What is the meaning of dissipation in the Bible?
3 Answers
, CEO at NLP Foundation (2011-present)
Updated 8 months ago · Author has 2.5K answers and 341.2K answer views
What is the meaning of dissipation in the Bible? The word ἀσωτία (asōtía) is translated into “dissipation”. Ephesians 5:18 makes a reference to being intoxicated as leading to this. Titus 1:6 uses it as a means to “measure” a man, by being monogamous and having “disciplined” children. I guess it is used in more than one way depending of the understanding of the word by the person using it and those translating it. we have similar words used in multiple ways today.
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, MS Eng + Philosophy, Theology and Psychology
Updated 9 months ago · Author has 21.4K answers and 3.8M answer views
Much like getting a large inheritance and spending it on entertainment so in a few years it is all spent with nothing of much value remaining. That is “dissipating assets”.
This is why I try to save my money living a rather minimal and frugal lifestyle and then spend my money on assets that can increase in productivity.
Examples: an education, a used car so the person can drive to a better job, healthcare so the person can become more productive (but not to maintain dissipative life choices), etc..
Resources/assets are placed in our hands so we can multiply them, not dissipate them so they lose their original value with only memories (or dissipation) left behind.
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Answered 4 years ago · Author has 413 answers and 189.2K answer views
The word ἀσωτία (asōtía) is translated into “dissipation”.
It could be seen as a culture or society breaking apart (dissipating) into anarchy, such as rioting, which is how translations use it in 1 Peter 4:4
Ephesians 5:18 makes a reference to being intoxicated as leading to this.
Titus 1:6 uses it as a means to “measure” a man, by being monogamous and having “disciplined” children.
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, Christian theologian and Bible School operator for more than 2 decades.
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 3.3K answers and 5.6M answer views
The number 888 is a triple confirmation of the biblical meaning of the number 8. It is ostensibly the number of a new creation, new beginning, resurrection, etc.
888 is 111 × 8
When 111 (the number of Divine Trinity) is applied to 8 (the number of new order), we notice this interesting scenario as it concerns the Lord Jesus:
1. With Christ’s Incarnation, we read, “And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” (Luke 2:21)
2. Before Christ’s Transfiguration, we are told, “And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and flashing.” (Luke 9:28–29)
3. After Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, we observe that He showed Himself alive eight times:
  1. appeared alive to Mary Magdalene - Mark 16:9-11
  2. showed Himself to two disciples traveling to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-31
  3. appeared to Simon Peter - Luke 24:32–34
  4. appeared to all the disciples except Thomas - John 20:19-24
  5. a week later appeared to all the eleven when Thomas was present - John 20:26 -29
  6. was seen by 500 believers at one time - 1 Corinthians 15:4–7
  7. met His disciples at the appointed place in Galilee (Matthew 28:16 - 17) and on Galilee's shores (John 21:1 - 24)
  8. met his followers on the Mount of Olives where He gave them instructions before ascending to heaven - Acts 1:3–12
Incidentally, many Christian numerologists believe that 888 represents Jesus as well as The Salvation of Our God. This representation is usually justified through gematria, by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration of Jesus' name (Iesous).
The numerical value obtained by taking the letters of any word or name and adding them up is called the gematria.
Letter Name Value
α alpha 1
β beta 2
γ. gamma 3
δ delta 4
ε epsilon 5
ζ zeta 7
η eta 8
θ theta 9
ι iota 10
κ kappa 20
λ lambda 30
μ mu 40
ν nu 50
ο omicron 70
π pi 80
ρ ro 100
σ sigma 200
τ tau 300
υ upsilon 400
φ phi 500
χ chi 600
ψ psi 700
ω omega 800
Using values from the above table, we can see that the name Jesus (Ιησους , Iesous in Greek) adds up to 888 i.e. I (10) + e (8) + s (200) + o (70) + u (400) + s (200) = 888