from our ancient history, then much later, rebranded as the Judaic “Star of David”. Saturn’s North Pole maintains a hexagonal structure despite gasses moving at hundreds of miles per hour. In astrology Saturn represents limitation, structure, and authority.
The bull horns and Islamic crescent are both artistic representations of Saturn’s crescent which was visible in the sky in our ancient forgotten past.
The symbol of the crucifix is another Archontic inversion. It is not a symbol of love. It is the symbol of an instrument or torture, grotesque pain and slow death. If anything the crucifix is a symbol of man’s inhumanity to man.
The Christian “original sin” (also known as the “ancestral sin”, namely the sin of disobedience) is an oxymoron, a victim/rescuer mindset (a variation on the “Stockholm syndrome” victim/perpetrator mindset). Voilà, you consensually give up control (Energy, belief, Emotion) of your Sovereign Spirit to the very same Archon(s) masquerading as your (false god) rescuer(s). It’s a set-up, a ruse, a stitch-up, a frame job, a bluff, an Hegelian dialectic. In short, if you fall into a victimhood belief trap, the ocean of Consciousness will manifest that reality, care of the Archons. You bring it upon your-Self. This is the “game of Life”.
The “sin” of disobedience is no sin at all, on the contrary, disobedience is a virtue which brings forth Gnosis of Love/Truth through personal direct experience, critical thought, discernment, observation and contemplation. Disobedience is key to Sovereignty, otherwise we forfeit our infinite Potential and become Spiritless slaves and Zeus-worshipping automatons.
Check out Near Death Experiences (NDE), of which there are many accounts, in which the NDEers state words to the effect: “I was harassed by demons and told them to go in the name of Jesus, and so they did”. That’s always sounded very odd to me. Why would demons let you pass in peace in the name of their supposed opposite!? Surely demons would psychically attack you all the more when directly confronted in the name of their opposite polarity? That’s what demons are programmed to do. It makes no sense at all, unless JESUS = IESOUS = HAIL ZEUS (Satan)!, then yes! The army of Satanic demons, Jinns, Fallen Angels & Maras would let you pass because you’re brandishing their same banner of allegiance to Zeus, Satan’s archetype. Now it makes sense!!!
NDE accounts also confirm that Zeus, Satan, Yaldabaoth, the demiurge or any of the devil’s multiple name archetypes (Archon-type!) isn’t just in control of this 3rd Dimension planet Earth but also of our immediate afterlife.
By hook or by crook this is Satan’s fiefdom & so is the immediate afterlife. By invoking, praising or praying to “Jesus” you’re in fact hailing Zeus, Satan’s archetype. What you get is who/what you invoke.
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
-2 Corinthians 11:14 King James Version.
The devil’s greatest trick is NOT making us think he doesn’t exist (if only!), his greatest trick is making us think he is God. You Zeus worshipping automatons really haven’t got the foggiest. You’re dealing with parasitic psycho-illusionists & Grand Masters of Deception!
In a singularity convergence the Mystics of old, who warned us this dimension is an “illusion”, are finally united with modern day Quantum physicists, who tell us this dimension is a “simulation”. So we’ve come full circle to the identical same conclusion. The Buddha Siddhartha Gautama said some 2,500 years ago: “Nothing is as it appears”, “Nothing” is an absolute term.
What an experiential ride it’s been!
“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”
Truth is Love & Love is Truth, TROVE!
I don’t believe any of it, we are all in a game, played over and over through out time..knowledge is only given up if it suits the controller’s. It is all inverted to confuse and to blame for mankind’s folly. There are no Gods who favor this one or that one, no Satan or hell, its always been about us. Humans, our creators , our masters against the unseen. Imagine a race of men who grow up thinking they are better than any other group of men, how ridiculous is that ! The one thing that has always been in your face since man could write is, about freedom, and those who must control, no one wants to talk about the black nobility, almost completely erased from human history.
The Jews, well while its true they must keep the bloodline going and ever reaching, it is not true or has anything whatsoever about religion, religion is the tool in which to control, period. Always has been, the priest, the King, the savor in bare feet, to the bankers in suits.
And now its a virus, humans are still controlled by words, by fear and by those who sit in boardrooms planning your destiny, humanity once again will walk straight into the lion’s cave and again write stick figures of their demise. Maybe , truth will be written for the next batch of humans, if any survive this ridiculous lie once again .