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For convenience' sake, we can say that our genre is that of adventure, but we are not interested in forcing our work into a specific genre. Most of the character's actions take place in real-time-doing things like dashing and jumping, hanging from walls, lifting and moving cubes. In battle, however, time will freeze just like it does in conventional role-playing games. Players can then use magic, deathblow techniques, and more. This is like a war simulation, where players need to use their brains to determine weapon combinations and their optimal usage. The parameters affecting the character and thus the player's decisions are many, including HP (Hit Points) and endurance values for the arms, legs, and other body parts. When the adventure starts, players must find the items that they need to solve the puzzles they encounter. The introduction of these new elements makes it difficult to classify the game into one of the same conservative genres that have existed until now. Why did we decide to rise to the challenge of creating such a game? Both inside and outside of our company, people have asked us time and again why we didn't make a simulation role-playing game. This is undoubtedly a game that both looks different and offers a feel of play that is truly different from anything we have ever made. However, it is still a game born from the techniques and know-how we gained from our earlier works. Using these as a base, we added a healthy amount of groping in the dark and produced this new style of play. This is not a simulation role-playing game like my team's previous game, Final Fantasy Tactics; VAGRANT STORY is a step in the evolution of role-playing games, a new simulation role-playing game. In the midst of sequels where popular characters are recycled to get even better reviews, we dared to create a new title for our game. Naturally, even if the game system is different, it is easy to continue the series. If Final Fantasy Tactics had been an "Ogre" game, it would be the third episode, but we thought that it would be better to make it the first episode of the Zodiac Brave Story. A game is not something that you can make by yourself. The design of this game came from the design sense and ideas of our staff and was not the result of conventional product planning . This may seem very natural, but this is something that recently has begun to disappear from the gaming industry. We believe that it is important to return to our origins in natural, even spontaneous, game design. This game was created by sticking with the design sense and ideas of all of the members of our staff. That includes the characteristics from the golden age of games and PS (PlayStation) games. The drama of the story itself is different from the FF Series. If FF is the game industry version of a major Hollywood movie, then VAGRANT STORY is an independent movie to be watched quietly in a small movie theatre. The scale is different, but the burning enthusiasm and the dreams behind the scenes are the same as in the majors. So put down that popcorn, and get ready for an entirely new experience! Yasumi "YAZZ" Matsuno was born in 1965 and joined SQUARE in 1995. His work includes The Legend of Ogre (Director, Scenario and Game Design), Ogre Tactics (Director, Scenario and Game Design), and Final Fantasy Tactics (Director and Scenario Design).
ジャンルは便宜上、ADV(アドベンチャー)となっていますが、私たちはあまりジャンルを意識しているわけではありません。ダッシュ・ジャンプで壁にぶら下がったり、キューブ(箱)を持ち上げたりと、キャラの行動の多くはリアルタイム・アクションです。戦闘は逆にコマンド型RPGのように時間が止まり、プレイヤーは魔法や必殺技を使います。パラメータは膨大で、腕や脚など部位ごとにHPや耐久値があるため、武器との組み合わせや使用条件などあれこれと頭を悩ませる様はさながらウォーSLG(シミュレーションゲーム)のようです。そして、ゲームクリアに必要なアイテム探しや謎解きはアドベンチャー。様々な要素が入り組んでいるため、これまでの保守的なジゃンル分けでは区別しにくいことでしょう。 このようなモノ作りにチャレンジしたのは何故か。社内外から「何故シミュレーションRPGを作らなかったのか?」とよく質問されます。たしかに見た目やプレイ感覚は、これまで私たちが製作してきたゲームとは違います。しかし、これまでに培った技術やノウハウを基に“新たな遊び”を模索した結果、生まれたのがこのゲームです。前作(FFT)ようなシミュレーションRPGではありませんが、私にとってこのベイグラントストーリーはシミュレーションRPGの進化形、新たなシミュレーションRPGなのです。 シリーズの続編やキャラクターものが人気ランキングの上位を占める中、あえて私たちは新規タイトルにこだわりました。もちろん、システムが違ってもシリーズを引き継ぐのは簡単です。これがオウガならエピソード3を乗せたでしょうし、ゾディアックブレイブ(FFT)のワン・エピソードでもよかったことでしょう。しかし、ゲームは一人で作るものではありません。商品企画ありきではなく、スタッフひとりひとりが持つセンスやアイデアをベースにゲームをデザインする…、ごく当たり前の、しかし最近は失われつつあるスタンス、…そんなモノ作りの原点に戻ることが重要でした。
スタッフひとりひとりのこだわりとセンスによって製作されたゲーム。そこには『古きよき時代のゲーム性』もあれば『PSならではのゲーム性』もあります。そして、FFシリーズとは異なるドラマ性もあります。FFをハリウッドのメジャー映画に例えるならば、ベイグラントストーリーは小さな映画館でひっそりと上映されるインディーズ映画かもしれません。規模こそ違えど、制作者たちの熱い情熱と夢はけっしてメジャーにはひけをとらないはず。 【経歴】1965年生まれ。95年入社。代表作「伝説のオウガバトル」(ディレクター/シナリオ/ゲームデザイン)、「タクティクスオウガ」(ディレクター/シナリオ/ゲームデザイン)、「ファイナルファンタジータクティクス」(ディレクター/シナリオ)