Can anyone explain to me why the uproar from ‘vaccinated’ people about being around ‘unvaxed’ people? My logic is if YOU have the shot, then YOU are protected from Covid. Why do you care if an individual - no shot - is in your presence?? And why do YOU still feel the need to wear a mask?? What is the explanation normies give for this? I’m being sincere with this question. Am I missing something??!!
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Stop using logic, stop questioning, and do what you're told, it should make perfect sense then.
The only key ingredient that you're missing is a fact that they don't feel safe until they feel like they can Control/Dictate every person around them. The Nazis ratting out the Jewish people thought the same thing too. Both groups think their 'cause' is/was all for the greater good.
Ahhhh. Wow.
Widespread mainstream media brainwashing, a lack of common sense, and blind trust for corrupt government agencies and NGOs. That's really all there is to it.
They spent the last 6 months listening to Fauci, the CDC, and MSM telling them that even after the jab they would still have to follow all the protocols to be safe. They have been scared into submission and that fear has taken over any rational thought they may have had.
I could be wrong but...I don't think it's fear, I think it's narcissism.
I call them Narxists-It's a mash up. Marxist thought successfully implanted by their narcisstic love of seeing themselves as righteous saviors or righteous victims or both- in whatever Hollywood movie they're watching in their heads. And definitely on their Darpa black op "social media."
Good point
Ughhhhh! Me banging my head against a wall!!! This makes the saying ‘stupid is as stupid does’ an oxymoron...yikes!
Stupid people act stupidly. Add to that the conflicting info on the MSM about what to do after the injection: Mask/no mask, separating injected from un-injected at sports events, etc. Also, I think it's got something to do with the fact that these kind of people got off on feeling in control as they berated those without a mask, and now they've just transferred that behavior to the injections.
You cannot reason with irrational thinking.
I think I've read the JAB does not keep you from getting COVID. It just supposedly lessons the symptoms. They are already parroting people getting the shot, will probably have to get a third shot and keep up with boosters! What a crock of crap they come up with for the supposed scamdemic. They're losing the narrative and battle against the unvaxxed!
It should be the other way around. The UNvaxed should avoid the vaxed because they are the super spreaders.
It’s like the flu shot. When folks get a flu shot, to my knowledge, they don’t avoid non flu shot takers or wear a mask around them. Or, for that matter, even bothered to ask others about their flu shot status...especially someone they didn’t know personally. It’s the same reasoning to me.
The actual answer to this question is that it's what Paul called the doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). We're all born with demons, but many let their demons more fully take them over.
The demons are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.
The veridical answer to that question is that the demons (and their updated edition for the modern era, the aliens) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the demons/aliens/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the demons to the fore, to the conscious level. These demons are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.
For much more on what is going on with the demons/aliens/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:
One cannot understand the extreme schizophrenia and sadomasochistic psychopathy of mankind--and hence the appeal that, e.g., etatism holds for many--without incorporating the crucial insight provided by psychologist Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976). And here I'm not speaking of so-called "aberrant" human psychology, but rather simply standard human psychology that all humans are born with due to natural evolution.
They won't take their own shot. ~ TGP
Tucker did a great monologue about this last night.
Ty...will look for that. He amuses me.
Yeah you are missing the fact the vaccinated people are brain dead. First of all the covid vaccine does not stop covid and it does not stop them from spreading covid. However they are shedding the spike protein for a few weeks after being vaccinated so you want to stay away from them anyway because you will end up with the same poison. They are being taught they are gonna die being around unvaccinated lol. Thats why they actually listen to the lies and act on them. Told you brain dead.
It’s not really a there’s that.
Flawed logic akin to that of wearing YOUR mask to protect grandma and quarantining healthy people to protect sick or weak people. It DOESN'T make sense but brainwashed sheeple gonna be good little dutiful sheeple without a thought to whether or not what they're being told by their masters makes sense.
Nazi like control issues as well as mental health issues.